apptainer(1) apptainer(1)

apptainer-config-global - Edit apptainer.conf from command line (root user only or unprivileged installation)

apptainer config global [value,...]

The config global command allow administrators to set/unset/get/reset configuration
directives of apptainer.conf from command line.

-d, --dry-run[=false] dump resulting configuration on stdout but doesn't write it to apptainer.conf

-g, --get[=false] get value of the configuration directive

-h, --help[=false] help for global

-r, --reset[=false] reset the configuration directive value to its default value

-s, --set[=false] set value of the configuration directive (for multi-value directives, it will add it)

-u, --unset[=false] unset value of the configuration directive (for multi-value directives, it will remove matching values)

  To add a path to "bind path" directive:
  $ apptainer config global --set "bind path" /etc/resolv.conf
  To remove a path from "bind path" directive:
  $ apptainer config global --unset "bind path" /etc/resolv.conf
  To set "bind path" to the default value:
  $ apptainer config global --reset "bind path"
  To get "bind path" directive value:
  $ apptainer config global --get "bind path"
  To display the resulting configuration instead of writing it to file:
  $ apptainer config global --dry-run --set "bind path" /etc/resolv.conf


1-Apr-2024 Auto generated by spf13/cobra

Apr 2024 Auto generated by spf13/cobra