Yodl macros(7) Your Own Document Language Yodl macros(7)
yodlmacros - Macros for the Yodl converters
This manual page lists the standard macros of the Yodl package.
The following list shows the macros defined by the Yodl converters
define and which can be used in Yodl documents. Refer to the Yodl user
guide, distributed with the Yodl package, for a full description.
The following list shows all macros of the package in alphabetical
Defines an abstract for an article or report type of document.
Abstracts are not implemented for books or manpages. Must appear
before starting the document using the `article' or `report'
Adds `text' `n' times to `symbol'. The value `n' may also be the
name of a defined counter (which is not modified).
Defines an affiliation, to appear in the document titlepage
below the author field. Must appear before starting the document
with `article', `report' or `book'. The affiliation is only
printed when the author field is not empty. When converting to
html the way the affiliation is displayed can be tuned using CSS
id selector specifications. The affiliation has
Enlarges the usable height of A4 paper by 2 cm.: the top margin
is reduced by 2 cm. This macro should be called in the preamble.
The macro is available only for LaTeX conversions.
Starts appendices
Starts an article. The top-level sectioning command is
`(n)sect'. In HTML conversions only one output file is written,
while the way the headings are displayed can be tuned using CSS
id selector specifications: the title has `id="title"', the
author `id="author"', and the date `id="date"'.)
In html, pushes `text' as an attribute for the next html tag
supporting `attrib'. E.g, to set a blue color and 30 pixel
left-hand side margin for a section use
sect(Section name)
This results in the html markup
Section name
This macro is only effective with html conversions. It is
applied in a stack-wise fashion: when multiple `attrib' calls
are used, then the topmost attrib-string is added to the first
macro calling the `attribinsert' macro, with subsequent macros
using subsequent elements on the attrib-stack.
Commonly used attributes are `id="idname"', expecting a
`#idname' CSS label in either internal or external CSS
specifications, or `style="spec"' (as shown in the example).
Example: when using
attrib(width = "100" height = "100")
attrib(id = "#fig")
then the `#id' attribute is applied to `', and the
`width' and `height' attributes are applied to ` ', which
html markup is inserted by the `figure' macro.
The `attrib' macro is supported by the following predefined
macros (between parentheses the number of attribute strings that
are inserted by these macros; if only 1 attribute string is
inserted no number is shown):
`bf cell cells center chapter code dashes dit em figure(3) file
htmltag itdesc lchapter link lref lsect lsubsect lsubsubsect
nchapter npart nsect nsubsect nsubsubsect paragraph part quote
row sc sect strong subs subsect subsubsect subsubsubsect sups
tableatt tbl tac tc tnac tnc tr tt ttbegin url verb verborg
Removes any existing contents from the attrib-stack. This macro
is only active when converting to html
In html, if the attrib-stack is not empty, inserts the value on
top of the attrib-stack and then pops the topmost value. If the
attrib-stack is empty, nothing happens.
Sets `text' in boldface.
Generate a binding character (non-breaking space) after text.
Starts a book document. The top-level sectioning command is
`(n)chapter', `(n)part' being optional. In HTML output files are
created for each chapter, while the way the headings are
displayed can be tuned using CSS id selector specifications: the
title has `id="title"', the author `id="author"', and the date
Sets a table cell, i.e., one element in a row. With the man/ms
converters multiple blanks between `cell()' macro calls are
merged into a single blank character.
Instead of using `cell' in `table', consider using `tc' in
Set a table cell over `nColumns' columns. With LaTeX and xml the
information in the combined cells is centered.
With man/ms conversions the `cells()' macro simply calls the
`cell()' macro, but here the `setmanalign()' macro can be used
to determine the alignment of multiple cells.
With html the macro `attrib' can be used, but when it contains a
`style' specification the macro's default `style="text-align:
center"' is ignored (but it can optionally be specified using
the `attrib' macro).
Instead of using `cells' in `table', consider using `tnc' in
Sets a horizontal line starting at column number `from' over
`count' columns in a row. If `from' is less then the number of
columns already added to a row then it is ignored. This macro
must be embedded in a `row' macro defining a table row. To put
a line across the table's full width use `rowline'. To set
horizontal lines across columns 1 until 2 and columns 4 until 5
table of a table use:
Combining `cellsline' and `cell' or `cells' calls in one row
produces undefined results.
Instead of using `cellsline' in `table', consider using `tline'
in `tbl'.
Centers `text'. Use `nl()' in the text to break lines. In html
the `attrib' macro is not supported, but a division (`div') with
style definition `text-align: center' is used. To center a table
in html use the `tableatt' macro. If a `table' or `tableatt'
macro is used inside a `center' macro then the contents of
columns are column-wise centered.
Inside a `center(...)' context the counter `XXcenter' is unequal
Starts a new chapter in books or reports.
Generate an index entry for LaTex() or texinfo c-indices. Its
argument is the index entry. See also the `[fptv]index' macro.
Sets `text' as a citation or quotation
Starts a new page, when the output format permits. Under HTML a
horizontal line is drawn.
Sets `text' in code font, and prevents it from being expanded.
For unbalanced parameter lists, use `CHAR(40)' to get `(' and
`CHAR(41)' to get `)'.
Sets a horizontal line over some columns in a row. Note that
`columnline' defines a row by itself, consisting of just a
horizontal line spanning some of its columns, rather than the
table's full width, like `rowline'. The two arguments represent
column numbers. It is the responsibility of the author to make
sure that the `from' and `through' values are sensible. I.e.,
1 <= from <= through <= ncolumns
To set a horizontal line in just one column select `through'
equal to `from'.
Note: this macro cannot be used if multiple lines must be set in
one row. In those cases the macros `tline, tskip', and
`tendline' should be used.
Instead of using `columnline' in `table', consider using `tline'
in `tbl'.
Inserts two dashes in teletype font, and prevents them from
being expanded.
In html the `attrib' macro is recognized by the `' tag
that is used to embed the two dashes.
Defines `macroname' as a macro, having `nrofargs' arguments, and
expanding to `redefinition'. This macro is a shorthand for
`DEFINEMACRO'. An error occurs when the macro is already
defined. Use `redef()' to unconditionally define or redefine a
Sets `list' as a description list. Use `dit(item)' to indicate
items in the list.
Starts an item named `itemname' in a description list. The list
should be used in `description' macros. With `html' conversions
the contents of a description item is separated from the item
itself. The `dit' macro only defines the item, and not the
description itself. This macro sets the item in bold-face
(`strong' font). The macro `itdesc', available since Yodl 3.05,
can be used to defines an item and its description, using its
suggested format (i.e., indenting the description relative to
the item).
Indicates an item in an enumerated list. The `eit' macro should
be used as an argument in `enumeration' macros.
Sets ellipsis (...).
Sets `text' as emphasized, usually italics.
In HTML, this macro sets the `address' in a `' locator. In other output formats, the
`address' is sent to the output. The `email' macro is a special
case of `url'.
`enumeration()' starts an enumerated list. Use `eit()' in the
list to indicate items in the list.
Sets the euro currency symbol in latex, html, (and possibly sgml
and xml). In all other conversions EUR which is the official
textual abbreviation (cf. http://ec.europa.eu/euro/entry.html)
is written. Note that LaTeX may require latexpackage()(eurosym).
Symbol symbol receives the value resulting from evaluating
expression. E.g., if `sym' is a defined symbol, then
evalsymbol(sym)(SUBSTR(hello world)(3)(2))
assigns the value `lo' to `sym'.
This macro is a shorthand for `figure ref(label)' and just makes
the typing shorter, as in `see fig(schematic) for ..' See
`getfigurestring()' and `setfigurestring()' for the `figure'
Sets the picture in `file' as a figure in the current document,
using the descriptive text `caption'. The `label' is defined as
a placeholder for the figure number and can be used in a
corresponding `ref' statement. Note that the `file' must be the
filename without extension: By default, Yodl will supply `.gif'
when in HTML mode, or `.ps' when in LaTeX mode. Figures in other
modes may not (yet) haven been implemented.
When converting to html, this macro uses three attribute-strings
(if available). The string pushed first using an attrib-call
defines the attributes for its `' html-markup; the
string pushed next defines the attributes for its ` '
html-markup; the string pushed last defines the attributes for
its `' html-markup. The `figure' macro's html output is
organized like this:
Starting with Yodl 3.07.00 no `alt="Figure # is shown here..."'
attribute is defined anymore for the `img' markup: an
`alt'-attribute can easily be defined at the last attrib-call,
using `getfigurestring()' to obtain `Figure' or its
language-specific translation, and
`COUNTERVALUE(XXfigurecounter)' to obtain the order-number of
the figure shown in the next `figure'-macro call.
Sets `text' as filename, usually boldface. In html `attrib'
macro applies to the `' tag.
Generate an index entry for LaTex() or texinfo f-indices. Its
argument is the index entry. See also the `[cptv]index' macro.
Sets `text' as a footnote, or between parentheses when the
output format does not allow footnotes.
`gagmacrowarning(name name ...)'
Prevents the `yodl' program from printing cannot expand possible
user macro. E.g., if you have in your document `the file(s) are
..' then you might want to put before that:
`gagmacrowarning(file)'. Calls `NOUSERMACRO'.
Expands to the string that defines the name of Affiliation
Information, by default AFFILIATION INFORMATION. Can be
redefined for national language support by `setaffilstring()'.
Currently, it is relevant only for txt.
Expands to the string that defines the name of Author
Information, by default AUTHOR INFORMATION. Can be redefined for
national language support by `setauthorstring()'. Currently, it
is relevant only for txt.
Expands to the string that defines a `chapter' entry, by default
Chapter. Can be redefined for national language support by
Expands to the string that defines the name of Date Information,
by default DATE INFORMATION. Can be redefined for national
language support by `setdatestring()'. Currently, it is relevant
only for txt.
Returns the string that defines a `figure' text, in captions or
in the `fig()' macro. The string can be redefined using the
`setfiguretext()' macro.
Expands to the string that defines a `part' entry, by default
Part. Can be redefined for national language support by
Expands to the string that defines the name of Title
Information, by default TITLE INFORMATION. Can be redefined for
national language support by `settitlestring()'. Currently, it
is relevant only for txt.
Expands to the string that defines the name of the table of
contents, by default Table of Contents. Can be redefined for
national language support by `settocstring()'.
Writes `cmd' to the output when converting to html. The `cmd' is
not further expanded by Yodl.
Adds the contents of `file' to the `head' section of an HTML
document. The contents of file are not interpreted and should
contain plain html text. This option can be useful when large
bodies of text, like the contents of `