XKBCLI-DUMP-KEYMAP-WAYLAND(1) General Commands Manual NAME xkbcli-dump-keymap-wayland - Debugger for XKB keyboard keymaps on Wayland SYNOPSIS xkbcli-dump-keymap-wayland [options] DESCRIPTION xkbcli-dump-keymap-wayland is a commandline tool to dump XKB keymaps from Wayland compositor. This requires a Wayland compositor to be running. This is a debugging tool, its behavior or output is not guaranteed to be stable. --help Print help and exit --raw Print the raw keymap, without parsing it. SEE ALSO xkbcli(1), xkbcli-interactive-wayland(1), xkbcli-dump-keymap-x11(1), The libxkbcommon online documentation: https://xkbcommon.org Linux 6.13.2-arch1-1 September 20, 2024 Linux 6.13.2-arch1-1