ros-init(1) ros-init(1)

ros-init - Create a roswell script (optionally based on a template)

ros init [TEMPLATE] NAME [ARGS...]]

Specifies the name of a template, defaulted to default template. However, if TEMPLATE is not specified and FILENAME matches one of the templates being stored, then it automatically uses the template. To suppress this behavior, you should explicitly specify TEMPLATE as default.

Thus you are warned when you use this command from a shell script. In order to achieve a consistent and desired behavior, it is adviced that they should always explicitly specify the template name.

Specify the output filename, or “-” to indicate stdout. When TEMPLATE is default, it automatically appends a file type “.ros”.

Initialises a roswell file based on a template. User-specified templates can be added by ros-template(1).

The default template is something like:

#|-*- mode:lisp -*-|#
#| <Put a one-line description here>
exec ros -Q -- $0 "$@"
(progn ;;init forms
  ;;#+quicklisp (ql:quickload '() :silent t)
(defpackage :ros.script.test.3703600390
  (:use :cl))
(in-package :ros.script.test.3703600390)
(defun main (&rest argv)
  (declare (ignorable argv)))
;;; vim: set ft=lisp lisp:

This is basically a shell script which immediately invokes Roswell by exec (see sh(1)). Roswell loads the same script as an input, skips multi-line comments, reads the rest of the file as a Common Lisp program, and finally invokes a function main with command-line arguments.

sbcl(1) ros(1) ros-template(1)

Roswell Project Team.