ros-template(1) ros-template(1)

ros-template - Edit template for ros-init

ros template command args...

Create new template in local-project directory.
Remove a template from local-project directory.
Show file list and states of the files type chmod rewrite in templates.
When invoked without template-name,this command shows candidates for current templates to operate.If with template-name, this command choose the name as current template.
Add files to current template.First parameter could taken as a template-name when current template are default.
Show contents in the current template.
Edit content of files in template using /usr/bin/editor.
Show native path of files in template.
Remove file form current template.
Change file type. current choice for types are djula or copy {{name}} {{author}} {{email}} {{universal_time}} are available variable in the template file. Withoug files, change default type.
Change file mode bits to generate. specify mode in octal format.
Change file name using djula template.Variables {{name}} {{author}} {{email}} {{universal_time}} are available for rewrite-rule.
Export files in current template to current directory.
Import template in current directory
Show the subcommand help.

The ros-template(1) command manages templates of projects.

First, the init sub-command creates an empty template.

$ ros template init sample-template

Many of sub-commands take a template name as first argument. But you can omit it by the checkout sub-commands. After the following, such sub-commands are applied to sample-template.

$ ros template checkout sample-template

Next, the add sub-command adds local file[s] to template. Then, the list sub-command shows information of files in template.

$ echo "Hello {{ author }}!!" > sample.txt
$ ros template add sample.txt
$ ros template list
      copy  sample.txt 

The word copy means a strategy when applying the template. There are the following 2 strategies.

copy simply copies the file as-is.
djula processes the content of the file by template engine, Djula (
Available variables are explained later.

The type sub-command changes it. In addition, default strategy (copy) can be changed for each template by the type sub-command without file names (Ex. ros template type djula).

$ ros template type djula sample.txt
$ ros template list
      djula sample.txt 

The sample.txt will be simply output as sample.txt in default. But you can change it by the rewrite sub-command. In the following example, it will be output as sample_<project name>.txt.

$ ros template rewrite sample.txt "sample-{{ name }}.txt"
$ ros template list
      djula sample.txt -> "sample-{{ name }}.txt"

Note: Rewrite rules are always processed by Djula irrespective of strategy of the file.

ros-init(1) can specify a template.

$ mkdir temp ; cd temp
$ ros init sample-template some-project
$ ls
$ cat sample-some-project.txt # Assume that "author" is "alien"
Hello alien!!

The file name and its content are processed by Djula as explained in the above. The following variables can be used in defaut.

{{name}}: A project name specified in ros-init(1)
{{author}}: An author name extracted from config of Git or whoami
{{email}}: An e-mail address extracted from config of Git or created using whoami and hostname
{{universal_time}}: A universal time created by get-universal-time function

In addition, you can use original variables as the followings.

$ echo "Hello {{ area }}!!" > sample.txt
$ ros template add sample.txt # Note: It overwrites existing
$ mkdir temp ; cd temp
$ ros init sample-template roswell --area 51
$ cat sample-roswell.txt
Hello 51!!

Basically, ros-template(1) is designed to internally manage added files.

However, if you want to, for example, manage it using Git in a local directory or to install distributed templates, you can use the export and import sub-commands.

First, the export sub-command exports added files and a setting file roswell.init.<template name>.asd that is internally created and editted.

$ ros template export dir
$ ls dir
roswell.init.sample-template.asd  sample.txt
$ cat dir/sample.txt
Hello {{ area }}!!

Second, the import sub-command imports them.

# Assume that this is another machine...
$ ros template list sample-template # nothing is output 
$ ls downloaded
roswell.init.sample-template.asd  sample.txt
$ ros template import downloaded
$ ros template list sample-template
      djula sample.txt -> "sample-{{ name }}.txt"

Note: If there is a template whose name is same, it will be overwritten.

ros(1) ros-init(1)

Roswell Project Team.