XKBCLI-HOW-TO-TYPE(1) General Commands Manual XKBCLI-HOW-TO-TYPE(1) NAME xkbcli how-to-type - query how to type a given Unicode codepoint SYNOPSIS xkbcli how-to-type [options] codepoint/keysym DESCRIPTION xkbcli how-to-type prints the key combinations (keycode + modifiers) in the keymap's layouts which would produce the given Unicode codepoint. --keysym Treat the argument as a keysym, not a Unicode codepoint --rules rules The XKB ruleset --model model The XKB model --layout layout The XKB layout --variant variant The XKB layout variant --options options The XKB options --help Print a help message and exit. SEE ALSO xkbcli(1), The libxkbcommon online documentation: https://xkbcommon.org Linux 6.9.7-arch1-1 July 27, 2020 Linux 6.9.7-arch1-1