microsol-apc - Driver for APC Back-UPS BR UPS equipment

microsol-apc -h

microsol-apc -a UPS_NAME [OPTIONS]


This man page only documents the hardware-specific features of the microsol-apc driver. For information about the core driver, see nutupsdrv(8).

This driver supports the following UPS models:

•APC Back-UPS BZ1500-BR
•APC Back-UPS BZ2200I-BR

In 2009, Schneider Electric acquired Microsol Technologies, and by 2012, the entire Microsol line was being sold under the APC brand. This driver supports these newer, APC-branded models. Older equipment should use solis(8).

This driver support the following extra optional settings in the ups.conf(5).

battext = n - (default = 0, no extra battery, where n = Ampere*hour )

prgshut = 1 - (default = 0, no programmable shutdown )

•shutdown.return - Shut down in .3 minutes and restart in .3 minutes
•shutdown.stayoff - Shut down in .3 minutes and do not return

For other APC-Microsol models, the reported voltages, currents and power will be incorrect, as the communication protocol reports unprocessed data instead of real values, needing model-specific post-processing by the driver. Monitoring of UPS state (on-battery/on-line, critical battery) should work for other models, but is untested.

•Ygor A. S. Regados <ygorre@tutanota.com>
•Roberto P. Velloso <rvelloso@gmail.com>
•Silvino B. Magalhães <sbm2yk@gmail.com>


The NUT (Network UPS Tools) home page: https://www.networkupstools.org/

05/20/2024 Network UPS Tools 2.8.2