SRC/zlaqr1.f(3) Library Functions Manual SRC/zlaqr1.f(3) NAME SRC/zlaqr1.f SYNOPSIS Functions/Subroutines subroutine zlaqr1 (n, h, ldh, s1, s2, v) ZLAQR1 sets a scalar multiple of the first column of the product of 2-by-2 or 3-by-3 matrix H and specified shifts. Function/Subroutine Documentation subroutine zlaqr1 (integer n, complex*16, dimension( ldh, * ) h, integer ldh, complex*16 s1, complex*16 s2, complex*16, dimension( * ) v) ZLAQR1 sets a scalar multiple of the first column of the product of 2-by-2 or 3-by-3 matrix H and specified shifts. Purpose: !> !> Given a 2-by-2 or 3-by-3 matrix H, ZLAQR1 sets v to a !> scalar multiple of the first column of the product !> !> (*) K = (H - s1*I)*(H - s2*I) !> !> scaling to avoid overflows and most underflows. !> !> This is useful for starting double implicit shift bulges !> in the QR algorithm. !> Parameters N !> N is INTEGER !> Order of the matrix H. N must be either 2 or 3. !> H !> H is COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (LDH,N) !> The 2-by-2 or 3-by-3 matrix H in (*). !> LDH !> LDH is INTEGER !> The leading dimension of H as declared in !> the calling procedure. LDH >= N !> S1 !> S1 is COMPLEX*16 !> S2 !> S2 is COMPLEX*16 !> !> S1 and S2 are the shifts defining K in (*) above. !> V !> V is COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (N) !> A scalar multiple of the first column of the !> matrix K in (*). !> Author Univ. of Tennessee Univ. of California Berkeley Univ. of Colorado Denver NAG Ltd. Contributors: Karen Braman and Ralph Byers, Department of Mathematics, University of Kansas, USA Definition at line 106 of file zlaqr1.f. Author Generated automatically by Doxygen for LAPACK from the source code. LAPACK Version 3.12.0 SRC/zlaqr1.f(3)