zdump(8) System Manager's Manual zdump(8) zdump - zdump [ ] [ ] zdump , . --version . --help . -i . . "INTERVAL FORMAT" . -v Output a verbose description of time intervals. For each timezone on the command line, print the times at the two extreme time values, the times (if present) at and just beyond the boundaries of years that localtime(3) and gmtime(3) can represent, and the times both one second before and exactly at each detected time discontinuity. Each line is followed by isdst=D where D is positive, zero, or negative depending on whether the given time is daylight saving time, standard time, or an unknown time type, respectively. Each line is also followed by gmtoff=N if the given local time is known to be N seconds east of Greenwich. -V Like -v, except omit output concerning extreme time and year values. This generates output that is easier to compare to that of implementations with different time representations. -c [_,]_ Cut off interval output at the given year(s). Cutoff times are computed using the proleptic Gregorian calendar with year 0 and with Universal Time (UT) ignoring leap seconds. Cutoffs are at the start of each year, where the lower-bound timestamp is inclusive and the upper is exclusive; for example, -c 1970,2070 selects transitions on or after 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC and before 2070-01-01 00:00:00 UTC. The default cutoff is -500,2500. -t [_,]_ Cut off interval output at the given time(s), given in decimal seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The timezone determines whether the count includes leap seconds. As with -c, the cutoff's lower bound is inclusive and its upper bound is exclusive. , . , "TZ=string" -- , , "- - interval" , "date time interval", . . --, -- 24- ::, <24. . UT +- , isdst. , UT, ; , . isdst , (, 1) , . UT 100 , , , , . UT . UT -00 UT , ; , , UT "-" "zzz". , . : \s -- , \", \\, \f, \n, \r, \t \v -- C. , ""CET\s\"\\"" "CET "\". , ( ). TZ="Pacific/Honolulu" - - -103126 LMT 1896-01-13 12:01:26 -1030 HST 1933-04-30 03 -0930 HDT 1 1933-05-21 11 -1030 HST 1942-02-09 03 -0930 HWT 1 1945-08-14 13:30 -0930 HPT 1 1945-09-30 01 -1030 HST 1947-06-08 02:30 -10 HST 10 , 31 26 UT, LMT. 1896-01-13 12:01:26, 10.5 UT, HST. 1933-04-30 03:00:00, 9.5 UT, HDT . 1947-06-08 02:30:00, 0 UT, HST. : TZ="Europe/Astrakhan" - - +031212 LMT 1924-04-30 23:47:48 +03 1930-06-21 01 +04 1981-04-01 01 +05 1 1981-09-30 23 +04 ... 2014-10-26 01 +03 2016-03-27 03 +04 UT, UT . , UT. , localtime(3) 12 . ; , . -v -V "UT" , gmtime(3), UTC UT , UTC. "UTC" "UT" , , UTC . tzfile(5), zic(8) () Yuri Kozlov , Kirill Rekhov ; GNU (GNU General Public License - GPL, 3 ) , - . - , , () () () <>. Time Zone Database zdump(8)