.TH xcb_input_device_button_state_notify_event_t 3 "libxcb 1.17.0" "X Version 11" "XCB Events" .ad l .SH NAME xcb_input_device_button_state_notify_event_t \- .SH SYNOPSIS .hy 0 .B #include .PP .SS Event datastructure .nf .sp typedef struct xcb_input_device_button_state_notify_event_t { uint8_t \fIresponse_type\fP; uint8_t \fIdevice_id\fP; uint16_t \fIsequence\fP; uint8_t \fIbuttons\fP[28]; } \fBxcb_input_device_button_state_notify_event_t\fP; .fi .br .hy 1 .SH EVENT FIELDS .IP \fIresponse_type\fP 1i The type of this event, in this case \fIXCB_INPUT_DEVICE_BUTTON_STATE_NOTIFY\fP. This field is also present in the \fIxcb_generic_event_t\fP and can be used to tell events apart from each other. .IP \fIsequence\fP 1i The sequence number of the last request processed by the X11 server. .IP \fIdevice_id\fP 1i NOT YET DOCUMENTED. .IP \fIbuttons\fP 1i NOT YET DOCUMENTED. .SH DESCRIPTION .SH SEE ALSO .SH AUTHOR Generated from xinput.xml. Contact xcb@lists.freedesktop.org for corrections and improvements.