ewfrecover LOCAL ewfrecover NAME ewfrecover - exports media data stored in EWF files SYNOPSIS ewfrecover [-A codepage] [-l log_filename] [-p process_buffer_size] [-t target] [-hquvVx] ewf_files DESCRIPTION ewfrecover is a utility to recover corrupt EWF files. ewfrecover is part of the libewf package. libewf is a library to access the Expert Witness Compression Format (EWF). ewf_files the first or the entire set of EWF segment files The options are as follows: -A codepage the codepage of header section, options: ascii (default), windows-874, windows-932, windows-936, windows-949, windows-950, windows-1250, windows-1251, windows-1252, windows-1253, windows-1254, windows-1255, windows-1256, windows-1257 or windows-1258 -h shows this help -l log_filename logs recover errors and the digest (hash) to the log filename -p process_buffer_size the process buffer size (default is the chunk size) -t target the target file to recover to (default is recover) -v verbose output to stderr -V print version -x use the chunk data instead of the buffered read and write functions. ENVIRONMENT None FILES None EXAMPLES ewfrecover will ask the information it needs. Recovering a corrupted image ewfrecover corrupt.E01 ewfrecover 20120805 Export started at: Mon Aug 6 07:09:34 2012 This could take a while. ... Export completed at: Mon Aug 6 07:09:34 2012 MD5 hash calculated over data: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e ewfrecover: SUCCESS Trying to recover a non-corrupted image ewfrecover notcorrupt.E01 ewfrecover 20120805 EWF file(s) are not corrupted. DIAGNOSTICS Errors, verbose and debug output are printed to stderr when verbose output -v is enabled. Verbose and debug output are only printed when enabled at compilation. BUGS Please report bugs of any kind to or on the project website: http://code.google.com/p/libewf/ AUTHOR These man pages were written by Joachim Metz. COPYRIGHT Copyright 2006-2014, Joachim Metz . This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. SEE ALSO ewfacquire(1), ewfacquirestream(1), ewfexport(1), ewfinfo(1), ewfmount(1), ewfverify(1) libewf January 19, 2014 libewf