WSLAY_EVENT_CONFIG_SET_NO_BUFFERING(3) wslay NAME wslay_event_config_set_no_buffering - Enable or disable buffering of an entire message for non-control frames SYNOPSIS #include void wslay_event_config_set_no_buffering(wslay_event_context_ptr ctx, int val) DESCRIPTION wslay_event_config_set_no_buffering() enables or disables buffering of an entire message for non-control frames. If val is 0, buffering is enabled. Otherwise, buffering is disabled. If wslay_event_on_msg_recv_callback is invoked when buffering is disabled, the msg_length member of struct wslay_event_on_msg_recv_arg is set to 0. The control frames are always buffered regardless of this function call. This function must not be used after the first invocation of wslay_event_recv() function. SEE ALSO wslay_event_recv() AUTHOR Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa COPYRIGHT 2012, 2015, Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa 1.1.1 June 20, 2020 WSLAY_EVENT_CONFIG_SET_NO_BUFFERING(3)