SoNormalBundle(3) Coin SoNormalBundle(3)

SoNormalBundle - The SoNormalBundle class simplifies normal handling.

#include <Inventor/bundles/SoNormalBundle.h>

Inherits SoBundle.

SoNormalBundle (SoAction *action, SbBool forrendering)
~SoNormalBundle ()
SbBool shouldGenerate (int numneeded)
void initGenerator (int initnum=100)
void beginPolygon (void)
void polygonVertex (const SbVec3f &v)
void endPolygon (void)
void triangle (const SbVec3f &p1, const SbVec3f &p2, const SbVec3f &p3)
void generate (int startindex=0, SbBool addtostate=TRUE)
const SbVec3f * getGeneratedNormals (void) const
int getNumGeneratedNormals (void) const
void set (int32_t num, const SbVec3f *normals)
const SbVec3f & get (int index) const
void send (int index) const

SoNormalGenerator * generator

Protected Member Functions inherited from SoBundle
SoBundle (SoAction *action)
~SoBundle ()

Protected Attributes inherited from SoBundle
SoState * state
The state of the current action.

The SoNormalBundle class simplifies normal handling.

This class is currently not used in Coin but is provided for API compatibility.



Returns FALSE if there are normals on the state. Otherwise initGenerator() is called with numneeded as argument, and TRUE is returned.

Initializes the normal generator. initnum is a hint that should contain the approximate number of normals to be generated.

Start polygon specification. Call polygonVertex() for each vertex in the polygon, and then endPolygon() to close the polygon.

See also

polygonVertex(), endPolygon()

Call for each vertex in a polygon.

See also

beginPolygon(), endPolygon()

Call to close a polygon.

See also

beginPolygon(), polygonVertex()

Convenience method to specify a triangle. p1, p2, and p3 are the triangles vertices.

Generate normals for the shape. startindex should always be 0 (the SoNonIndexedShape::startIndex field is obsoleted). addtostate should be true if the generated normals should be pushed onto the current state.

const SbVec3f * SoNormalBundle::getGeneratedNormals (void ) const

Returns the number of generated normals.

Returns a pointer to the generated normals.

Can be used by nodes that generate their own normals. The state will be updated with the new normals, and the state will be popped again when the SoNormalBundle destructor is called.

const SbVec3f & SoNormalBundle::get (int index) const

Returns the index'th normal from the state.

Send the index'th normal to OpenGL.

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Fri Sep 6 2024 15:32:06 Version 4.0.3