SoPrimitiveVertexCache(3) Coin SoPrimitiveVertexCache(3)

SoPrimitiveVertexCache - This cache contains an organized version of the geometry in vertex array form.

#include <Inventor/caches/SoPrimitiveVertexCache.h>

Inherits SoCache.

enum Arrays { NORMAL = 0x01, TEXCOORD = 0x02, COLOR = 0x04, ALL = (NORMAL|TEXCOORD|COLOR) }

SoPrimitiveVertexCache (SoState *state)
virtual ~SoPrimitiveVertexCache ()
virtual SbBool isValid (const SoState *state) const
void close (SoState *state)
void renderTriangles (SoState *state, const int arrays=ALL) const
void renderLines (SoState *state, const int arrays=ALL) const
void renderPoints (SoState *state, const int array=ALL) const
void addTriangle (const SoPrimitiveVertex *v0, const SoPrimitiveVertex *v1, const SoPrimitiveVertex *v2, const int *pointdetailidx=NULL)
void addLine (const SoPrimitiveVertex *v0, const SoPrimitiveVertex *v1)
void addPoint (const SoPrimitiveVertex *v)
int getNumVertices (void) const
const SbVec3f * getVertexArray (void) const
const SbVec3f * getNormalArray (void) const
const SbVec4f * getTexCoordArray (void) const
const SbVec2f * getBumpCoordArray (void) const
const uint8_t * getColorArray (void) const
int getNumTriangleIndices (void) const
const GLint * getTriangleIndices (void) const
int32_t getTriangleIndex (const int idx) const
SbBool colorPerVertex (void) const
const SbVec4f * getMultiTextureCoordinateArray (const int unit) const
int getNumLineIndices (void) const
const GLint * getLineIndices (void) const
int getNumPointIndices (void) const
const GLint * getPointIndices (void) const
void fit (void)
void depthSortTriangles (SoState *state)

Public Member Functions inherited from SoCache
SoCache (SoState *const state)
void ref (void)
void unref (SoState *state=NULL)
void addElement (const SoElement *const elem)
virtual void addCacheDependency (const SoState *state, SoCache *cache)
const SoElement * getInvalidElement (const SoState *const state) const
void invalidate (void)

Protected Member Functions inherited from SoCache
virtual void destroy (SoState *state)
virtual ~SoCache ()

This cache contains an organized version of the geometry in vertex array form.

The SoPrimitiveVertexClass is used to cache generated triangles.


Coin 3.0



Return TRUE if this cache is valid, FALSE otherwise.

Reimplemented from SoCache.

void SoPrimitiveVertexCache::close (SoState * state)

Closes the cache after it is created. Takes care of SoGLLazyElement synchronization.

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Tue Dec 26 2023 17:59:22 Version 4.0.2