calibre-customize - calibre-customize

calibre-customize valmöguleikar

Sérsníða Calibre með því að hlaða inn ytri viðbótum.

Whenever you pass arguments to calibre-customize that have spaces in them, enclose the arguments in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with spaces"

Setja inn viðbót með því að tilgreina slóðina á ZIP-skrána sem geymir viðbótina.
For plugin developers: Path to the folder where you are developing the plugin. This command will automatically zip up the plugin and update it in calibre.
Customize plugin. Specify name of plugin and customization string separated by a comma. The customization string is the same as you would enter when customizing the plugin in the main calibre GUI.
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Kovid Goyal

Kovid Goyal

febrúar 14, 2025 7.26.0