pkgctl-version-check - Compares local package versions against upstream

pkgctl version check [OPTIONS] [PKGBASE...]

Compares the versions of packages in the local packaging repository against their latest upstream versions.

Upon execution, it generates a grouped list that provides detailed insights into each package’s status. For each package, it displays the current local version alongside the latest version available upstream.

Outputs a summary of up-to-date packages, out-of-date packages, and any check failures.

This simplifies the maintenance of PKGBUILD files, reducing the manual effort required to track version changes from upstream sources.

Uses nvchecker(1) and a .nvchecker.toml file located alongside the PKGBUILD. Refer to the configuration section in pkgctl-version(1).

-v, --verbose

Display results including up-to-date versions

-h, --help

Show a help text

On exit, return one of the following codes:


Normal exit condition, all checked versions are up-to-date


Unknown cause of failure


Normal exit condition, but there are out-of-date versions


Failed to run some version checks

pkgctl-version(1) nvchecker(1)

Please report bugs and feature requests in the issue tracker. Please do your best to provide a reproducible test case for bugs.
