ewfrecover LOCAL ewfrecover

ewfrecoverexports media data stored in EWF files

ewfrecover [-A codepage] [-l log_filename] [-p process_buffer_size] [-t target] [-hquvVx] ewf_files

ewfrecover is a utility to recover corrupt EWF files.

ewfrecover is part of the libewf package. libewf is a library to access the Expert Witness Compression Format (EWF).

ewf_files the first or the entire set of EWF segment files

The options are as follows:

the codepage of header section, options: ascii (default), windows-874, windows-932, windows-936, windows-949, windows-950, windows-1250, windows-1251, windows-1252, windows-1253, windows-1254, windows-1255, windows-1256, windows-1257 or windows-1258
shows this help
logs recover errors and the digest (hash) to the log filename
the process buffer size (default is the chunk size)
the target file to recover to (default is recover)
verbose output to stderr
print version
use the chunk data instead of the buffered read and write functions.



ewfrecover will ask the information it needs.

ewfrecover corrupt.E01
ewfrecover 20120805

Export started at: Mon Aug  6 07:09:34 2012

This could take a while.
Export completed at: Mon Aug 6 07:09:34 2012 MD5 hash calculated over data: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e ewfrecover: SUCCESS

ewfrecover notcorrupt.E01
ewfrecover 20120805

EWF file(s) are not corrupted.

Errors, verbose and debug output are printed to stderr when verbose output -v is enabled. Verbose and debug output are only printed when enabled at compilation.

Please report bugs of any kind on the project issue tracker: https://github.com/libyal/libewf-legacy/issues

These man pages were written by Joachim Metz.

Copyright 2006-2014, Joachim Metz <joachim.metz@gmail.com>.

This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

ewfacquire(1), ewfacquirestream(1), ewfexport(1), ewfinfo(1), ewfmount(1), ewfverify(1)

January 19, 2014 libewf