1(2017-01-12) 1(2017-01-12) NAME - FreeRDP wayland client SYNOPSIS [file] [default_client_options] [/v:[:port]] [/version] [/help] DESCRIPTION is a wayland Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) client which is part of the FreeRDP project. A RDP server is built-in to many editions of Windows.. Alternative servers included ogon, gnome-remote-desktop, xrdp and VRDP (VirtualBox). OPTIONS The wayland client also supports a lot of the default client options which are not described here. For details on those see the xfreerdp(1) man page. /v:[:port] The server hostname or IP, and optionally the port, to connect to. /version Print the version and exit. /help Print the help and exit. EXIT STATUS 0 Successful program execution. not 0 On failure. SEE ALSO xfreerdp(1) wlog(7) AUTHOR FreeRDP FreeRDP 3.5.1 1(2017-01-12)