GUM(1) | A tool for glamorous shell scripts. | GUM(1) |
gum - A tool for glamorous shell scripts.
gum [options...] [argument...]
- -h, --help
- Show context-sensitive help.
- -v, --version
- Print the version number
Choose an option from a list of choices
--cursor-prefix="• " Prefix to
show on the cursor item (hidden if limit is 1)
- --cursor.align="left"
- Text Alignment
- --cursor.background=""
- Background Color
- --cursor.bold
- Bold text
- --cursor.border-background=""
- Border Background Color
- --cursor.border-foreground=""
- Border Foreground Color
- --cursor.border="none"
- Border Style
- --cursor.faint
- Faint text
- --cursor.foreground="212"
- Foreground Color
- --cursor.height=0
- Text height
- --cursor.italic
- Italicize text
- --cursor.margin="0 0"
- Text margin
- --cursor.padding="0 0"
- Text padding
- --cursor.strikethrough
- Strikethrough text
- --cursor.underline
- Underline text
- --cursor.width=0
- Text width
- --cursor="> "
- Prefix to show on item that corresponds to the cursor position
- --header.align="left"
- Text Alignment
- --header.background=""
- Background Color
- --header.bold
- Bold text
- --header.border-background=""
- Border Background Color
- --header.border-foreground=""
- Border Foreground Color
- --header.border="none"
- Border Style
- --header.faint
- Faint text
- --header.foreground="99"
- Foreground Color
- --header.height=0
- Text height
- --header.italic
- Italicize text
- --header.margin="0 0"
- Text margin
- --header.padding="0 0"
- Text padding
- --header.strikethrough
- Strikethrough text
- --header.underline
- Underline text
- --header.width=0
- Text width
- --header="Choose:"
- Header value
- --height=10
- Height of the list
- --input-delimiter="\n"
- Option delimiter when reading from STDIN
- --item.align="left"
- Text Alignment
- --item.background=""
- Background Color
- --item.bold
- Bold text
- --item.border-background=""
- Border Background Color
- --item.border-foreground=""
- Border Foreground Color
- --item.border="none"
- Border Style
- --item.faint
- Faint text
- --item.foreground=""
- Foreground Color
- --item.height=0
- Text height
- --item.italic
- Italicize text
- --item.margin="0 0"
- Text margin
- --item.padding="0 0"
- Text padding
- --item.strikethrough
- Strikethrough text
- --item.underline
- Underline text
- --item.width=0
- Text width
- --label-delimiter=""
- Allows to set a delimiter, so options can be set as label:value
- --limit=1
- Maximum number of options to pick
- --no-limit
- Pick unlimited number of options (ignores limit)
- --ordered
- Maintain the order of the selected options
- --output-delimiter="\n"
- Option delimiter when writing to STDOUT
- --select-if-one
- Select the given option if there is only one
- --selected-prefix="✓ "
- Prefix to show on selected items (hidden if limit is 1)
- --selected.align="left"
- Text Alignment
- --selected.background=""
- Background Color
- --selected.bold
- Bold text
- --selected.border-background=""
- Border Background Color
- --selected.border-foreground=""
- Border Foreground Color
- --selected.border="none"
- Border Style
- --selected.faint
- Faint text
- --selected.foreground="212"
- Foreground Color
- --selected.height=0
- Text height
- --selected.italic
- Italicize text
- --selected.margin="0 0"
- Text margin
- --selected.padding="0 0"
- Text padding
- --selected.strikethrough
- Strikethrough text
- --selected.underline
- Underline text
- --selected.width=0
- Text width
- --selected=,...
- Options that should start as selected (selects all if given '*')
- --show-help
- Show help keybinds
- --strip-ansi
- Strip ANSI sequences when reading from STDIN
- --timeout=0s
- Timeout until choose returns selected element
- --unselected-prefix="• "
- Prefix to show on unselected items (hidden if limit is 1)
Ask a user to confirm an action
--affirmative="Yes" The title of the
affirmative action
- --default
- Default confirmation action
- --negative="No"
- The title of the negative action
- --prompt.align="left"
- Text Alignment
- --prompt.background=""
- Background Color
- --prompt.bold
- Bold text
- --prompt.border-background=""
- Border Background Color
- --prompt.border-foreground=""
- Border Foreground Color
- --prompt.border="none"
- Border Style
- --prompt.faint
- Faint text
- --prompt.foreground="#7571F9"
- Foreground Color
- --prompt.height=0
- Text height
- --prompt.italic
- Italicize text
- --prompt.margin="0 0 0 1"
- Text margin
- --prompt.padding="0 0"
- Text padding
- --prompt.strikethrough
- Strikethrough text
- --prompt.underline
- Underline text
- --prompt.width=0
- Text width
- --selected.align="left"
- Text Alignment
- --selected.background="212"
- Background Color
- --selected.bold
- Bold text
- --selected.border-background=""
- Border Background Color
- --selected.border-foreground=""
- Border Foreground Color
- --selected.border="none"
- Border Style
- --selected.faint
- Faint text
- --selected.foreground="230"
- Foreground Color
- --selected.height=0
- Text height
- --selected.italic
- Italicize text
- --selected.margin="0 1"
- Text margin
- --selected.padding="0 3"
- Text padding
- --selected.strikethrough
- Strikethrough text
- --selected.underline
- Underline text
- --selected.width=0
- Text width
- --show-help
- Show help key binds
- --show-output
- Print prompt and chosen action to output
- --timeout=0s
- Timeout until confirm returns selected value or default if provided
- --unselected.align="left"
- Text Alignment
- --unselected.background="235"
- Background Color
- --unselected.bold
- Bold text
- --unselected.border-background=""
- Border Background Color
- --unselected.border-foreground=""
- Border Foreground Color
- --unselected.border="none"
- Border Style
- --unselected.faint
- Faint text
- --unselected.foreground="254"
- Foreground Color
- --unselected.height=0
- Text height
- --unselected.italic
- Italicize text
- --unselected.margin="0 1"
- Text margin
- --unselected.padding="0 3"
- Text padding
- --unselected.strikethrough
- Strikethrough text
- --unselected.underline
- Underline text
- --unselected.width=0
- Text width
Pick a file from a folder
-a, --all Show hidden and 'dot' files
- --cursor.align="left"
- Text Alignment
- --cursor.background=""
- Background Color
- --cursor.bold
- Bold text
- --cursor.border-background=""
- Border Background Color
- --cursor.border-foreground=""
- Border Foreground Color
- --cursor.border="none"
- Border Style
- --cursor.faint
- Faint text
- --cursor.foreground="212"
- Foreground Color
- --cursor.height=0
- Text height
- --cursor.italic
- Italicize text
- --cursor.margin="0 0"
- Text margin
- --cursor.padding="0 0"
- Text padding
- --cursor.strikethrough
- Strikethrough text
- --cursor.underline
- Underline text
- --cursor.width=0
- Text width
- -c, --cursor=">"
- The cursor character
- --directory
- Allow directories selection
- --directory.align="left"
- Text Alignment
- --directory.background=""
- Background Color
- --directory.bold
- Bold text
- --directory.border-background=""
- Border Background Color
- --directory.border-foreground=""
- Border Foreground Color
- --directory.border="none"
- Border Style
- --directory.faint
- Faint text
- --directory.foreground="99"
- Foreground Color
- --directory.height=0
- Text height
- --directory.italic
- Italicize text
- --directory.margin="0 0"
- Text margin
- --directory.padding="0 0"
- Text padding
- --directory.strikethrough
- Strikethrough text
- --directory.underline
- Underline text
- --directory.width=0
- Text width
- --file
- Allow files selection
- --file-size.align="right"
- Text Alignment
- --file-size.background=""
- Background Color
- --file-size.bold
- Bold text
- --file-size.border-background=""
- Border Background Color
- --file-size.border-foreground=""
- Border Foreground Color
- --file-size.border="none"
- Border Style
- --file-size.faint
- Faint text
- --file-size.foreground="240"
- Foreground Color
- --file-size.height=0
- Text height
- --file-size.italic
- Italicize text
- --file-size.margin="0 0"
- Text margin
- --file-size.padding="0 0"
- Text padding
- --file-size.strikethrough
- Strikethrough text
- --file-size.underline
- Underline text
- --file-size.width=8
- Text width
- --file.align="left"
- Text Alignment
- --file.background=""
- Background Color
- --file.bold
- Bold text
- --file.border-background=""
- Border Background Color
- --file.border-foreground=""
- Border Foreground Color
- --file.border="none"
- Border Style
- --file.faint
- Faint text
- --file.foreground=""
- Foreground Color
- --file.height=0
- Text height
- --file.italic
- Italicize text
- --file.margin="0 0"
- Text margin
- --file.padding="0 0"
- Text padding
- --file.strikethrough
- Strikethrough text
- --file.underline
- Underline text
- --file.width=0
- Text width
- --header.align="left"
- Text Alignment
- --header.background=""
- Background Color
- --header.bold
- Bold text
- --header.border-background=""
- Border Background Color
- --header.border-foreground=""
- Border Foreground Color
- --header.border="none"
- Border Style
- --header.faint
- Faint text
- --header.foreground="99"
- Foreground Color
- --header.height=0
- Text height
- --header.italic
- Italicize text
- --header.margin="0 0"
- Text margin
- --header.padding="0 0"
- Text padding
- --header.strikethrough
- Strikethrough text
- --header.underline
- Underline text
- --header.width=0
- Text width
- --header=""
- Header value
- --height=10
- Maximum number of files to display
- -p, --permissions
- Show file permissions
- --permissions.align="left"
- Text Alignment
- --permissions.background=""
- Background Color
- --permissions.bold
- Bold text
- --permissions.border-background=""
- Border Background Color
- --permissions.border-foreground=""
- Border Foreground Color
- --permissions.border="none"
- Border Style
- --permissions.faint
- Faint text
- --permissions.foreground="244"
- Foreground Color
- --permissions.height=0
- Text height
- --permissions.italic
- Italicize text
- --permissions.margin="0 0"
- Text margin
- --permissions.padding="0 0"
- Text padding
- --permissions.strikethrough
- Strikethrough text
- --permissions.underline
- Underline text
- --permissions.width=0
- Text width
- --selected.align="left"
- Text Alignment
- --selected.background=""
- Background Color
- --selected.bold
- Bold text
- --selected.border-background=""
- Border Background Color
- --selected.border-foreground=""
- Border Foreground Color
- --selected.border="none"
- Border Style
- --selected.faint
- Faint text
- --selected.foreground="212"
- Foreground Color
- --selected.height=0
- Text height
- --selected.italic
- Italicize text
- --selected.margin="0 0"
- Text margin
- --selected.padding="0 0"
- Text padding
- --selected.strikethrough
- Strikethrough text
- --selected.underline
- Underline text
- --selected.width=0
- Text width
- --show-help
- Show help key binds
- -s, --size
- Show file size
- --symlink.align="left"
- Text Alignment
- --symlink.background=""
- Background Color
- --symlink.bold
- Bold text
- --symlink.border-background=""
- Border Background Color
- --symlink.border-foreground=""
- Border Foreground Color
- --symlink.border="none"
- Border Style
- --symlink.faint
- Faint text
- --symlink.foreground="36"
- Foreground Color
- --symlink.height=0
- Text height
- --symlink.italic
- Italicize text
- --symlink.margin="0 0"
- Text margin
- --symlink.padding="0 0"
- Text padding
- --symlink.strikethrough
- Strikethrough text
- --symlink.underline
- Underline text
- --symlink.width=0
- Text width
- --timeout=0s
- Timeout until command aborts without a selection
Filter items from a list
--cursor-text.align="left" Text
- --cursor-text.background=""
- Background Color
- --cursor-text.bold
- Bold text
- --cursor-text.border-background=""
- Border Background Color
- --cursor-text.border-foreground=""
- Border Foreground Color
- --cursor-text.border="none"
- Border Style
- --cursor-text.faint
- Faint text
- --cursor-text.foreground=""
- Foreground Color
- --cursor-text.height=0
- Text height
- --cursor-text.italic
- Italicize text
- --cursor-text.margin="0 0"
- Text margin
- --cursor-text.padding="0 0"
- Text padding
- --cursor-text.strikethrough
- Strikethrough text
- --cursor-text.underline
- Underline text
- --cursor-text.width=0
- Text width
- --fuzzy
- Enable fuzzy matching; otherwise match from start of word
- --fuzzy-sort
- Sort fuzzy results by their scores
- --header.align="left"
- Text Alignment
- --header.background=""
- Background Color
- --header.bold
- Bold text
- --header.border-background=""
- Border Background Color
- --header.border-foreground=""
- Border Foreground Color
- --header.border="none"
- Border Style
- --header.faint
- Faint text
- --header.foreground="99"
- Foreground Color
- --header.height=0
- Text height
- --header.italic
- Italicize text
- --header.margin="0 0"
- Text margin
- --header.padding="0 0"
- Text padding
- --header.strikethrough
- Strikethrough text
- --header.underline
- Underline text
- --header.width=0
- Text width
- --header=""
- Header value
- --height=0
- Input height
- --indicator.align="left"
- Text Alignment
- --indicator.background=""
- Background Color
- --indicator.bold
- Bold text
- --indicator.border-background=""
- Border Background Color
- --indicator.border-foreground=""
- Border Foreground Color
- --indicator.border="none"
- Border Style
- --indicator.faint
- Faint text
- --indicator.foreground="212"
- Foreground Color
- --indicator.height=0
- Text height
- --indicator.italic
- Italicize text
- --indicator.margin="0 0"
- Text margin
- --indicator.padding="0 0"
- Text padding
- --indicator.strikethrough
- Strikethrough text
- --indicator.underline
- Underline text
- --indicator.width=0
- Text width
- --indicator="•"
- Character for selection
- --input-delimiter="\n"
- Option delimiter when reading from STDIN
- --limit=1
- Maximum number of options to pick
- --match.align="left"
- Text Alignment
- --match.background=""
- Background Color
- --match.bold
- Bold text
- --match.border-background=""
- Border Background Color
- --match.border-foreground=""
- Border Foreground Color
- --match.border="none"
- Border Style
- --match.faint
- Faint text
- --match.foreground="212"
- Foreground Color
- --match.height=0
- Text height
- --match.italic
- Italicize text
- --match.margin="0 0"
- Text margin
- --match.padding="0 0"
- Text padding
- --match.strikethrough
- Strikethrough text
- --match.underline
- Underline text
- --match.width=0
- Text width
- --no-limit
- Pick unlimited number of options (ignores limit)
- --output-delimiter="\n"
- Option delimiter when writing to STDOUT
- --placeholder.align="left"
- Text Alignment
- --placeholder.background=""
- Background Color
- --placeholder.bold
- Bold text
- --placeholder.border-background=""
- Border Background Color
- --placeholder.border-foreground=""
- Border Foreground Color
- --placeholder.border="none"
- Border Style
- --placeholder.faint
- Faint text
- --placeholder.foreground="240"
- Foreground Color
- --placeholder.height=0
- Text height
- --placeholder.italic
- Italicize text
- --placeholder.margin="0 0"
- Text margin
- --placeholder.padding="0 0"
- Text padding
- --placeholder.strikethrough
- Strikethrough text
- --placeholder.underline
- Underline text
- --placeholder.width=0
- Text width
- --placeholder="Filter..."
- Placeholder value
- --prompt.align="left"
- Text Alignment
- --prompt.background=""
- Background Color
- --prompt.bold
- Bold text
- --prompt.border-background=""
- Border Background Color
- --prompt.border-foreground=""
- Border Foreground Color
- --prompt.border="none"
- Border Style
- --prompt.faint
- Faint text
- --prompt.foreground="240"
- Foreground Color
- --prompt.height=0
- Text height
- --prompt.italic
- Italicize text
- --prompt.margin="0 0"
- Text margin
- --prompt.padding="0 0"
- Text padding
- --prompt.strikethrough
- Strikethrough text
- --prompt.underline
- Underline text
- --prompt.width=0
- Text width
- --prompt="> "
- Prompt to display
- --reverse
- Display from the bottom of the screen
- --select-if-one
- Select the given option if there is only one
- --selected-indicator.align="left"
- Text Alignment
- --selected-indicator.background=""
- Background Color
- --selected-indicator.bold
- Bold text
- --selected-indicator.border-background=""
- Border Background Color
- --selected-indicator.border-foreground=""
- Border Foreground Color
- --selected-indicator.border="none"
- Border Style
- --selected-indicator.faint
- Faint text
- --selected-indicator.foreground="212"
- Foreground Color
- --selected-indicator.height=0
- Text height
- --selected-indicator.italic
- Italicize text
- --selected-indicator.margin="0 0"
- Text margin
- --selected-indicator.padding="0 0"
- Text padding
- --selected-indicator.strikethrough
- Strikethrough text
- --selected-indicator.underline
- Underline text
- --selected-indicator.width=0
- Text width
- --selected-prefix=" ◉ "
- Character to indicate selected items (hidden if limit is 1)
- --selected=,...
- Options that should start as selected (selects all if given '*')
- --show-help
- Show help keybinds
- --sort
- Sort fuzzy results by their scores
- --strict
- Only returns if anything matched. Otherwise return Filter
- --strip-ansi
- Strip ANSI sequences when reading from STDIN
- --text.align="left"
- Text Alignment
- --text.background=""
- Background Color
- --text.bold
- Bold text
- --text.border-background=""
- Border Background Color
- --text.border-foreground=""
- Border Foreground Color
- --text.border="none"
- Border Style
- --text.faint
- Faint text
- --text.foreground=""
- Foreground Color
- --text.height=0
- Text height
- --text.italic
- Italicize text
- --text.margin="0 0"
- Text margin
- --text.padding="0 0"
- Text padding
- --text.strikethrough
- Strikethrough text
- --text.underline
- Underline text
- --text.width=0
- Text width
- --timeout=0s
- Timeout until filter command aborts
- --unselected-prefix.align="left"
- Text Alignment
- --unselected-prefix.background=""
- Background Color
- --unselected-prefix.bold
- Bold text
- --unselected-prefix.border-background=""
- Border Background Color
- --unselected-prefix.border-foreground=""
- Border Foreground Color
- --unselected-prefix.border="none"
- Border Style
- --unselected-prefix.faint
- Faint text
- --unselected-prefix.foreground="240"
- Foreground Color
- --unselected-prefix.height=0
- Text height
- --unselected-prefix.italic
- Italicize text
- --unselected-prefix.margin="0 0"
- Text margin
- --unselected-prefix.padding="0 0"
- Text padding
- --unselected-prefix.strikethrough
- Strikethrough text
- --unselected-prefix.underline
- Underline text
- --unselected-prefix.width=0
- Text width
- --unselected-prefix=" ○ "
- Character to indicate unselected items (hidden if limit is 1)
- --value=""
- Initial filter value
- --width=0
- Input width
Format a string using a template
-l, --language="" Programming language
to parse code
- --strip-ansi
- Strip ANSI sequences when reading from STDIN
- --theme="pink"
- Glamour theme to use for markdown formatting
- -t, --type="markdown"
- Format to use (markdown,template,code,emoji)
Prompt for some input
--char-limit=400 Maximum value length (0 for no
- --cursor.align="left"
- Text Alignment
- --cursor.background=""
- Background Color
- --cursor.bold
- Bold text
- --cursor.border-background=""
- Border Background Color
- --cursor.border-foreground=""
- Border Foreground Color
- --cursor.border="none"
- Border Style
- --cursor.faint
- Faint text
- --cursor.foreground="212"
- Foreground Color
- --cursor.height=0
- Text height
- --cursor.italic
- Italicize text
- --cursor.margin="0 0"
- Text margin
- --cursor.mode="blink"
- Cursor mode
- --cursor.padding="0 0"
- Text padding
- --cursor.strikethrough
- Strikethrough text
- --cursor.underline
- Underline text
- --cursor.width=0
- Text width
- --header.align="left"
- Text Alignment
- --header.background=""
- Background Color
- --header.bold
- Bold text
- --header.border-background=""
- Border Background Color
- --header.border-foreground=""
- Border Foreground Color
- --header.border="none"
- Border Style
- --header.faint
- Faint text
- --header.foreground="240"
- Foreground Color
- --header.height=0
- Text height
- --header.italic
- Italicize text
- --header.margin="0 0"
- Text margin
- --header.padding="0 0"
- Text padding
- --header.strikethrough
- Strikethrough text
- --header.underline
- Underline text
- --header.width=0
- Text width
- --header=""
- Header value
- --password
- Mask input characters
- --placeholder.align="left"
- Text Alignment
- --placeholder.background=""
- Background Color
- --placeholder.bold
- Bold text
- --placeholder.border-background=""
- Border Background Color
- --placeholder.border-foreground=""
- Border Foreground Color
- --placeholder.border="none"
- Border Style
- --placeholder.faint
- Faint text
- --placeholder.foreground="240"
- Foreground Color
- --placeholder.height=0
- Text height
- --placeholder.italic
- Italicize text
- --placeholder.margin="0 0"
- Text margin
- --placeholder.padding="0 0"
- Text padding
- --placeholder.strikethrough
- Strikethrough text
- --placeholder.underline
- Underline text
- --placeholder.width=0
- Text width
- --placeholder="Type something..."
- Placeholder value
- --prompt.align="left"
- Text Alignment
- --prompt.background=""
- Background Color
- --prompt.bold
- Bold text
- --prompt.border-background=""
- Border Background Color
- --prompt.border-foreground=""
- Border Foreground Color
- --prompt.border="none"
- Border Style
- --prompt.faint
- Faint text
- --prompt.foreground=""
- Foreground Color
- --prompt.height=0
- Text height
- --prompt.italic
- Italicize text
- --prompt.margin="0 0"
- Text margin
- --prompt.padding="0 0"
- Text padding
- --prompt.strikethrough
- Strikethrough text
- --prompt.underline
- Underline text
- --prompt.width=0
- Text width
- --prompt="> "
- Prompt to display
- --show-help
- Show help keybinds
- --strip-ansi
- Strip ANSI sequences when reading from STDIN
- --timeout=0s
- Timeout until input aborts
- --value=""
- Initial value (can also be passed via stdin)
- --width=0
- Input width (0 for terminal width)
Join text vertically or horizontally
--align="left" Text alignment
- --horizontal
- Join (potentially multi-line) strings horizontally
- --vertical
- Join (potentially multi-line) strings vertically
Log messages to output
-o, --file=STRING Log to file
- -f, --format
- Format message using printf
- --formatter="text"
- The log formatter to use
- --key.align="left"
- Text Alignment
- --key.background=""
- Background Color
- --key.bold
- Bold text
- --key.border-background=""
- Border Background Color
- --key.border-foreground=""
- Border Foreground Color
- --key.border="none"
- Border Style
- --key.faint
- Faint text
- --key.foreground=""
- Foreground Color
- --key.height=0
- Text height
- --key.italic
- Italicize text
- --key.margin="0 0"
- Text margin
- --key.padding="0 0"
- Text padding
- --key.strikethrough
- Strikethrough text
- --key.underline
- Underline text
- --key.width=0
- Text width
- --level.align="left"
- Text Alignment
- --level.background=""
- Background Color
- --level.bold
- Bold text
- --level.border-background=""
- Border Background Color
- --level.border-foreground=""
- Border Foreground Color
- --level.border="none"
- Border Style
- --level.faint
- Faint text
- --level.foreground=""
- Foreground Color
- --level.height=0
- Text height
- --level.italic
- Italicize text
- --level.margin="0 0"
- Text margin
- --level.padding="0 0"
- Text padding
- --level.strikethrough
- Strikethrough text
- --level.underline
- Underline text
- --level.width=0
- Text width
- -l, --level="none"
- The log level to use
- --message.align="left"
- Text Alignment
- --message.background=""
- Background Color
- --message.bold
- Bold text
- --message.border-background=""
- Border Background Color
- --message.border-foreground=""
- Border Foreground Color
- --message.border="none"
- Border Style
- --message.faint
- Faint text
- --message.foreground=""
- Foreground Color
- --message.height=0
- Text height
- --message.italic
- Italicize text
- --message.margin="0 0"
- Text margin
- --message.padding="0 0"
- Text padding
- --message.strikethrough
- Strikethrough text
- --message.underline
- Underline text
- --message.width=0
- Text width
- --min-level=""
- Minimal level to show
- --prefix.align="left"
- Text Alignment
- --prefix.background=""
- Background Color
- --prefix.bold
- Bold text
- --prefix.border-background=""
- Border Background Color
- --prefix.border-foreground=""
- Border Foreground Color
- --prefix.border="none"
- Border Style
- --prefix.faint
- Faint text
- --prefix.foreground=""
- Foreground Color
- --prefix.height=0
- Text height
- --prefix.italic
- Italicize text
- --prefix.margin="0 0"
- Text margin
- --prefix.padding="0 0"
- Text padding
- --prefix.strikethrough
- Strikethrough text
- --prefix.underline
- Underline text
- --prefix.width=0
- Text width
- --prefix=STRING
- Prefix to print before the message
- --separator.align="left"
- Text Alignment
- --separator.background=""
- Background Color
- --separator.bold
- Bold text
- --separator.border-background=""
- Border Background Color
- --separator.border-foreground=""
- Border Foreground Color
- --separator.border="none"
- Border Style
- --separator.faint
- Faint text
- --separator.foreground=""
- Foreground Color
- --separator.height=0
- Text height
- --separator.italic
- Italicize text
- --separator.margin="0 0"
- Text margin
- --separator.padding="0 0"
- Text padding
- --separator.strikethrough
- Strikethrough text
- --separator.underline
- Underline text
- --separator.width=0
- Text width
- -s, --structured
- Use structured logging
- --time.align="left"
- Text Alignment
- --time.background=""
- Background Color
- --time.bold
- Bold text
- --time.border-background=""
- Border Background Color
- --time.border-foreground=""
- Border Foreground Color
- --time.border="none"
- Border Style
- --time.faint
- Faint text
- --time.foreground=""
- Foreground Color
- --time.height=0
- Text height
- --time.italic
- Italicize text
- --time.margin="0 0"
- Text margin
- --time.padding="0 0"
- Text padding
- --time.strikethrough
- Strikethrough text
- --time.underline
- Underline text
- --time.width=0
- Text width
- -t, --time=""
- The time format to use (kitchen, layout, ansic, rfc822, etc...)
- --value.align="left"
- Text Alignment
- --value.background=""
- Background Color
- --value.bold
- Bold text
- --value.border-background=""
- Border Background Color
- --value.border-foreground=""
- Border Foreground Color
- --value.border="none"
- Border Style
- --value.faint
- Faint text
- --value.foreground=""
- Foreground Color
- --value.height=0
- Text height
- --value.italic
- Italicize text
- --value.margin="0 0"
- Text margin
- --value.padding="0 0"
- Text padding
- --value.strikethrough
- Strikethrough text
- --value.underline
- Underline text
- --value.width=0
- Text width
Scroll through a file
--align="left" Text Alignment
- --background=""
- Background Color
- --bold
- Bold text
- --border-background=""
- Border Background Color
- --border-foreground="212"
- Border Foreground Color
- --border="rounded"
- Border Style
- --faint
- Faint text
- --foreground=""
- Foreground Color
- --height=0
- Text height
- --help.align="left"
- Text Alignment
- --help.background=""
- Background Color
- --help.bold
- Bold text
- --help.border-background=""
- Border Background Color
- --help.border-foreground=""
- Border Foreground Color
- --help.border="none"
- Border Style
- --help.faint
- Faint text
- --help.foreground="241"
- Foreground Color
- --help.height=0
- Text height
- --help.italic
- Italicize text
- --help.margin="0 0"
- Text margin
- --help.padding="0 0"
- Text padding
- --help.strikethrough
- Strikethrough text
- --help.underline
- Underline text
- --help.width=0
- Text width
- --italic
- Italicize text
- --line-number.align="left"
- Text Alignment
- --line-number.background=""
- Background Color
- --line-number.bold
- Bold text
- --line-number.border-background=""
- Border Background Color
- --line-number.border-foreground=""
- Border Foreground Color
- --line-number.border="none"
- Border Style
- --line-number.faint
- Faint text
- --line-number.foreground="237"
- Foreground Color
- --line-number.height=0
- Text height
- --line-number.italic
- Italicize text
- --line-number.margin="0 0"
- Text margin
- --line-number.padding="0 0"
- Text padding
- --line-number.strikethrough
- Strikethrough text
- --line-number.underline
- Underline text
- --line-number.width=0
- Text width
- --margin="0 0"
- Text margin
- --match-highlight.align="left"
- Text Alignment
- --match-highlight.background="225"
- Background Color
- --match-highlight.bold
- Bold text
- --match-highlight.border-background=""
- Border Background Color
- --match-highlight.border-foreground=""
- Border Foreground Color
- --match-highlight.border="none"
- Border Style
- --match-highlight.faint
- Faint text
- --match-highlight.foreground="235"
- Foreground Color
- --match-highlight.height=0
- Text height
- --match-highlight.italic
- Italicize text
- --match-highlight.margin="0 0"
- Text margin
- --match-highlight.padding="0 0"
- Text padding
- --match-highlight.strikethrough
- Strikethrough text
- --match-highlight.underline
- Underline text
- --match-highlight.width=0
- Text width
- --match.align="left"
- Text Alignment
- --match.background=""
- Background Color
- --match.bold
- Bold text
- --match.border-background=""
- Border Background Color
- --match.border-foreground=""
- Border Foreground Color
- --match.border="none"
- Border Style
- --match.faint
- Faint text
- --match.foreground="212"
- Foreground Color
- --match.height=0
- Text height
- --match.italic
- Italicize text
- --match.margin="0 0"
- Text margin
- --match.padding="0 0"
- Text padding
- --match.strikethrough
- Strikethrough text
- --match.underline
- Underline text
- --match.width=0
- Text width
- --padding="0 1"
- Text padding
- --show-line-numbers
- Show line numbers
- --soft-wrap
- Soft wrap lines
- --strikethrough
- Strikethrough text
- --timeout=0s
- Timeout until command exits
- --underline
- Underline text
- --width=0
- Text width
Display spinner while running a command
-a, --align="left" Alignment of spinner
with regard to the title
- --show-error
- Show output of command only if the command fails
- --show-output
- Show or pipe output of command during execution (shows both STDOUT and STDERR)
- --show-stderr
- Show STDERR errput
- --show-stdout
- Show STDOUT output
- --spinner.align="left"
- Text Alignment
- --spinner.background=""
- Background Color
- --spinner.bold
- Bold text
- --spinner.border-background=""
- Border Background Color
- --spinner.border-foreground=""
- Border Foreground Color
- --spinner.border="none"
- Border Style
- --spinner.faint
- Faint text
- --spinner.foreground="212"
- Foreground Color
- --spinner.height=0
- Text height
- --spinner.italic
- Italicize text
- --spinner.margin="0 0"
- Text margin
- --spinner.padding="0 0"
- Text padding
- --spinner.strikethrough
- Strikethrough text
- --spinner.underline
- Underline text
- --spinner.width=0
- Text width
- -s, --spinner="dot"
- Spinner type
- --timeout=0s
- Timeout until spin command aborts
- --title.align="left"
- Text Alignment
- --title.background=""
- Background Color
- --title.bold
- Bold text
- --title.border-background=""
- Border Background Color
- --title.border-foreground=""
- Border Foreground Color
- --title.border="none"
- Border Style
- --title.faint
- Faint text
- --title.foreground=""
- Foreground Color
- --title.height=0
- Text height
- --title.italic
- Italicize text
- --title.margin="0 0"
- Text margin
- --title.padding="0 0"
- Text padding
- --title.strikethrough
- Strikethrough text
- --title.underline
- Underline text
- --title.width=0
- Text width
- --title="Loading..."
- Text to display to user while spinning
Apply coloring, borders, spacing to text
--align="left" Text Alignment
- --background=""
- Background Color
- --bold
- Bold text
- --border-background=""
- Border Background Color
- --border-foreground=""
- Border Foreground Color
- --border="none"
- Border Style
- --faint
- Faint text
- --foreground=""
- Foreground Color
- --height=0
- Text height
- --italic
- Italicize text
- --margin="0 0"
- Text margin
- --padding="0 0"
- Text padding
- --strikethrough
- Strikethrough text
- --strip-ansi
- Strip ANSI sequences when reading from STDIN
- --trim
- Trim whitespaces on every input line
- --underline
- Underline text
- --width=0
- Text width
Render a table of data
--border.align="left" Text Alignment
- --border.background=""
- Background Color
- --border.bold
- Bold text
- --border.border-background=""
- Border Background Color
- --border.border-foreground=""
- Border Foreground Color
- --border.border="none"
- Border Style
- --border.faint
- Faint text
- --border.foreground=""
- Foreground Color
- --border.height=0
- Text height
- --border.italic
- Italicize text
- --border.margin="0 0"
- Text margin
- --border.padding="0 0"
- Text padding
- --border.strikethrough
- Strikethrough text
- --border.underline
- Underline text
- --border.width=0
- Text width
- -b, --border="rounded"
- border style
- --cell.align="left"
- Text Alignment
- --cell.background=""
- Background Color
- --cell.bold
- Bold text
- --cell.border-background=""
- Border Background Color
- --cell.border-foreground=""
- Border Foreground Color
- --cell.border="none"
- Border Style
- --cell.faint
- Faint text
- --cell.foreground=""
- Foreground Color
- --cell.height=0
- Text height
- --cell.italic
- Italicize text
- --cell.margin="0 0"
- Text margin
- --cell.padding="0 0"
- Text padding
- --cell.strikethrough
- Strikethrough text
- --cell.underline
- Underline text
- --cell.width=0
- Text width
- -c, --columns=COLUMNS,...
- Column names
- --fields-per-record=0
- Sets the number of expected fields per record
- -f, --file=""
- file path
- --header.align="left"
- Text Alignment
- --header.background=""
- Background Color
- --header.bold
- Bold text
- --header.border-background=""
- Border Background Color
- --header.border-foreground=""
- Border Foreground Color
- --header.border="none"
- Border Style
- --header.faint
- Faint text
- --header.foreground=""
- Foreground Color
- --header.height=0
- Text height
- --header.italic
- Italicize text
- --header.margin="0 0"
- Text margin
- --header.padding="0 0"
- Text padding
- --header.strikethrough
- Strikethrough text
- --header.underline
- Underline text
- --header.width=0
- Text width
- --height=0
- Table height
- --lazy-quotes
- If LazyQuotes is true, a quote may appear in an unquoted field and a non-doubled quote may appear in a quoted field
- -p, --print
- static print
- -r, --return-column=0
- Which column number should be returned instead of whole row as string. Default=0 returns whole Row
- --selected.align="left"
- Text Alignment
- --selected.background=""
- Background Color
- --selected.bold
- Bold text
- --selected.border-background=""
- Border Background Color
- --selected.border-foreground=""
- Border Foreground Color
- --selected.border="none"
- Border Style
- --selected.faint
- Faint text
- --selected.foreground="212"
- Foreground Color
- --selected.height=0
- Text height
- --selected.italic
- Italicize text
- --selected.margin="0 0"
- Text margin
- --selected.padding="0 0"
- Text padding
- --selected.strikethrough
- Strikethrough text
- --selected.underline
- Underline text
- --selected.width=0
- Text width
- -s, --separator=","
- Row separator
- --show-help
- Show help keybinds
- --timeout=0s
- Timeout until choose returns selected element
- -w, --widths=WIDTHS,...
- Column widths
Semver check current gum version
Prompt for long-form text
--base.align="left" Text Alignment
- --base.background=""
- Background Color
- --base.bold
- Bold text
- --base.border-background=""
- Border Background Color
- --base.border-foreground=""
- Border Foreground Color
- --base.border="none"
- Border Style
- --base.faint
- Faint text
- --base.foreground=""
- Foreground Color
- --base.height=0
- Text height
- --base.italic
- Italicize text
- --base.margin="0 0"
- Text margin
- --base.padding="0 0"
- Text padding
- --base.strikethrough
- Strikethrough text
- --base.underline
- Underline text
- --base.width=0
- Text width
- --char-limit=0
- Maximum value length (0 for no limit)
- --cursor-line-number.align="left"
- Text Alignment
- --cursor-line-number.background=""
- Background Color
- --cursor-line-number.bold
- Bold text
- --cursor-line-number.border-background=""
- Border Background Color
- --cursor-line-number.border-foreground=""
- Border Foreground Color
- --cursor-line-number.border="none"
- Border Style
- --cursor-line-number.faint
- Faint text
- --cursor-line-number.foreground="7"
- Foreground Color
- --cursor-line-number.height=0
- Text height
- --cursor-line-number.italic
- Italicize text
- --cursor-line-number.margin="0 0"
- Text margin
- --cursor-line-number.padding="0 0"
- Text padding
- --cursor-line-number.strikethrough
- Strikethrough text
- --cursor-line-number.underline
- Underline text
- --cursor-line-number.width=0
- Text width
- --cursor-line.align="left"
- Text Alignment
- --cursor-line.background=""
- Background Color
- --cursor-line.bold
- Bold text
- --cursor-line.border-background=""
- Border Background Color
- --cursor-line.border-foreground=""
- Border Foreground Color
- --cursor-line.border="none"
- Border Style
- --cursor-line.faint
- Faint text
- --cursor-line.foreground=""
- Foreground Color
- --cursor-line.height=0
- Text height
- --cursor-line.italic
- Italicize text
- --cursor-line.margin="0 0"
- Text margin
- --cursor-line.padding="0 0"
- Text padding
- --cursor-line.strikethrough
- Strikethrough text
- --cursor-line.underline
- Underline text
- --cursor-line.width=0
- Text width
- --cursor.align="left"
- Text Alignment
- --cursor.background=""
- Background Color
- --cursor.bold
- Bold text
- --cursor.border-background=""
- Border Background Color
- --cursor.border-foreground=""
- Border Foreground Color
- --cursor.border="none"
- Border Style
- --cursor.faint
- Faint text
- --cursor.foreground="212"
- Foreground Color
- --cursor.height=0
- Text height
- --cursor.italic
- Italicize text
- --cursor.margin="0 0"
- Text margin
- --cursor.mode="blink"
- Cursor mode
- --cursor.padding="0 0"
- Text padding
- --cursor.strikethrough
- Strikethrough text
- --cursor.underline
- Underline text
- --cursor.width=0
- Text width
- --end-of-buffer.align="left"
- Text Alignment
- --end-of-buffer.background=""
- Background Color
- --end-of-buffer.bold
- Bold text
- --end-of-buffer.border-background=""
- Border Background Color
- --end-of-buffer.border-foreground=""
- Border Foreground Color
- --end-of-buffer.border="none"
- Border Style
- --end-of-buffer.faint
- Faint text
- --end-of-buffer.foreground="0"
- Foreground Color
- --end-of-buffer.height=0
- Text height
- --end-of-buffer.italic
- Italicize text
- --end-of-buffer.margin="0 0"
- Text margin
- --end-of-buffer.padding="0 0"
- Text padding
- --end-of-buffer.strikethrough
- Strikethrough text
- --end-of-buffer.underline
- Underline text
- --end-of-buffer.width=0
- Text width
- --header.align="left"
- Text Alignment
- --header.background=""
- Background Color
- --header.bold
- Bold text
- --header.border-background=""
- Border Background Color
- --header.border-foreground=""
- Border Foreground Color
- --header.border="none"
- Border Style
- --header.faint
- Faint text
- --header.foreground="240"
- Foreground Color
- --header.height=0
- Text height
- --header.italic
- Italicize text
- --header.margin="0 0"
- Text margin
- --header.padding="0 0"
- Text padding
- --header.strikethrough
- Strikethrough text
- --header.underline
- Underline text
- --header.width=0
- Text width
- --header=""
- Header value
- --height=5
- Text area height
- --line-number.align="left"
- Text Alignment
- --line-number.background=""
- Background Color
- --line-number.bold
- Bold text
- --line-number.border-background=""
- Border Background Color
- --line-number.border-foreground=""
- Border Foreground Color
- --line-number.border="none"
- Border Style
- --line-number.faint
- Faint text
- --line-number.foreground="7"
- Foreground Color
- --line-number.height=0
- Text height
- --line-number.italic
- Italicize text
- --line-number.margin="0 0"
- Text margin
- --line-number.padding="0 0"
- Text padding
- --line-number.strikethrough
- Strikethrough text
- --line-number.underline
- Underline text
- --line-number.width=0
- Text width
- --max-lines=0
- Maximum number of lines (0 for no limit)
- --placeholder.align="left"
- Text Alignment
- --placeholder.background=""
- Background Color
- --placeholder.bold
- Bold text
- --placeholder.border-background=""
- Border Background Color
- --placeholder.border-foreground=""
- Border Foreground Color
- --placeholder.border="none"
- Border Style
- --placeholder.faint
- Faint text
- --placeholder.foreground="240"
- Foreground Color
- --placeholder.height=0
- Text height
- --placeholder.italic
- Italicize text
- --placeholder.margin="0 0"
- Text margin
- --placeholder.padding="0 0"
- Text padding
- --placeholder.strikethrough
- Strikethrough text
- --placeholder.underline
- Underline text
- --placeholder.width=0
- Text width
- --placeholder="Write something..."
- Placeholder value
- --prompt.align="left"
- Text Alignment
- --prompt.background=""
- Background Color
- --prompt.bold
- Bold text
- --prompt.border-background=""
- Border Background Color
- --prompt.border-foreground=""
- Border Foreground Color
- --prompt.border="none"
- Border Style
- --prompt.faint
- Faint text
- --prompt.foreground="7"
- Foreground Color
- --prompt.height=0
- Text height
- --prompt.italic
- Italicize text
- --prompt.margin="0 0"
- Text margin
- --prompt.padding="0 0"
- Text padding
- --prompt.strikethrough
- Strikethrough text
- --prompt.underline
- Underline text
- --prompt.width=0
- Text width
- --prompt="┃ "
- Prompt to display
- --show-cursor-line
- Show cursor line
- --show-help
- Show help key binds
- --show-line-numbers
- Show line numbers
- --strip-ansi
- Strip ANSI sequences when reading from STDIN
- --timeout=0s
- Timeout until choose returns selected element
- --value=""
- Initial value (can be passed via stdin)
- --width=0
- Text area width (0 for terminal width)
(c) 2022-2024 Charmbracelet, Inc.
Released under MIT license.
2025-01-28 | gum |