.TH XH 1 2024-04-12 0.22.0 "User Commands" .SH NAME xh \- Friendly and fast tool for sending HTTP requests .SH SYNOPSIS .B xh [\fIOPTIONS\fR] [\fIMETHOD\fR] \fIURL\fR [\-\-\] [\fIREQUEST_ITEM\fR ...] .SH DESCRIPTION \fBxh\fR is an HTTP client with a friendly command line interface. It strives to have readable output and easy-to-use options. xh is mostly compatible with HTTPie: see \fBhttp\fR(1). The \fB--curl\fR option can be used to print a \fBcurl\fR(1) translation of the command instead of sending a request. .SH POSITIONAL ARGUMENTS .TP 4 [\fIMETHOD\fR]\fI The HTTP method to use for the request. This defaults to GET, or to POST if the request contains a body. .TP \fIURL\fR The URL to request. The URL scheme defaults to "http://" normally, or "https://" if the program is invoked as "xhs". A leading colon works as shorthand for localhost. ":8000" is equivalent to "localhost:8000", and ":/path" is equivalent to "localhost/path". .TP [\fIREQUEST_ITEM\fR ...] Optional key\-value pairs to be included in the request. The separator is used to determine the type: .RS 8 .TP 4 key==value Add a query string to the URL. .TP 4 key=value Add a JSON property (\-\-json) or form field (\-\-form) to the request body. .TP 4 key:=value Add a field with a literal JSON value to the request body. Example: "numbers:=[1,2,3] enabled:=true" .TP 4 key@filename Upload a file (requires \-\-form or \-\-multipart). To set the filename and mimetype, ";type=" and ";filename=" can be used respectively. Example: "pfp@ra.jpg;type=image/jpeg;filename=profile.jpg" .TP 4 @filename Use a file as the request body. .TP 4 header:value Add a header, e.g. "user\-agent:foobar" .TP 4 header: Unset a header, e.g. "connection:" .TP 4 header; Add a header with an empty value. .RE .RS An "@" prefix can be used to read a value from a file. For example: "x\-api\-key:@api\-key.txt". A backslash can be used to escape special characters, e.g. "weird\\:key=value". To construct a complex JSON object, the REQUEST_ITEM's key can be set to a JSON path instead of a field name. For more information on this syntax, refer to https://httpie.io/docs/cli/nested\-json. .RE .SH OPTIONS Each --OPTION can be reset with a --no-OPTION argument. .TP 4 \fB\-j\fR, \fB\-\-json\fR (default) Serialize data items from the command line as a JSON object. Overrides both \-\-form and \-\-multipart. .TP 4 \fB\-f\fR, \fB\-\-form\fR Serialize data items from the command line as form fields. Overrides both \-\-json and \-\-multipart. .TP 4 \fB\-\-multipart\fR Like \-\-form, but force a multipart/form\-data request even without files. Overrides both \-\-json and \-\-form. .TP 4 \fB\-\-raw\fR=\fIRAW\fR Pass raw request data without extra processing. .TP 4 \fB\-\-pretty\fR=\fISTYLE\fR Controls output processing. Possible values are: all (default) Enable both coloring and formatting colors Apply syntax highlighting to output format Pretty\-print json and sort headers none Disable both coloring and formatting Defaults to "format" if the NO_COLOR env is set and to "none" if stdout is not tty. .TP 4 \fB\-\-format\-options\fR=\fIFORMAT_OPTIONS\fR Set output formatting options. Supported option are: json.indent: json.format: headers.sort: Example: \-\-format\-options=json.indent:2,headers.sort:false. .TP 4 \fB\-s\fR, \fB\-\-style\fR=\fITHEME\fR Output coloring style. [possible values: auto, solarized, monokai, fruity] .TP 4 \fB\-\-response\-charset\fR=\fIENCODING\fR Override the response encoding for terminal display purposes. Example: \-\-response\-charset=latin1. .TP 4 \fB\-\-response\-mime\fR=\fIMIME_TYPE\fR Override the response mime type for coloring and formatting for the terminal. Example: \-\-response\-mime=application/json. .TP 4 \fB\-p\fR, \fB\-\-print\fR=\fIFORMAT\fR String specifying what the output should contain 'H' request headers 'B' request body 'h' response headers 'b' response body 'm' response metadata Example: \-\-print=Hb. .TP 4 \fB\-h\fR, \fB\-\-headers\fR Print only the response headers. Shortcut for \-\-print=h. .TP 4 \fB\-b\fR, \fB\-\-body\fR Print only the response body. Shortcut for \-\-print=b. .TP 4 \fB\-m\fR, \fB\-\-meta\fR Print only the response metadata. Shortcut for \-\-print=m. .TP 4 \fB\-v\fR, \fB\-\-verbose\fR Print the whole request as well as the response. Additionally, this enables \-\-all for printing intermediary requests/responses while following redirects. Using verbose twice i.e. \-vv will print the response metadata as well. Equivalent to \-\-print=HhBb \-\-all. .TP 4 \fB\-\-all\fR Show any intermediary requests/responses while following redirects with \-\-follow. .TP 4 \fB\-P\fR, \fB\-\-history\-print\fR=\fIFORMAT\fR The same as \-\-print but applies only to intermediary requests/responses. .TP 4 \fB\-q\fR, \fB\-\-quiet\fR Do not print to stdout or stderr. .TP 4 \fB\-S\fR, \fB\-\-stream\fR Always stream the response body. .TP 4 \fB\-o\fR, \fB\-\-output\fR=\fIFILE\fR Save output to FILE instead of stdout. .TP 4 \fB\-d\fR, \fB\-\-download\fR Download the body to a file instead of printing it. The Accept\-Encoding header is set to identify and any redirects will be followed. .TP 4 \fB\-c\fR, \fB\-\-continue\fR Resume an interrupted download. Requires \-\-download and \-\-output. .TP 4 \fB\-\-session\fR=\fIFILE\fR Create, or reuse and update a session. Within a session, custom headers, auth credentials, as well as any cookies sent by the server persist between requests. .TP 4 \fB\-\-session\-read\-only\fR=\fIFILE\fR Create or read a session without updating it form the request/response exchange. .TP 4 \fB\-A\fR, \fB\-\-auth\-type\fR=\fIAUTH_TYPE\fR Specify the auth mechanism. [possible values: basic, bearer, digest] .TP 4 \fB\-a\fR, \fB\-\-auth\fR=\fIUSER\fR[\fI:PASS\fR] | \fITOKEN\fR Authenticate as USER with PASS (\-A basic|digest) or with TOKEN (\-A bearer). PASS will be prompted if missing. Use a trailing colon (i.e. "USER:") to authenticate with just a username. TOKEN is expected if \-\-auth\-type=bearer. .TP 4 \fB\-\-ignore\-netrc\fR Do not use credentials from .netrc. .TP 4 \fB\-\-offline\fR Construct HTTP requests without sending them anywhere. .TP 4 \fB\-\-check\-status\fR (default) Exit with an error status code if the server replies with an error. The exit code will be 4 on 4xx (Client Error), 5 on 5xx (Server Error), or 3 on 3xx (Redirect) if \-\-follow isn't set. If stdout is redirected then a warning is written to stderr. .TP 4 \fB\-F\fR, \fB\-\-follow\fR Do follow redirects. .TP 4 \fB\-\-max\-redirects\fR=\fINUM\fR Number of redirects to follow. Only respected if \-\-follow is used. .TP 4 \fB\-\-timeout\fR=\fISEC\fR Connection timeout of the request. The default value is "0", i.e., there is no timeout limit. .TP 4 \fB\-\-proxy\fR=\fIPROTOCOL:URL\fR Use a proxy for a protocol. For example: \-\-proxy https:http://proxy.host:8080. PROTOCOL can be "http", "https" or "all". If your proxy requires credentials, put them in the URL, like so: \-\-proxy http:socks5://user:password@proxy.host:8000. You can specify proxies for multiple protocols by repeating this option. The environment variables "http_proxy" and "https_proxy" can also be used, but are completely ignored if \-\-proxy is passed. .TP 4 \fB\-\-verify\fR=\fIVERIFY\fR If "no", skip SSL verification. If a file path, use it as a CA bundle. Specifying a CA bundle will disable the system's built\-in root certificates. "false" instead of "no" also works. The default is "yes" ("true"). .TP 4 \fB\-\-cert\fR=\fIFILE\fR Use a client side certificate for SSL. .TP 4 \fB\-\-cert\-key\fR=\fIFILE\fR A private key file to use with \-\-cert. Only necessary if the private key is not contained in the cert file. .TP 4 \fB\-\-ssl\fR=\fIVERSION\fR Force a particular TLS version. "auto" gives the default behavior of negotiating a version with the server. [possible values: auto, tls1, tls1.1, tls1.2, tls1.3] .TP 4 \fB\-\-native\-tls\fR Use the system TLS library instead of rustls (if enabled at compile time). .TP 4 \fB\-\-https\fR Make HTTPS requests if not specified in the URL. .TP 4 \fB\-\-http\-version\fR=\fIVERSION\fR HTTP version to use. [possible values: 1.0, 1.1, 2, 2\-prior\-knowledge] .TP 4 \fB\-\-resolve\fR=\fIHOST:ADDRESS\fR Override DNS resolution for specific domain to a custom IP. You can override multiple domains by repeating this option. Example: \-\-resolve=example.com: .TP 4 \fB\-\-interface\fR=\fINAME\fR Bind to a network interface or local IP address. Example: \-\-interface=eth0 \-\-interface= .TP 4 \fB\-4\fR, \fB\-\-ipv4\fR Resolve hostname to ipv4 addresses only. .TP 4 \fB\-6\fR, \fB\-\-ipv6\fR Resolve hostname to ipv6 addresses only. .TP 4 \fB\-I\fR, \fB\-\-ignore\-stdin\fR Do not attempt to read stdin. This disables the default behaviour of reading the request body from stdin when a redirected input is detected. It is recommended to pass this flag when using xh for scripting purposes. For more information, refer to https://httpie.io/docs/cli/best\-practices. .TP 4 \fB\-\-curl\fR Print a translation to a curl command. For translating the other way, try https://curl2httpie.online/. .TP 4 \fB\-\-curl\-long\fR Use the long versions of curl's flags. .TP 4 \fB\-\-help\fR Print help. .TP 4 \fB\-V\fR, \fB\-\-version\fR Print version. .SH EXIT STATUS .TP 4 .B 0 Successful program execution. .TP .B 1 Usage, syntax or network error. .TP .B 2 Request timeout. .TP .B 3 Unexpected HTTP 3xx Redirection. .TP .B 4 HTTP 4xx Client Error. .TP .B 5 HTTP 5xx Server Error. .TP .B 6 Too many redirects. .SH ENVIRONMENT .TP 4 .B XH_CONFIG_DIR Specifies where to look for config.json and named session data. The default is ~/.config/xh for Linux/macOS and %APPDATA%\\xh for Windows. .TP .B XH_HTTPIE_COMPAT_MODE Enables the HTTPie Compatibility Mode. The only current difference is that \-\-check-status is not enabled by default. An alternative to setting this environment variable is to rename the binary to either http or https. .TP .BR REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE ", " CURL_CA_BUNDLE Sets a custom CA bundle path. .TP .BR http_proxy "=[protocol://][:port]" Sets the proxy server to use for HTTP. .TP .BR HTTPS_PROXY "=[protocol://][:port]" Sets the proxy server to use for HTTPS. .TP .B NO_PROXY List of comma-separated hosts for which to ignore the other proxy environment variables. "*" matches all host names. .TP .B NETRC Location of the .netrc file. .TP .B NO_COLOR Disables output coloring. See .SH FILES .TP 4 .I ~/.config/xh/config.json xh configuration file. The only configurable option is "default_options" which is a list of default shell arguments that gets passed to xh. Example: .RS { "default_options": ["--native-tls", "--style=solarized"] } .RE .TP .IR ~/.netrc ", " ~/_netrc Auto-login information file. .TP .I ~/.config/xh/sessions Session data directory grouped by domain and port number. .SH EXAMPLES .TP 4 \fBxh\fR \fIhttpbin.org/json\fR Send a GET request. .TP \fBxh\fR \fIhttpbin.org/post name=ahmed \fIage:=24\fR Send a POST request with body {"name": "ahmed", "age": 24}. .TP \fBxh\fR get \fIhttpbin.org/json id==5 sort==true\fR Send a GET request to http://httpbin.org/json?id=5&sort=true. .TP \fBxh\fR get \fIhttpbin.org/json x-api-key:12345\fR Send a GET request and include a header named X-Api-Key with value 12345. .TP echo "[1, 2, 3]" | \fBxh\fR post \fIhttpbin.org/post Send a POST request with body read from stdin. .TP \fBxh\fR put \fIhttpbin.org/put id:=49 age:=25\fR | less Send a PUT request and pipe the result to less. .TP \fBxh\fR -d \fIhttpbin.org/json\fR -o \fIres.json\fR Download and save to res.json. .TP \fBxh\fR \fIhttpbin.org/get user-agent:foobar\fR Make a request with a custom user agent. .TP \fBxhs\fR \fIexample.com\fR Make an HTTPS request to https://example.com. .SH REPORTING BUGS xh's Github issues .SH SEE ALSO \fBcurl\fR(1), \fBhttp\fR(1) HTTPie's online documentation