WGET(1) GNU Wget WGET(1) JMENO wget - neinteraktivni nastroj k stahovani souboru POUZITI wget [volba]... [URL]... POPIS GNU Wget je nastroj pro neinteraktivni stahovani souboru z WWW. Podporuje protokoly HTTP, HTTPS, a FTP, i stahovani pres HTTP proxy. Wget je neinteraktivni program, coz znamena, ze dovede pracovat na pozadi, i kdyz neni uzivatel prihlasen. Lze tedy spustit program, odhlasit se a pockat, az dodela urcenou praci. Naopak vetsina www prohlizecu vyzaduje neustalou pritomnost uzivatele, coz muze byt v pripade prenosu vetsiho mnozstvi dat na obtiz. Wget can follow links in HTML, XHTML, and CSS pages, to create local versions of remote web sites, fully recreating the directory structure of the original site. This is sometimes referred to as "recursive downloading." While doing that, Wget respects the Robot Exclusion Standard (/robots.txt). Wget can be instructed to convert the links in downloaded files to point at the local files, for offline viewing. Wget byl navrzen pro robustnost na pomalych nebo nestabilnich sitovych pripojenich; pokud stahovani selze kvuli problemu v siti, bude to zkouset znovu, dokud jej nestahne cely. Pokud server podporuje obnoveni stahovani (regetting), pozada jej o obnoveni stahovani v miste, kde predtim skoncil. VOLBY Syntaxe voleb Protoze Wget pouziva ke zpracovani argumentu prikazove radky GNU getopt, ma kazda volba dlouhou a kratkou formu. Dlouhe se lepe pamatuji, ale zdrzuji pri psani. Je mozne obe formy libovolne kombinovat nebo uvadet volby za argumenty prikazove radky. Tak je mozne napsat: wget -r --tries=10 http://fly.srk.fer.hr/ -o log Mezeru mezi volbou, ktera akceptuje argument, a argumentem lze vypustit. Namisto -o log lze napsat -olog. Volby, ktere argument nevyzaduji, je mozne sloucit, jako: wget -drc To je rovnocenne zapisu: wget -d -r -c Protoze volby je mozne uvest za argumenty, muzete argumenty ukoncit s --. Tj. nasledujici zapis se pokusi stahnout URL -x, selhani zapise do log: wget -o log -- -x Volby, ktere akceptuji seznamy oddelene carkou respektuji konvenci, ze urceni prazdneho seznamu vymaze jeho hodnotu. To lze vyuzit pro zruseni nastaveni z .wgetrc. Napriklad pokud .wgetrc nastavuje "exclude_directories" na /cgi-bin, nasledujici priklad je nejprve vymaze a potom nastavi na vylouceni /~nobody a /~somebody. Seznamy je take mozno vymazat ve .wgetrc. wget -X "" -X /~nobody,/~somebody Vetsina voleb, ktere neakceptuji argumenty, jsou booleovske volby, protoze jejich stav lze zachytit jako ano nebo ne ("booleovskou promennou"). Napriklad --follow-ftp nastavi Wget, aby nasledoval FTP odkazy z HTML souboru a na druhou stranu --no-glob mu prikazuje neprovadet globbing souboru na FTP URLs. Booleovska volba je budto kladna nebo zaporna (zacinajici na --no). Vsechny takove volby maji nektere vlastnosti spolecne. Pokud neni receno jinak, predpoklada se, ze vychozi chovani je opacne k uvedene volbe. Napriklad z toho, ze existuje volba --follow-ftp, vyplyva, ze vychozim chovanim je nenasledovat FTP odkazy z HTML stranek. Affirmative options can be negated by prepending the --no- to the option name; negative options can be negated by omitting the --no- prefix. This might seem superfluous---if the default for an affirmative option is to not do something, then why provide a way to explicitly turn it off? But the startup file may in fact change the default. For instance, using "follow_ftp = on" in .wgetrc makes Wget follow FTP links by default, and using --no-follow-ftp is the only way to restore the factory default from the command line. Zakladni volby -V --version Zobrazi se verze Wget. -h --help Vypise napovedu, popisujici vsechny volby prikazove radky programu Wget. -b --background Okamzite po spusteni se prepne na pozadi. Pokud neni volbou -o urcen zadny soubor pro vystup, je vystup presmerovan do wget-log. -e prikaz --execute prikaz Spusti se prikaz, jako kdyby to byla cast souboru .wgetrc. Prikaz vyvolany touto cestou bude mit prednost pred prikazy z .wgetrc. Pokud je treba urcit vice prikazu, pouzije se vice instanci volby -e. Logovani a volby vstupnich souboru -o logfile --output-file=logfile Zapisuj vsechny zpravy do logfile. Tyto zpravy jsou normalne zapisovany na standardni chybovy vystup. -a logfile --append-output=logfile Pripoj do logfile. To same jako -o, ale logfile pouze pripojuje, stary soubor nesmaze. Pokud logfile neexistuje, vytvori novy. -d --debug Turn on debug output, meaning various information important to the developers of Wget if it does not work properly. Your system administrator may have chosen to compile Wget without debug support, in which case -d will not work. Please note that compiling with debug support is always safe---Wget compiled with the debug support will not print any debug info unless requested with -d. -q --quiet Tichy rezim, zadny vystup. -v --verbose Upovidany vystup, se vsemi dostupnymi daty. Kdyz je pouzit bezny vystup, upovidanost je standardne nastavena. -nv --no-verbose Vypne upovidanost, aniz by byl zcela tichy (k tomu slouzi -q), takze jsou tistena chybova hlaseni a zakladni informace. --report-speed=typ Output bandwidth as type. The only accepted value is bits. -i soubor --input-file=soubor Read URLs from a local or external file. If - is specified as file, URLs are read from the standard input. (Use ./- to read from a file literally named -.) If this function is used, no URLs need be present on the command line. If there are URLs both on the command line and in an input file, those on the command lines will be the first ones to be retrieved. If --force-html is not specified, then file should consist of a series of URLs, one per line. Nicmene, kdyz urcite --force-html, na dokument se bude pohlizet jako na HTML. V tomto pripade muzou nastat problemy s relativnimi odkazy, coz lze vyresit bud pridanim "" do dokumentu nebo blize urcit --base=url v prikazove radce. If the file is an external one, the document will be automatically treated as html if the Content-Type matches text/html. Furthermore, the file's location will be implicitly used as base href if none was specified. --input-metalink=soubor Downloads files covered in local Metalink file. Metalink version 3 and 4 are supported. --keep-badhash Keeps downloaded Metalink's files with a bad hash. It appends .badhash to the name of Metalink's files which have a checksum mismatch, except without overwriting existing files. --metalink-over-http Issues HTTP HEAD request instead of GET and extracts Metalink metadata from response headers. Then it switches to Metalink download. If no valid Metalink metadata is found, it falls back to ordinary HTTP download. Enables Content-Type: application/metalink4+xml files download/processing. --metalink-index=pocet Set the Metalink application/metalink4+xml metaurl ordinal NUMBER. From 1 to the total number of "application/metalink4+xml" available. Specify 0 or inf to choose the first good one. Metaurls, such as those from a --metalink-over-http, may have been sorted by priority key's value; keep this in mind to choose the right NUMBER. --preferred-location Set preferred location for Metalink resources. This has effect if multiple resources with same priority are available. --xattr Enable use of file system's extended attributes to save the original URL and the Referer HTTP header value if used. Be aware that the URL might contain private information like access tokens or credentials. -F --force-html Kdyz je pouzit vstup ze souboru, je soubor povazovan za HTML. Tato moznost povoli ziskani relativnich odkazu z existujicich HTML souboru na vasem pevnem disku pridanim "" do HTML nebo pouzitim volby --base. -B URL --base=URL Resolves relative links using URL as the point of reference, when reading links from an HTML file specified via the -i/--input-file option (together with --force-html, or when the input file was fetched remotely from a server describing it as HTML). This is equivalent to the presence of a "BASE" tag in the HTML input file, with URL as the value for the "href" attribute. For instance, if you specify http://foo/bar/a.html for URL, and Wget reads ../baz/b.html from the input file, it would be resolved to http://foo/baz/b.html. --config=SOUBOR Specify the location of a startup file you wish to use instead of the default one(s). Use --no-config to disable reading of config files. If both --config and --no-config are given, --no-config is ignored. --rejected-log=logfile Logs all URL rejections to logfile as comma separated values. The values include the reason of rejection, the URL and the parent URL it was found in. Volby pro stahovani --bind-address=ADRESA When making client TCP/IP connections, bind to ADDRESS on the local machine. ADDRESS may be specified as a hostname or IP address. This option can be useful if your machine is bound to multiple IPs. --bind-dns-address=ADRESA [libcares only] This address overrides the route for DNS requests. If you ever need to circumvent the standard settings from /etc/resolv.conf, this option together with --dns-servers is your friend. ADDRESS must be specified either as IPv4 or IPv6 address. Wget needs to be built with libcares for this option to be available. --dns-servers=ADDRESSES [libcares only] The given address(es) override the standard nameserver addresses, e.g. as configured in /etc/resolv.conf. ADDRESSES may be specified either as IPv4 or IPv6 addresses, comma-separated. Wget needs to be built with libcares for this option to be available. -t pocet --tries=pocet Set number of tries to number. Specify 0 or inf for infinite retrying. The default is to retry 20 times, with the exception of fatal errors like "connection refused" or "not found" (404), which are not retried. -O soubor --output-document=soubor Dokumenty nebudou zapisovany do prislusnych souboru, ale vsechny budou pripojeny do jedineho souboru se jmenem, urcenym v parametru. Kdyz je jmeno souboru urceno jako -, budou dokumenty zapisovany na standardni vystup. (Pro zapis do souboru pojmenovaneho - pouzijte ./-.) Use of -O is not intended to mean simply "use the name file instead of the one in the URL;" rather, it is analogous to shell redirection: wget -O file http://foo is intended to work like wget -O - http://foo > file; file will be truncated immediately, and all downloaded content will be written there. For this reason, -N (for timestamp-checking) is not supported in combination with -O: since file is always newly created, it will always have a very new timestamp. A warning will be issued if this combination is used. Similarly, using -r or -p with -O may not work as you expect: Wget won't just download the first file to file and then download the rest to their normal names: all downloaded content will be placed in file. This was disabled in version 1.11, but has been reinstated (with a warning) in 1.11.2, as there are some cases where this behavior can actually have some use. A combination with -nc is only accepted if the given output file does not exist. Note that a combination with -k is only permitted when downloading a single document, as in that case it will just convert all relative URIs to external ones; -k makes no sense for multiple URIs when they're all being downloaded to a single file; -k can be used only when the output is a regular file. -nc --no-clobber Pokud je soubor ukladan do stejneho adresare vice nez jednou, zavisi chovani Wgetu na nekolika volbach, vcetne -nc. V nekterych pripadech je lokalni soubor prepsan (clobbered), jindy je zachovan. When running Wget without -N, -nc, -r, or -p, downloading the same file in the same directory will result in the original copy of file being preserved and the second copy being named file.1. If that file is downloaded yet again, the third copy will be named file.2, and so on. (This is also the behavior with -nd, even if -r or -p are in effect.) When -nc is specified, this behavior is suppressed, and Wget will refuse to download newer copies of file. Therefore, ""no-clobber"" is actually a misnomer in this mode---it's not clobbering that's prevented (as the numeric suffixes were already preventing clobbering), but rather the multiple version saving that's prevented. When running Wget with -r or -p, but without -N, -nd, or -nc, re-downloading a file will result in the new copy simply overwriting the old. Adding -nc will prevent this behavior, instead causing the original version to be preserved and any newer copies on the server to be ignored. When running Wget with -N, with or without -r or -p, the decision as to whether or not to download a newer copy of a file depends on the local and remote timestamp and size of the file. -nc may not be specified at the same time as -N. A combination with -O/--output-document is only accepted if the given output file does not exist. Pozor, pokud je pouzita volba -nc, budou soubory s priponou .html nebo .htm nahrany z lokalniho disku a zpracovany jako by byly stazeny z webu. --backups=backups Before (over)writing a file, back up an existing file by adding a .1 suffix (_1 on VMS) to the file name. Such backup files are rotated to .2, .3, and so on, up to backups (and lost beyond that). --no-netrc Do not try to obtain credentials from .netrc file. By default .netrc file is searched for credentials in case none have been passed on command line and authentication is required. -c --continue Pokracovani v prijmu castecne stazeneho souboru. To se hodi, pokud chcete dokoncit stahovani zapocate predchozi instanci Wgetu nebo jinym programem. Napr.: wget -c ftp://sunsite.doc.ic.ac.uk/ls-lR.Z Pokud je v aktualnim adresari soubor s nazvem ls-lR.Z, Wget bude predpokladat, ze se jedna o prvni cast vzdaleneho souboru a pozada server o pokracovani v prenosu od offsetu rovnemu delce lokalniho souboru. Vsimnete si, ze tento parametr neni nutne zadavat, pokud pouze chcete, aby Wget pokracoval ve stahovani souboru po preruseni spojeni. To je jeho vychozi chovani. -c ma vliv pouze na obnoveni stahovani zapocatych pred spustenim aktualni instance Wgetu, a pokud stale jeste jsou k dispozici lokalni soubory. Bez volby -c by predchozi priklad pouze stahnul vzdaleny soubor jako ls-lR.Z.1 a zkraceny soubor ls-lR.Z by nechal byt. If you use -c on a non-empty file, and the server does not support continued downloading, Wget will restart the download from scratch and overwrite the existing file entirely. Beginning with Wget 1.7, if you use -c on a file which is of equal size as the one on the server, Wget will refuse to download the file and print an explanatory message. The same happens when the file is smaller on the server than locally (presumably because it was changed on the server since your last download attempt)---because "continuing" is not meaningful, no download occurs. Na druhou stranu pri pouziti -c je jakykoliv soubor, ktery je na serveru vetsi nez soubor lokalni, povazovan za nedokoncene stahovani a bude stazeno a pripojeno na konec lokalniho souboru pouze "(delka(vzdaleny) - delka(lokalni))" bajtu. To se muze nekdy hodit---napriklad pri pouziti wget -c ke stazeni pouze nove casti pripojene k souboru dat nebo logu. Nicmene pokud je soubor na serveru vetsi, protoze byl zmenen, na rozdil od pouheho pripojeni, vznikne pokazeny soubor. Wget nema zadnou moznost overit, ze lokalni soubor je skutecne platnou casti vzdaleneho souboru. Zvlastni pozornost je potreba pri pouziti -c spolu s -r, protoze kazdy soubor bude povazovan za potencialni "nedokoncene stahovani". Dalsim pripadem, kdy dojde s volbou -c k poskozeni souboru je hloupa HTTP proxy vkladajici do lokalniho souboru retezec "transfer interrupted". V budoucnu muze byt pro tyto pripady pridana volba "rollback". Pozor, -c funguje pouze s FTP servery a s HTTP servery, ktere podporuji hlavicku "Range". --start-pos=OFFSET Start downloading at zero-based position OFFSET. Offset may be expressed in bytes, kilobytes with the `k' suffix, or megabytes with the `m' suffix, etc. --start-pos has higher precedence over --continue. When --start-pos and --continue are both specified, wget will emit a warning then proceed as if --continue was absent. Server support for continued download is required, otherwise --start-pos cannot help. See -c for details. --progress=druh Vybere druh ukazatele postupu, ktery ma byt pouzit. Platne druhy jsou "dot" a "bar". Jako vychozi je nastaven "bar" (carovy). Vykresluje ASCII caru postupu (alias "teplomer"), ktery ukazuje stav stahovani.Pokud vystup neni TTY, je jako vychozi pouzit "dot" (teckovy). Pro prepnuti na "dot" pouzijte --progress=dot. Pri stahovani vypisuje na obrazovku tecky; kazda tecka reprezentuje fixni objem stazenych dat. The progress type can also take one or more parameters. The parameters vary based on the type selected. Parameters to type are passed by appending them to the type sperated by a colon (:) like this: --progress=type:parameter1:parameter2. When using the dotted retrieval, you may set the style by specifying the type as dot:style. Different styles assign different meaning to one dot. With the "default" style each dot represents 1K, there are ten dots in a cluster and 50 dots in a line. The "binary" style has a more "computer"-like orientation---8K dots, 16-dots clusters and 48 dots per line (which makes for 384K lines). The "mega" style is suitable for downloading large files---each dot represents 64K retrieved, there are eight dots in a cluster, and 48 dots on each line (so each line contains 3M). If "mega" is not enough then you can use the "giga" style---each dot represents 1M retrieved, there are eight dots in a cluster, and 32 dots on each line (so each line contains 32M). With --progress=bar, there are currently two possible parameters, force and noscroll. When the output is not a TTY, the progress bar always falls back to "dot", even if --progress=bar was passed to Wget during invocation. This behaviour can be overridden and the "bar" output forced by using the "force" parameter as --progress=bar:force. By default, the bar style progress bar scroll the name of the file from left to right for the file being downloaded if the filename exceeds the maximum length allotted for its display. In certain cases, such as with --progress=bar:force, one may not want the scrolling filename in the progress bar. By passing the "noscroll" parameter, Wget can be forced to display as much of the filename as possible without scrolling through it. Note that you can set the default style using the "progress" command in .wgetrc. That setting may be overridden from the command line. For example, to force the bar output without scrolling, use --progress=bar:force:noscroll. --show-progress Force wget to display the progress bar in any verbosity. By default, wget only displays the progress bar in verbose mode. One may however, want wget to display the progress bar on screen in conjunction with any other verbosity modes like --no-verbose or --quiet. This is often a desired a property when invoking wget to download several small/large files. In such a case, wget could simply be invoked with this parameter to get a much cleaner output on the screen. This option will also force the progress bar to be printed to stderr when used alongside the --output-file option. -N --timestamping Zapne casove oznaceni (timestamping). --no-if-modified-since Do not send If-Modified-Since header in -N mode. Send preliminary HEAD request instead. This has only effect in -N mode. --no-use-server-timestamps Don't set the local file's timestamp by the one on the server. By default, when a file is downloaded, its timestamps are set to match those from the remote file. This allows the use of --timestamping on subsequent invocations of wget. However, it is sometimes useful to base the local file's timestamp on when it was actually downloaded; for that purpose, the --no-use-server-timestamps option has been provided. -S --server-response Vypise hlavicky odeslane HTTP serverem a odpovedi odeslane FTP serverem. --spider Pri spusteni s touto volbou se bude Wget chovat jako Web spider, tj. nebude stranky stahovat, jenom kontrolovat, jestli existuji. Napr. je mozne pouzit wget na kontrolu zalozek: wget --spider --force-html -i bookmarks.html Na teto funkcionalite se jeste musi zapracovat, aby se alespon priblizila skutecnym web spiders. -T vterin --timeout=vterin Nastaveni casoveho limitu site na zadany pocet vterin. Je ekvivalentni spolecnemu nastaveni --dns-timeout, --connect-timeout a --read-timeout. Kdykoliv probiha sitova operace, Wget muze overovat prodlevu a operaci prerusit, pokud trva prilis dlouho. Tak lze zabranit zamrznuti nebo nekonecnym spojenim. Jedinym casovym limitem, ktery je jako vychozi nastaven, je 900 vterin na cteni. Nastavenim na 0 se vyradi. Vychozi hodnotu je zahodno menit pouze v pripade, ze skutecne vite, co delate. Vsechny volby tykajici se casovych limitu akceptuji hodnoty v desitkove soustave, vcetne hodnot pod vterinu. Napr. 0.1 vterin je platnou (ackoliv nevhodnou) hodnotou. Hodnoty pod vterinu se hodi pri testovani casu odpovedi serveru nebo latence site. --dns-timeout=vterin Nastavi casovy limit pro DNS dotaz na zadany pocet vterin. DNS dotazy, ktere nejsou ve stanovenem case dokonceny, selzou. Jako vychozi neni pro DNS dotazy stanoven zadny casovy limit nad ramec implementace knihovnami systemu. --connect-timeout=vterin Nastavi casovy limit na zadany pocet vterin. TCP spojeni, ktera se za tu dobu nepodari sestavit budou prerusena. Jako vychozi neni pro sestaveni spojeni stanoven zadny casovy limit nad ramec implementace knihovnami systemu. --read-timeout=vterin Nastavi casovy limit pro cteni (a zapis) na zadany v pocet vterin. "Cas" v tomto pripade znamena necinny cas: pokud v jakekoliv fazi stahovani nejsou prijata zadna data po vice nez zadany pocet vterin, cteni selze a stahovani zacne znovu. Tato volba neovlivnuje primo trvani celeho stahovani. Samozrejme vzdaleny server se muze rozhodnout ukoncit spojeni drive nez stanovi tato volba. Vychozi hodnotou casoveho limitu pro cteni je 900 vterin. --limit-rate=pocet Omezi rychlost stahovani na pocet bajtu za vterinu. Pocet muze byt vyjadren v bajtech, s priponou k v kilobajtech nebo s priponou m v megabajtech. Napr. --limit-rate=20k omezi rychlost stahovani na 20KB/s. To se hodi pokud z jakehokoliv duvodu nechcete, aby Wget zabral cele prenosove pasmo. Tato volba umoznuje pouzit desetiny, obvykle spolu s priponami; napr. --limit-rate=2.5k je platne nastaveni. Vsimnete si, ze Wget implementuje omezovani necinnosti po urcity cas, v pripade, ze cteni ze site trvalo mene nezli je urceno limitem. Tato strategie zpusobi, ze TCP prenos se zpomali zhruba na rychlost danou limitem. Nicmene dosazeni rovnovahy muze chvili trvat, takze v pripade velmi malych souboru to moc dobre nefunguje. -w vterin --wait=vterin Cekat zadany pocet vterin mezi jednotlivymi stazenimi. Pouziti teto volby se doporucuje, protoze se tak snizuje zatizeni serveru. Namisto v sekundach muze byt urceno v minutach pomoci pripony "m", v hodinach s priponou "h" nebo dnech s priponou "d". Specifying a large value for this option is useful if the network or the destination host is down, so that Wget can wait long enough to reasonably expect the network error to be fixed before the retry. The waiting interval specified by this function is influenced by "--random-wait", which see. --waitretry=vterin Pokud nechcete, aby Wget cekal mezi kazdym stazenim, ale jen mezi stazenimi, ktera selhala, pouzijte tuto volbu. Wget pouzije linearni ustup (linear backoff), tj. cekani 1 vterinu po prvnim selhani u souboru, 2 vteriny po druhem selhani u stejneho souboru, az po zadany pocet vterin. By default, Wget will assume a value of 10 seconds. --random-wait Nektere www servery mohou provadet analyzu zaznamu za ucelem identifikace programu jako je Wget hledanim statisticky podobnych casu mezi pozadavky. Tato volba zpusobi, ze cas mezi pozadavky se bude pohybovat mezi 0.5 a 1.5 * wait vterinami, kde wait je hodnota dana volbou --wait, aby nemohl byt Wget identifikovan. A 2001 article in a publication devoted to development on a popular consumer platform provided code to perform this analysis on the fly. Its author suggested blocking at the class C address level to ensure automated retrieval programs were blocked despite changing DHCP-supplied addresses. The --random-wait option was inspired by this ill-advised recommendation to block many unrelated users from a web site due to the actions of one. --no-proxy nepouzivat proxy, i pokud je prislusna promenna prostredi *_proxy definovana. -Q kvota --quota=kvota Nastavi kvotu pro automaticka stahovani. Hodnota muze byt urcena v bajtech (vychozi), kilobajtech (s priponou k) nebo megabajtech (s priponou m). Note that quota will never affect downloading a single file. So if you specify wget -Q10k https://example.com/ls-lR.gz, all of the ls-lR.gz will be downloaded. The same goes even when several URLs are specified on the command-line. The quota is checked only at the end of each downloaded file, so it will never result in a partially downloaded file. Thus you may safely type wget -Q2m -i sites---download will be aborted after the file that exhausts the quota is completely downloaded. Zadanim kvoty na 0 nebo inf se kvota nastavi na nekonecno. --no-dns-cache Vypne vyrovnavaci pamet DNS dotazu. Za normalnich okolnosti si Wget pamatuje IP adresy, ktere ziskal z DNS, takze nemusi pravidelne kontaktovat DNS server pro stejnou (obvykle malou) sadu hostitelu, z nichz stahuje. Tato vyrovnavaci pamet existuje pouze v pameti a nova instance Wgetu musi DNS kontaktovat znovu. Nicmene jsou pripady, kdy neni zadouci udrzovat jmena hostitelu ve vyrovnavaci pameti, a to ani po kratkou dobu. S touto volbou Wget pro kazde nove spojeni pouzije novy DNS dotaz (presneji nove volani "gethostbyname" nebo "getaddrinfo"). Tato volba neovlivni cachovani, ktere muze provadet DNS knihovna nebo externi vyrovnavaci vrstva, jako je treba NSCD. Pokud presne nerozumite, k cemu tato volba slouzi, pravdepodobne ji nepotrebujete. --restrict-file-names=modes Change which characters found in remote URLs must be escaped during generation of local filenames. Characters that are restricted by this option are escaped, i.e. replaced with %HH, where HH is the hexadecimal number that corresponds to the restricted character. This option may also be used to force all alphabetical cases to be either lower- or uppercase. By default, Wget escapes the characters that are not valid or safe as part of file names on your operating system, as well as control characters that are typically unprintable. This option is useful for changing these defaults, perhaps because you are downloading to a non-native partition, or because you want to disable escaping of the control characters, or you want to further restrict characters to only those in the ASCII range of values. The modes are a comma-separated set of text values. The acceptable values are unix, windows, nocontrol, ascii, lowercase, and uppercase. The values unix and windows are mutually exclusive (one will override the other), as are lowercase and uppercase. Those last are special cases, as they do not change the set of characters that would be escaped, but rather force local file paths to be converted either to lower- or uppercase. When "unix" is specified, Wget escapes the character / and the control characters in the ranges 0--31 and 128--159. This is the default on Unix-like operating systems. When "windows" is given, Wget escapes the characters \, |, /, :, ?, ", *, <, >, and the control characters in the ranges 0--31 and 128--159. In addition to this, Wget in Windows mode uses + instead of : to separate host and port in local file names, and uses @ instead of ? to separate the query portion of the file name from the rest. Therefore, a URL that would be saved as www.xemacs.org:4300/search.pl?input=blah in Unix mode would be saved as www.xemacs.org+4300/search.pl@input=blah in Windows mode. This mode is the default on Windows. If you specify nocontrol, then the escaping of the control characters is also switched off. This option may make sense when you are downloading URLs whose names contain UTF-8 characters, on a system which can save and display filenames in UTF-8 (some possible byte values used in UTF-8 byte sequences fall in the range of values designated by Wget as "controls"). The ascii mode is used to specify that any bytes whose values are outside the range of ASCII characters (that is, greater than 127) shall be escaped. This can be useful when saving filenames whose encoding does not match the one used locally. -4 --inet4-only -6 --inet6-only Vynuti pripojovani k IPv4 nebo IPv6 adresam. S --inet4-only nebo -4 se Wget bude pripojovat pouze k IPv4 hostitelum, ignorujic AAAA zaznamy v DNS a odmitne se pripojit k IPv6 adresam urcenym v URL. Naopak s --inet6-only nebo -6 se Wget bude pripojovat pouze k IPv6 hostitelum a bude ignorovat A zaznamy a IPv4 adresy. Zadnou z techto voleb by nemelo byt nutne nastavovat rucne. Jako vychozi Wget, ktery IPv6 umi, pouzije druh adres, urceny DNS zaznamem hostitele. Pokud DNS odpovi IPv4 i IPv6 adresou, Wget je postupne zkusi, dokud nenajde tu, ke ktere se da pripojit. (Take viz volba "--prefer-family" popsana nize.) Tyto volby mohou byt pouzity k vynuceni uziti IPv4 nebo IPv6 adres na systemech, ktere podporuji obe moznosti, obvykle za ucelem ladeni nebo reseni rozbite konfigurace site. Najednou muze byt pouzita pouze jedna z voleb --inet6-only a --inet4-only. Pokud nebyl Wget zkompilovan s podporou IPv6, nejsou tyto volby dostupne. --prefer-family=none/IPv4/IPv6 When given a choice of several addresses, connect to the addresses with specified address family first. The address order returned by DNS is used without change by default. Tim se vyhne falesnym chybam a pokusum o spojeni, pri pristupu z IPv4 siti k hostitelum, kteri maji jak IPv6 tak IPv4 zaznam. Napriklad www.kame.net se preklada na 2001:200:0:8002:203:47ff:fea5:3085 a na Je-li preferovano "IPv4", poizije se IPv4 adresa jako prvni; je-li preferovano "IPv6", pouzije se jako prvni IPv6 adresa; je-li zadana hodnota "none", je poradi adres vracenych DNS pouzito beze zmeny. Na rozdil od -4 a -6 tato volba neomezuje pouzivani na jediny druh adres, pouze meni poradi, ve kterem je k adresam pristupovano. Take si vsimnete, ze provedena zmena poradi je stabilni---neovlivnuje poradi adres stejneho druhu, tj. relativni poradi vsech IPv4 adres a vsech IPv6 adres zustava ve vsech pripadech nedotceno. --retry-connrefused Povazuj "connection refused" za docasnou chybu a zkousej znovu. Normalne Wget pokus o stazeni URL vzda, pokud se k serveru nedokaze pripojit, protoze takove selhani se bere jako znameni, ze server vubec nebezi a dalsi pokusy by nikam nevedly. Tato volba se hodi k zrcadleni nespolehlivych serveru, ktere na kratke casove useky vypadavaji. --user=uzivatel --password=heslo Nastavi uzivatele a heslo heslo pro stahovani pres FTP i HTTP. Tyto parametry lze potlacit pouzitim voleb --ftp-user a --ftp-password pro FTP prenosy a --http-user a --http-password pro HTTP prenosy. --ask-password Prompt for a password for each connection established. Cannot be specified when --password is being used, because they are mutually exclusive. --use-askpass=prikaz Prompt for a user and password using the specified command. If no command is specified then the command in the environment variable WGET_ASKPASS is used. If WGET_ASKPASS is not set then the command in the environment variable SSH_ASKPASS is used. You can set the default command for use-askpass in the .wgetrc. That setting may be overridden from the command line. --no-iri Turn off internationalized URI (IRI) support. Use --iri to turn it on. IRI support is activated by default. You can set the default state of IRI support using the "iri" command in .wgetrc. That setting may be overridden from the command line. --local-encoding=encoding Force Wget to use encoding as the default system encoding. That affects how Wget converts URLs specified as arguments from locale to UTF-8 for IRI support. Wget use the function "nl_langinfo()" and then the "CHARSET" environment variable to get the locale. If it fails, ASCII is used. You can set the default local encoding using the "local_encoding" command in .wgetrc. That setting may be overridden from the command line. --remote-encoding=encoding Force Wget to use encoding as the default remote server encoding. That affects how Wget converts URIs found in files from remote encoding to UTF-8 during a recursive fetch. This options is only useful for IRI support, for the interpretation of non-ASCII characters. For HTTP, remote encoding can be found in HTTP "Content-Type" header and in HTML "Content-Type http-equiv" meta tag. You can set the default encoding using the "remoteencoding" command in .wgetrc. That setting may be overridden from the command line. --unlink Force Wget to unlink file instead of clobbering existing file. This option is useful for downloading to the directory with hardlinks. Volby pro adresare -nd --no-directories Pri rekurzivnim stahovani nevytvaret adresarovou hierarchii. Vsechny soubory budou ulozeny do aktualniho adresare, bez prepisovani (pokud existuje vice souboru se stejnym jmenem, jsou ulozeny s priponami .n). -x --force-directories Opak -nd---vytvori adresarovou hierarchii, i v pripade, ze by jinak vytvorena nebyla. Napr. wget -x http://fly.srk.fer.hr/robots.txt ulozi stazeny soubor do fly.srk.fer.hr/robots.txt. -nH --no-host-directories Nebude vytvaret adresare zacinajici nazvem hostitele. Jako vychozi bude pri spusteni Wget s volbou -r http://fly.srk.fer.hr/ vytvorena adresarova struktura zacinajici fly.srk.fer.hr/. Tato volba toto chovani vypne. --protocol-directories Pouzije nazev protokolu v ceste k lokalnimu souboru. Napr. (s touto volbou) wget -r http://host bude ukladat do http/host/... a ne do host/.... --cut-dirs=pocet Bude ignorovat zadany pocet podadresaru. To se hodi pro detailni kontrolu nad adresarem, kam se uklada. Viz napr. adresar ftp://ftp.xemacs.org/pub/xemacs/. Pri jeho stazeni s -r bude ulozen lokalne v ftp.xemacs.org/pub/xemacs/. Zatimco volba -nH muze odstranit podadresar ftp.xemacs.org/, ale porad zbyva pub/xemacs. Tady se --cut-dirs hodi; zpusobi, ze Wget nebude "see" pocet podadresaru vzdaleneho adresare. Nasleduje nekolik prikladu fungovani volby --cut-dirs. No options -> ftp.xemacs.org/pub/xemacs/ -nH -> pub/xemacs/ -nH --cut-dirs=1 -> xemacs/ -nH --cut-dirs=2 -> . --cut-dirs=1 -> ftp.xemacs.org/xemacs/ ... Pokud je pouze potreba zbavit se adresarove struktury, lze podobneho vysledku dosahnout kombinaci -nd a -P. Nicmene narozdil od -nd volba --cut-dirs nerusi podadresare---napr. pri pouziti -nH --cut-dirs=1 bude podadresar beta/ podle ocekavani umisten do xemacs/beta. -P prefix --directory-prefix=prefix Nastavi prefix pro adresare na prefix. Adresar prefix je adresar, kam se budou vsechny soubory a podadresare ukladat. Vychozi hodnotou je . (aktualni adresar). Volby HTTP --default-page=name Use name as the default file name when it isn't known (i.e., for URLs that end in a slash), instead of index.html. -E --adjust-extension Pokud je stazen soubor typu application/xhtml+xml nebo text/html a jeho URL nekonci priponou odpovidajici regularnimu vyrazu \.[Hh][Tt][Mm][Ll]?, zpusobi tato volba pripojeni pripony .html k nazvu lokalniho souboru. To se hodi napr. pri zrcadleni serveru pouzivajiciho .asp, kdyz maji byt zrcadlene stranky zprostredkovany serverem Apache. Nebo take pri stahovani obsahu, generovaneho CGI. URL typu http://site.com/article.cgi?25 bude ulozeno jako article.cgi?25.html. Note that filenames changed in this way will be re-downloaded every time you re-mirror a site, because Wget can't tell that the local X.html file corresponds to remote URL X (since it doesn't yet know that the URL produces output of type text/html or application/xhtml+xml. As of version 1.12, Wget will also ensure that any downloaded files of type text/css end in the suffix .css, and the option was renamed from --html-extension, to better reflect its new behavior. The old option name is still acceptable, but should now be considered deprecated. As of version 1.19.2, Wget will also ensure that any downloaded files with a "Content-Encoding" of br, compress, deflate or gzip end in the suffix .br, .Z, .zlib and .gz respectively. At some point in the future, this option may well be expanded to include suffixes for other types of content, including content types that are not parsed by Wget. --http-user=uzivatel --http-password=heslo Specify the username user and password password on an HTTP server. According to the type of the challenge, Wget will encode them using either the "basic" (insecure), the "digest", or the Windows "NTLM" authentication scheme. Another way to specify username and password is in the URL itself. Either method reveals your password to anyone who bothers to run "ps". To prevent the passwords from being seen, use the --use-askpass or store them in .wgetrc or .netrc, and make sure to protect those files from other users with "chmod". If the passwords are really important, do not leave them lying in those files either---edit the files and delete them after Wget has started the download. --no-http-keep-alive Vypne "keep-alive" pro HTTP stahovani. Normalne Wget pozada server, aby ponechal spojeni otevrene, takze pri stahovani vice nez jednoho dokumentu ze stejneho serveru budou stazeny v ramci stejneho TCP spojeni. Tak se usetri cas a zaroven se snizi zatez serveru. Tato volba se hodi v pripade, kdy z nejakeho duvodu, trvala (keep-alive) spojeni nefunguji, napr. diky chybe v serveru nebo neschopnosti skriptu na strane serveru vyporadat se se spojenimi. --no-cache Disable server-side cache. In this case, Wget will send the remote server appropriate directives (Cache-Control: no-cache and Pragma: no-cache) to get the file from the remote service, rather than returning the cached version. This is especially useful for retrieving and flushing out-of-date documents on proxy servers. Pouzivani vyrovnavaci pameti je ve vychozim stavu povoleno. --no-cookies Zakaze pouzivani cookies. Cookies slouzi k udrzovani o stavu na serveru. Server posle klientovi cookie pomoci hlavicky "Set-Cookie" a klient touto cookie odpovida na dalsi dotazy. Protoze cookie umoznuje vlastnikovi serveru sledovat navstevniky, muze byt jejich uziti povazovano za narusovani soukromi. Jako vychozi je pouzivani cookies povoleno, nicmene skladovani cookies je vypnuto. --load-cookies soubor Nahraje cookies ze souboru pred prvnim HTTP stahovanim. soubor je textovy soubor ve formatu puvodniho souboru cookies.txt v Netscape. Tato volba je typicky pouzivana v pripadech zrcadleni serveru, ktere vyzaduji prihlaseni pro pristup k casti nebo celemu obsahu. Prihlasovaci proces obvykle probiha tak, ze web server na zaklade prijatych a overenych prihlasovacich informaci vyda HTTP cookie. Tuto cookie potom prohlizec pri pristupu do vyhrazene casti posila serveru, cimz prokazuje svou identitu. Zrcadleni takoveho serveru vyzaduje, aby Wget posilal stejne cookies, jako posila vas prohlizec. Toho se dosahne volbou --load-cookies---proste se Wgetu preda umisteni souboru cookies.txt a bude posilat stejne cookies, jako by v dane situaci posilal vas prohlizec. Ruzne prohlizece udrzuji textove cookie soubory na ruznych mistech: "Netscape 4.x." Cookies jsou v ~/.netscape/cookies.txt. "Mozilla and Netscape 6.x." Cooki soubor Mozilly se take jmenuje cookies.txt a je umisten nekde v ~/.mozilla, v adresari vaseho profilu. Uplna cesta obvykle vypada podobne jako ~/.mozilla/default/some-weird-string/cookies.txt. "Internet Explorer." Pro vytvoreni cookie souboru pouzitelneho Wgetem zvolte v menu Soubor Import a Expert, Exportovat cookies. Testovano s Internet Explorerem 5; Neni zaruceno, ze bude fungovat s drivejsimi verzemi. "Other browsers." Pokud pouzivate jiny prohlizec, --load-cookies fungovat pouze v pripade, ze dokazete najit nebo vytvorit cookie soubor ve formatu Netscape. Pokud neni mozne pouzit --load-cookies, je tu jeste jedna alternativa. Pokud prohlizec podporuje "spravu cookie", je mozne pouzit jej pro zobrazeni cookies, ktere jsou pouzivany k pristupu k zrcadlenemu serveru. Opiste si nazev a hodnotu cookie a rucne naridte Wgetu, aby je posilal, cimz "oficialni" podporu cookies obejdete: wget --no-cookies --header "Cookie: =" --save-cookies soubor Pred ukoncenim ulozi cookies do souboru. Takto nebudou ulozeny cookies, ktere vyprsely nebo nemaji nastaven cas vyprseni (tzv. "session cookies"), viz tez --keep-session-cookies. --keep-session-cookies Pokud je pouzito, zpusobi, ze volba --save-cookies bude take ukladat session cookies. Ty za normalnich okolnosti ukladany nejsou, protoze maji byt uchovavany pouze v pameti a zapomenuty pri zavreni prohlizece. Jejich ulozeni se hodi u serveru, ktere pozaduji prihlaseni nebo navstevu home page pred umoznenim pristupu na nektere stranky. S touto volbou je pro dany server vicero spusteni Wgetu povazovano za jedinou session prohlizece. Protoze format cookie souboru normalne neobsahuje session cookies, Wget je oznaci casem expirace 0. Volba --load-cookies je rozpozna jako session cookies, ale ostatni prohlizece to muze zmast. Take si vsimnete, ze s takto nahranymi cookies bude zachazeno jako s ostatnimi session cookies, tj. pokud je ma volba --save-cookies opet zachovat, je nutne znovu pouzit --keep-session-cookies. --ignore-length Nektere HTTP servery (resp. CGI programy) bohuzel posilaji neplatne hlavicky "Content-Length", coz Wget nesnasi dobre, protoze si mysli, ze dokument nebyl stazen uplne. Priznakem jsou opakovane pokusy Wgetu o stazeni stejneho dokumentu, ktere pokazde skonci hlaskou, ze (jinka normalni) spojeni bylo ukonceno na stejnem bajtu. S touto volbou bude Wget hlavicku "Content-Length" ignorovat--- jako by nikdy neexistovala. --header=header-line Bude posilat header-line spolu s ostatnimi hlavickami v kazdem HTTP pozadavku. Dodana hlavicka je poslana tak, jak je, tzn. musi obsahovat nazev a hodnotu oddelene strednikem a nesmi obsahovat znak noveho radku. Pro definovani vice hlavicek je mozne pouzit --header vicenasobne. wget --header='Accept-Charset: iso-8859-2' \ --header='Accept-Language: hr' \ http://fly.srk.fer.hr/ Nastavenim hodnoty na prazdny retezec se smazou vsechny drive definovane hlavicky. Od verze 1.10 muze byt tato volba pouzita pro prepsani jinak automaticky generovanych hlavicek. Nasledujici prikaz instruuje Wget, aby se pripojil na localhost, ale pouzil foo.bar v hlavicce "Host": wget --header="Host: foo.bar" http://localhost/ Ve verzich pred 1.10 takove pouziti volby --header zpusobovalo posilani duplicitnich hlavicek. --compression=typ Choose the type of compression to be used. Legal values are auto, gzip and none. If auto or gzip are specified, Wget asks the server to compress the file using the gzip compression format. If the server compresses the file and responds with the "Content-Encoding" header field set appropriately, the file will be decompressed automatically. If none is specified, wget will not ask the server to compress the file and will not decompress any server responses. This is the default. Compression support is currently experimental. In case it is turned on, please report any bugs to "bug-wget@gnu.org". --max-redirect=pocet Specifies the maximum number of redirections to follow for a resource. The default is 20, which is usually far more than necessary. However, on those occasions where you want to allow more (or fewer), this is the option to use. --proxy-user=uzivatel --proxy-password=heslo Nastavi uzivatelske jmeno uzivatel a heslo heslo pro autentizaci na proxy serveru. Wget je zakoduje autentikacnim schematem "basic". I zde plati bezpecnostni ohledy popsane u --http-password. --referer=url Zahrne do HTTP pozadavku hlavicku `Referer: url'. Hodi se pro ziskavani dokumentu zpracovavanych na serveru, ktery ocekava pouze stahovani interaktivnimi prohlizeci, a ktere lze stahnout v poradku pouze pokud je hlavicka Referer nastavena na jednu ze stranek, ktera na ne odkazuje. --save-headers Ulozi hlavicky poslane HTTP serverem do souboru, pred jeho soucasny obsah, zaznamy jsou oddeleny znakem noveho radku. -U agent-string --user-agent=agent-string Bude se HTTP serveru identifikovat jako agent-string. HTTP protokol umoznuje klientum identifikovat se pomoci hlavicky "User-Agent". Tak je mozne odlisit WWW software, obvykle pro statisticke ucely nebo pro sledovani porusovani protokolu. Wget se normalne identifikuje jako Wget/verze, kde verze je aktualni cislo verze Wgetu. Nicmene nektere servery uplatnuji politiku vystupu na miru podle informaci z "User-Agent". Zatimco teoreticky to neni tak spatny napad, byva to zneuzivano servery k odepreni informaci klientum jinym nez (historicky) Netscape nebo casteji Microsoft Internet Explorer. Tato volba umoznuje zmenit radek "User-Agent" posilany Wgetem. Pokud nevite, co delate, nepouzivejte tuto volbu. Urcenim prazdneho retezce pomoci --user-agent="" zpusobi, ze Wget hlavicku "User-Agent" v HTTP pozadavcich neposle vubec. --post-data=retezec --post-file=soubor Use POST as the method for all HTTP requests and send the specified data in the request body. --post-data sends string as data, whereas --post-file sends the contents of file. Other than that, they work in exactly the same way. In particular, they both expect content of the form "key1=value1&key2=value2", with percent-encoding for special characters; the only difference is that one expects its content as a command-line parameter and the other accepts its content from a file. In particular, --post-file is not for transmitting files as form attachments: those must appear as "key=value" data (with appropriate percent-coding) just like everything else. Wget does not currently support "multipart/form-data" for transmitting POST data; only "application/x-www-form-urlencoded". Only one of --post-data and --post-file should be specified. Please note that wget does not require the content to be of the form "key1=value1&key2=value2", and neither does it test for it. Wget will simply transmit whatever data is provided to it. Most servers however expect the POST data to be in the above format when processing HTML Forms. When sending a POST request using the --post-file option, Wget treats the file as a binary file and will send every character in the POST request without stripping trailing newline or formfeed characters. Any other control characters in the text will also be sent as-is in the POST request. Please be aware that Wget needs to know the size of the POST data in advance. Therefore the argument to "--post-file" must be a regular file; specifying a FIFO or something like /dev/stdin won't work. It's not quite clear how to work around this limitation inherent in HTTP/1.0. Although HTTP/1.1 introduces chunked transfer that doesn't require knowing the request length in advance, a client can't use chunked unless it knows it's talking to an HTTP/1.1 server. And it can't know that until it receives a response, which in turn requires the request to have been completed -- a chicken-and-egg problem. Note: As of version 1.15 if Wget is redirected after the POST request is completed, its behaviour will depend on the response code returned by the server. In case of a 301 Moved Permanently, 302 Moved Temporarily or 307 Temporary Redirect, Wget will, in accordance with RFC2616, continue to send a POST request. In case a server wants the client to change the Request method upon redirection, it should send a 303 See Other response code. Nasledujici priklad ukazuje, jak se prihlasit na server pomoci POST a pote pristoupit ke stazeni pozadovanych stranek, ktere jsou pristupne pouze autorizovanym uzivatelum: # Log in to the server. This can be done only once. wget --save-cookies cookies.txt \ --post-data 'user=foo&password=bar' \ http://example.com/auth.php # Now grab the page or pages we care about. wget --load-cookies cookies.txt \ -p http://example.com/interesting/article.php Pokud server pouziva ke sledovani autentizace uzivatelu session cookies, nebude tento priklad fungovat, protoze --save-cookies je neulozi (ani prohlizece je neulozi) a soubor cookies.txt bude prazdny V tom pripade pro vynucene ukladani session cookies pridejte volbu --keep-session-cookies. --method=HTTP-Method For the purpose of RESTful scripting, Wget allows sending of other HTTP Methods without the need to explicitly set them using --header=Header-Line. Wget will use whatever string is passed to it after --method as the HTTP Method to the server. --body-data=Data-String --body-file=Data-File Must be set when additional data needs to be sent to the server along with the Method specified using --method. --body-data sends string as data, whereas --body-file sends the contents of file. Other than that, they work in exactly the same way. Currently, --body-file is not for transmitting files as a whole. Wget does not currently support "multipart/form-data" for transmitting data; only "application/x-www-form-urlencoded". In the future, this may be changed so that wget sends the --body-file as a complete file instead of sending its contents to the server. Please be aware that Wget needs to know the contents of BODY Data in advance, and hence the argument to --body-file should be a regular file. See --post-file for a more detailed explanation. Only one of --body-data and --body-file should be specified. If Wget is redirected after the request is completed, Wget will suspend the current method and send a GET request till the redirection is completed. This is true for all redirection response codes except 307 Temporary Redirect which is used to explicitly specify that the request method should not change. Another exception is when the method is set to "POST", in which case the redirection rules specified under --post-data are followed. --content-disposition If this is set to on, experimental (not fully-functional) support for "Content-Disposition" headers is enabled. This can currently result in extra round-trips to the server for a "HEAD" request, and is known to suffer from a few bugs, which is why it is not currently enabled by default. This option is useful for some file-downloading CGI programs that use "Content-Disposition" headers to describe what the name of a downloaded file should be. When combined with --metalink-over-http and --trust-server-names, a Content-Type: application/metalink4+xml file is named using the "Content-Disposition" filename field, if available. --content-on-error If this is set to on, wget will not skip the content when the server responds with a http status code that indicates error. --trust-server-names If this is set, on a redirect, the local file name will be based on the redirection URL. By default the local file name is based on the original URL. When doing recursive retrieving this can be helpful because in many web sites redirected URLs correspond to an underlying file structure, while link URLs do not. --auth-no-challenge If this option is given, Wget will send Basic HTTP authentication information (plaintext username and password) for all requests, just like Wget 1.10.2 and prior did by default. Use of this option is not recommended, and is intended only to support some few obscure servers, which never send HTTP authentication challenges, but accept unsolicited auth info, say, in addition to form-based authentication. --retry-on-host-error Consider host errors, such as "Temporary failure in name resolution", as non-fatal, transient errors. --retry-on-http-error=code[,code,...] Consider given HTTP response codes as non-fatal, transient errors. Supply a comma-separated list of 3-digit HTTP response codes as argument. Useful to work around special circumstances where retries are required, but the server responds with an error code normally not retried by Wget. Such errors might be 503 (Service Unavailable) and 429 (Too Many Requests). Retries enabled by this option are performed subject to the normal retry timing and retry count limitations of Wget. Using this option is intended to support special use cases only and is generally not recommended, as it can force retries even in cases where the server is actually trying to decrease its load. Please use wisely and only if you know what you are doing. Volby HTTPS (SSL/TLS) To support encrypted HTTP (HTTPS) downloads, Wget must be compiled with an external SSL library. The current default is GnuTLS. In addition, Wget also supports HSTS (HTTP Strict Transport Security). If Wget is compiled without SSL support, none of these options are available. --secure-protocol=protokol Choose the secure protocol to be used. Legal values are auto, SSLv2, SSLv3, TLSv1, TLSv1_1, TLSv1_2, TLSv1_3 and PFS. If auto is used, the SSL library is given the liberty of choosing the appropriate protocol automatically, which is achieved by sending a TLSv1 greeting. This is the default. Specifying SSLv2, SSLv3, TLSv1, TLSv1_1, TLSv1_2 or TLSv1_3 forces the use of the corresponding protocol. This is useful when talking to old and buggy SSL server implementations that make it hard for the underlying SSL library to choose the correct protocol version. Fortunately, such servers are quite rare. Specifying PFS enforces the use of the so-called Perfect Forward Security cipher suites. In short, PFS adds security by creating a one-time key for each SSL connection. It has a bit more CPU impact on client and server. We use known to be secure ciphers (e.g. no MD4) and the TLS protocol. This mode also explicitly excludes non-PFS key exchange methods, such as RSA. --https-only When in recursive mode, only HTTPS links are followed. --ciphers Set the cipher list string. Typically this string sets the cipher suites and other SSL/TLS options that the user wish should be used, in a set order of preference (GnuTLS calls it 'priority string'). This string will be fed verbatim to the SSL/TLS engine (OpenSSL or GnuTLS) and hence its format and syntax is dependent on that. Wget will not process or manipulate it in any way. Refer to the OpenSSL or GnuTLS documentation for more information. --no-check-certificate Neoveruje certifikat serveru u dostupnych certifikacnich autorit. Take nebude vyzadovat, aby jmeno hostitele v URL odpovidalo jmenu v certifikatu. Od verze 1.10 je jako vychozi nastaveno overovani certifikatu serveru u znamych certifikacnich autorit s prerusenim SSL handshake a zrusenim stahovani, pokud overeni selze. Ackoliv je tak dosazeno bezpecnejsiho stahovani, spoluprace s nekterymi servery, ktere s predchozimi verzemi fungovaly, nebude fungovat, zvlaste pokud pouzivaji certifikaty podepsane sebou samymi, prosle nebo jinak neplatne. Tato volba vynuti "nezabezpeceny rezim, ktery zmeni chyby overeni certifikatu na varovani a umozni pokracovat. If you encounter "certificate verification" errors or ones saying that "common name doesn't match requested host name", you can use this option to bypass the verification and proceed with the download. Only use this option if you are otherwise convinced of the site's authenticity, or if you really don't care about the validity of its certificate. It is almost always a bad idea not to check the certificates when transmitting confidential or important data. For self-signed/internal certificates, you should download the certificate and verify against that instead of forcing this insecure mode. If you are really sure of not desiring any certificate verification, you can specify --check-certificate=quiet to tell wget to not print any warning about invalid certificates, albeit in most cases this is the wrong thing to do. --certificate=soubor Pouzij klientsky certifikat ulozeny v souboru. to je potreba pro servery, ktere po klientech, kteri se k nim pripojuji, pozaduji certifikat. Normalne to pozadovano neni a tato volba neni povinna. --certificate-type=typ Urci typ klientskeho certifikatu. Platne hodnoty jsou PEM (vychozi) a DER, take znamy jako ASN1. --private-key=soubor Nacte privatni klic ze souboru. Tak je mozne poskytnout privatni klic v souboru oddelene od certifikatu. --private-key-type=typ Urci typ privatniho klice. Povolene hodnoty jsou PEM (vychozi) a DER. --ca-certificate=soubor Pouzije soubor jako soubor s balikem certifikacnich autorit ("CA") pro overovani. Certifikaty museji byt ve formatu PEM. Bez teto volby Wget hleda certifikaty CA na mistech urcenych systemem, vybranych pri instalaci OpenSSH. --ca-directory=adresar Specifies directory containing CA certificates in PEM format. Each file contains one CA certificate, and the file name is based on a hash value derived from the certificate. This is achieved by processing a certificate directory with the "c_rehash" utility supplied with OpenSSL. Using --ca-directory is more efficient than --ca-certificate when many certificates are installed because it allows Wget to fetch certificates on demand. Bez teto volby Wget hleda certifikaty CA na mistech urcenych systemem, vybranych pri instalaci OpenSSH. --crl-file=soubor Specifies a CRL file in file. This is needed for certificates that have been revocated by the CAs. --pinnedpubkey=file/hashes Tells wget to use the specified public key file (or hashes) to verify the peer. This can be a path to a file which contains a single public key in PEM or DER format, or any number of base64 encoded sha256 hashes preceded by "sha256//" and separated by ";" When negotiating a TLS or SSL connection, the server sends a certificate indicating its identity. A public key is extracted from this certificate and if it does not exactly match the public key(s) provided to this option, wget will abort the connection before sending or receiving any data. --random-file=soubor [OpenSSL and LibreSSL only] Use file as the source of random data for seeding the pseudo-random number generator on systems without /dev/urandom. On such systems the SSL library needs an external source of randomness to initialize. Randomness may be provided by EGD (see --egd-file below) or read from an external source specified by the user. If this option is not specified, Wget looks for random data in $RANDFILE or, if that is unset, in $HOME/.rnd. Pokud se objevuje chyba "Could not seed OpenSSL PRNG; disabling SSL.", je treba dodat nahodna data jednou z popsanych metod. --egd-file=soubor [OpenSSL only] Use file as the EGD socket. EGD stands for Entropy Gathering Daemon, a user-space program that collects data from various unpredictable system sources and makes it available to other programs that might need it. Encryption software, such as the SSL library, needs sources of non-repeating randomness to seed the random number generator used to produce cryptographically strong keys. OpenSSL umoznuje uzivateli zvolit vlastni zdroj entropie pomoci promenne prostredi "RAND_FILE". Pokud neni tato promenna nastavena nebo pokud urceny soubor neposkytuje dostatek nahodnosti, OpenSSL bude cist nahodna data z EGD soketu urceneho touto volbou. Pokud neni tato volba urcena (a neni pouzit ekvivalentni prikaz pri startu), EGD neni kontaktovano. EGD neni na modernich Unixovych systemech s podporou /dev/urandom nutne. --no-hsts Wget supports HSTS (HTTP Strict Transport Security, RFC 6797) by default. Use --no-hsts to make Wget act as a non-HSTS-compliant UA. As a consequence, Wget would ignore all the "Strict-Transport-Security" headers, and would not enforce any existing HSTS policy. --hsts-file=soubor By default, Wget stores its HSTS database in ~/.wget-hsts. You can use --hsts-file to override this. Wget will use the supplied file as the HSTS database. Such file must conform to the correct HSTS database format used by Wget. If Wget cannot parse the provided file, the behaviour is unspecified. The Wget's HSTS database is a plain text file. Each line contains an HSTS entry (ie. a site that has issued a "Strict-Transport-Security" header and that therefore has specified a concrete HSTS policy to be applied). Lines starting with a dash ("#") are ignored by Wget. Please note that in spite of this convenient human-readability hand-hacking the HSTS database is generally not a good idea. An HSTS entry line consists of several fields separated by one or more whitespace: " SP [] SP SP SP " The hostname and port fields indicate the hostname and port to which the given HSTS policy applies. The port field may be zero, and it will, in most of the cases. That means that the port number will not be taken into account when deciding whether such HSTS policy should be applied on a given request (only the hostname will be evaluated). When port is different to zero, both the target hostname and the port will be evaluated and the HSTS policy will only be applied if both of them match. This feature has been included for testing/development purposes only. The Wget testsuite (in testenv/) creates HSTS databases with explicit ports with the purpose of ensuring Wget's correct behaviour. Applying HSTS policies to ports other than the default ones is discouraged by RFC 6797 (see Appendix B "Differences between HSTS Policy and Same-Origin Policy"). Thus, this functionality should not be used in production environments and port will typically be zero. The last three fields do what they are expected to. The field include_subdomains can either be 1 or 0 and it signals whether the subdomains of the target domain should be part of the given HSTS policy as well. The created and max-age fields hold the timestamp values of when such entry was created (first seen by Wget) and the HSTS-defined value 'max-age', which states how long should that HSTS policy remain active, measured in seconds elapsed since the timestamp stored in created. Once that time has passed, that HSTS policy will no longer be valid and will eventually be removed from the database. If you supply your own HSTS database via --hsts-file, be aware that Wget may modify the provided file if any change occurs between the HSTS policies requested by the remote servers and those in the file. When Wget exits, it effectively updates the HSTS database by rewriting the database file with the new entries. If the supplied file does not exist, Wget will create one. This file will contain the new HSTS entries. If no HSTS entries were generated (no "Strict-Transport-Security" headers were sent by any of the servers) then no file will be created, not even an empty one. This behaviour applies to the default database file (~/.wget-hsts) as well: it will not be created until some server enforces an HSTS policy. Care is taken not to override possible changes made by other Wget processes at the same time over the HSTS database. Before dumping the updated HSTS entries on the file, Wget will re-read it and merge the changes. Using a custom HSTS database and/or modifying an existing one is discouraged. For more information about the potential security threats arose from such practice, see section 14 "Security Considerations" of RFC 6797, specially section 14.9 "Creative Manipulation of HSTS Policy Store". --warc-file=soubor Use file as the destination WARC file. --warc-header=retezec Use string into as the warcinfo record. --warc-max-size=size Set the maximum size of the WARC files to size. --warc-cdx Write CDX index files. --warc-dedup=soubor Do not store records listed in this CDX file. --no-warc-compression Do not compress WARC files with GZIP. --no-warc-digests Do not calculate SHA1 digests. --no-warc-keep-log Do not store the log file in a WARC record. --warc-tempdir=adresar Specify the location for temporary files created by the WARC writer. Volby FTP --ftp-user=uzivatel --ftp-password=heslo Nastavi uzivatelske jmeno uzivatel a heslo heslo pro FTP server. Bez teto volby, nebo odpovidajici volby pri startu, je jako vychozi heslo pouzito -wget@, normalne pouzivane pro anonymni FTP. Another way to specify username and password is in the URL itself. Either method reveals your password to anyone who bothers to run "ps". To prevent the passwords from being seen, store them in .wgetrc or .netrc, and make sure to protect those files from other users with "chmod". If the passwords are really important, do not leave them lying in those files either---edit the files and delete them after Wget has started the download. --no-remove-listing Neodstranovat docasne soubory .listing generovane pri stahovani z FTP. Obvykle tyto soubory obsahuji surove vypisy adresaru ziskane z FTP serveru. Jejich ponechani se muze hodit pri ladeni nebo pokud potrebujete mit moznost jednoduse overit obsah adresaru na vzdalenem serveru (napr. pro overeni, ze zrcadlo, ktere provozujete, je kompletni). Vsimnete si, ze ackoliv Wget zapisuje do pevne daneho jmena souboru, nepredstavuje tato vlastnost bezpecnosti diru ve scenari, kdy by uzivatel vytvoril soubor .listing jako symbolicky odkaz na /etc/passwd apod. a pozadal "roota", aby v jeho adresari spustil Wget. V zavislosti na pouzitych volbach Wget budto odmitne zapsat do .listing, cimz operace globbing/recursion/time-stamping selzou nebo symbolicky odkaz smaze a nahradi opravdovym souborem .listing nebo zapise vypis do souboru .listing.cislo. Ackoliv takovato situace nepredstavuje problem, "root" by nikdy nemel spoustet Wget v adresari neduveryhodneho uzivatele. Uzivatel muze udelat neco tak jednoducheho jako odkaz index.html na /etc/passwd a pozadat "roota", aby spustil Wget s -N nebo -r, takze soubor by byl prepsan. --no-glob Vypne FTP globbing. Globbing znamena pouzivani specialnich znaku shellu (zoliku), jako jsou *, ?, [ a ], pro ziskani vice nez jednoho souboru ze stejneho adresare najednou, napr.: wget ftp://gnjilux.srk.fer.hr/*.msg Jako vychozi je globbing v pripade, ze URL obsahuje nejaky specialni znak vypnut. Tato volba slouzi k permanentnimu zapnuti nebo vypnuti globbingu. URL lze dat do uvozovek, a tak zabranit expanzi v shellu. Globbing zpusobi, ze Wget bude hledat vypis adresaru, ktery zalezi na operacnim systemu. Proto v soucasnosti funguje pouze s Unixovymi FTP servery (a temi, ktere emuluji vystup Unixoveho "ls"). --no-passive-ftp Vypne pouzivani pasivniho FTP rezimu prenosu. Pasivni FTP pozaduje, aby se klient pripojil k serveru pro sestaveni datoveho spojeni. Pokud je stroj pripojen k Internetu primo, pasivni i aktivni FTP by mely fungovat shodne. Za vetsinou konfiguraci firewallu a NAT ma pasivni FTP vetsi sanci fungovat. Nicmene v pripade vzacnych konfiguraci firewallu aktivni FTP funguje a pasivni ne. Pokud mate podezreni, ze se jedna o tento pripad, pouzijte tuto volbu nebo nastavte "passive_ftp=off" v init souboru. --preserve-permissions Preserve remote file permissions instead of permissions set by umask. --retr-symlinks By default, when retrieving FTP directories recursively and a symbolic link is encountered, the symbolic link is traversed and the pointed-to files are retrieved. Currently, Wget does not traverse symbolic links to directories to download them recursively, though this feature may be added in the future. When --retr-symlinks=no is specified, the linked-to file is not downloaded. Instead, a matching symbolic link is created on the local file system. The pointed-to file will not be retrieved unless this recursive retrieval would have encountered it separately and downloaded it anyway. This option poses a security risk where a malicious FTP Server may cause Wget to write to files outside of the intended directories through a specially crafted .LISTING file. Vsimnete si, ze kdyz je stahovan soubor (ne adresar), ktery byl urcen na prikazove radce, nema tato volba zadny vyznam. Symbolicke odkazy jsou v takovem pripade nasledovany vzdy. Volby FTPS --ftps-implicit This option tells Wget to use FTPS implicitly. Implicit FTPS consists of initializing SSL/TLS from the very beginning of the control connection. This option does not send an "AUTH TLS" command: it assumes the server speaks FTPS and directly starts an SSL/TLS connection. If the attempt is successful, the session continues just like regular FTPS ("PBSZ" and "PROT" are sent, etc.). Implicit FTPS is no longer a requirement for FTPS implementations, and thus many servers may not support it. If --ftps-implicit is passed and no explicit port number specified, the default port for implicit FTPS, 990, will be used, instead of the default port for the "normal" (explicit) FTPS which is the same as that of FTP, 21. --no-ftps-resume-ssl Do not resume the SSL/TLS session in the data channel. When starting a data connection, Wget tries to resume the SSL/TLS session previously started in the control connection. SSL/TLS session resumption avoids performing an entirely new handshake by reusing the SSL/TLS parameters of a previous session. Typically, the FTPS servers want it that way, so Wget does this by default. Under rare circumstances however, one might want to start an entirely new SSL/TLS session in every data connection. This is what --no-ftps-resume-ssl is for. --ftps-clear-data-connection All the data connections will be in plain text. Only the control connection will be under SSL/TLS. Wget will send a "PROT C" command to achieve this, which must be approved by the server. --ftps-fallback-to-ftp Fall back to FTP if FTPS is not supported by the target server. For security reasons, this option is not asserted by default. The default behaviour is to exit with an error. If a server does not successfully reply to the initial "AUTH TLS" command, or in the case of implicit FTPS, if the initial SSL/TLS connection attempt is rejected, it is considered that such server does not support FTPS. Volby pro rekurzivni stahovani -r --recursive Turn on recursive retrieving. The default maximum depth is 5. -l hloubka --level=hloubka Set the maximum number of subdirectories that Wget will recurse into to depth. In order to prevent one from accidentally downloading very large websites when using recursion this is limited to a depth of 5 by default, i.e., it will traverse at most 5 directories deep starting from the provided URL. Set -l 0 or -l inf for infinite recursion depth. wget -r -l 0 http:///1.html Ideally, one would expect this to download just 1.html. but unfortunately this is not the case, because -l 0 is equivalent to -l inf---that is, infinite recursion. To download a single HTML page (or a handful of them), specify them all on the command line and leave away -r and -l. To download the essential items to view a single HTML page, see page requisites. --delete-after Tato volba zpusobi, ze Wget smaze kazdy soubor pote, co jej stahnul. To se hodi pro pre-fetching popularnich stranek pres proxy, napr.: wget -r -nd --delete-after http://whatever.com/~popular/page/ Volby -r znamena rekurzivni stahovani a -nd znamena nevytvaret adresare. Vsimnete si, ze --delete-after maze soubory na lokalnim pocitaci. Neposila prikaz DELE vzdalenym FTP serverum. Take si vsimnete, ze kdyz je zadano --delete-after, je volba --convert-links ignorovana, takze soubory .orig nejsou vubec vytvareny. -k --convert-links Jakmile je stahnuti dokumentu dokonceno, konvertuje odkazy v nem obsazene, aby byly pouzitelne pro lokalni prohlizeni. To ovlivnuje nejen viditelne hypertextove odkazy, ale kazdou cast dokumentu, ktera odkazuje na externi obsah, jako jsou vlozene obrazky, odkazy na style sheets, odkazy na ne-HTML obsah atd. Kazdy odkaz bude zmenen jednim ze dvou zpusobu: o Odkazy na soubory, ktere Wget stahnul, budou zmeneny na relativni odkaz ukazujici na stazeny soubor. Priklad: pokud stazeny soubor /foo/doc.html odkazuje na /bar/img.gif, ktery byl take stazen, bude odkaz v doc.html zmenen, aby odkazoval na ../bar/img.gif. Tento druh konverze funguje spolehlive pro libovolnou kombinaci adresaru. o Odkazy na soubory, ktere Wget nestahnul, budou zmeneny tak, aby zahrnovaly jmeno hostitele a absolutni cestu k umisteni, na ktere ukazuji. Priklad: pokud stazeny soubor /foo/doc.html odkazuje na /bar/img.gif (nebo na ../bar/img.gif), bude odkaz v doc.html zmenen, aby ukazoval na http://hostname/bar/img.gif. Diky tomu lokalni prohlizeni spolehlive funguje: pokud byl soubor stazen, odkazuje se na lokalni soubor; pokud ne, odkazuje se na uplnou Internetovou adresu a ne na nefunkcni odkaz. Take je mozno presunout celou stazenou strukturu do jineho adresare. Vsimnete si, ze Wget vi, ktere soubory byly stazeny, az na konci stahovani. Proto je veskera prace provadena volbou -k provedena az po stazeni vsech souboru. --convert-file-only This option converts only the filename part of the URLs, leaving the rest of the URLs untouched. This filename part is sometimes referred to as the "basename", although we avoid that term here in order not to cause confusion. It works particularly well in conjunction with --adjust-extension, although this coupling is not enforced. It proves useful to populate Internet caches with files downloaded from different hosts. Example: if some link points to //foo.com/bar.cgi?xyz with --adjust-extension asserted and its local destination is intended to be ./foo.com/bar.cgi?xyz.css, then the link would be converted to //foo.com/bar.cgi?xyz.css. Note that only the filename part has been modified. The rest of the URL has been left untouched, including the net path ("//") which would otherwise be processed by Wget and converted to the effective scheme (ie. "http://"). -K --backup-converted Pri konverzi souboru zachova puvodni verzi s priponou .orig. Ma vliv na chovani podle volby -N. -m --mirror Zapne volby vhodne pro zrcadleni, tj. rekurzi, casove znacky, nekonecnou hloubku rekurze a uchovani vypisu FTP adresaru. Aktualne je ekvivalentni -r -N -l inf --no-remove-listing. -p --page-requisites Tato volba zpusobi, ze Wget stahne vsechny soubory nezbytne pro spravne zobrazeni dane HTML stranky. To zahrnuje veci jako obrazky, zvuky a odkazovane stylesheety. Normalne nejsou pri stahovani jedine HTML stranky dokumenty nezbytne pro jeji spravne zobrazeni stahovany. Volba -r spolu s -l muze pomoci, ale protoze Wget nerozlisuje mezi externimi a inline dokumenty, obvykle zustanou tzv. "leaf documents", kterym potrebne soubory chybi. Napriklad dokument 1.html obsahuje tag "", ktery odkazuje na 1.gif a tag "" odkazujici na externi dokument 2.html. Rekneme ze 2.html je podobny, ale jeho obrazek je 2.gif aa odkazuje na 3.html. A tak to muze jit dal a dal. Pokud je spusten prikaz: wget -r -l 2 http:///1.html budou stazeny soubory 1.html, 1.gif, 2.html, 2.gif a 3.html. Jak vidite souboru 3.html chybi pro spravne zobrazeni obrazek 3.gif, protoze Wget, aby zjistil konec rekurze, jednoduse pocita pocet skoku (nejvyse 2) od 1.html. Nicmene prikaz: wget -r -l 2 -p http:///1.html zpusobi stazeni vsech uvedenych souboru a soubor 3.gif, ktery 3.html vyzaduje. Podobne wget -r -l 1 -p http:///1.html zpusobi stazeni 1.html, 1.gif, 2.html a 2.gif. To svadi k domnence, ze: wget -r -l 0 -p http:///1.html stahne pouze 1.html a 1.gif, ale tak tomu bohuzel neni, protoze -l 0 je ekvivalentni -l inf---tj. nekonecne rekurzi. Pro stazeni jedine HTML stranky (pripadne vice, jsou-li urceny na prikazovem radku nebo ve vstupnim souboru s URL urcenem -i) a vsech jejich nezbytnych soucasti proste vynechejte -r a -l: wget -p http:///1.html Vsimnete si, ze Wget se bude chovat, jakoby bylo pouzito -r, ale bude stazena pouze jedina stranka a jeji nezbytne soucasti. Odkazy z teto stranky nebudou nasledovany. Pro zajimavost - autor dokumentace pouziva pro stazeni jedine stranky vcetne vsech nezbytnosti (i pokud jsou na ruznych serverech), aby byla pri lokalnim prohlizeni zobrazena bezchybne, jeste nekolik voleb navic k -p: wget -E -H -k -K -p http:/// Na zaver: je dobre vedet, ze Wget povazuje za odkaz na externi dokument jakekoliv URL urcene v tagu "", tagu "" nebo tagu "" s vyjimkou "". --strict-comments Zapne striktni zpracovani HTML komentaru. Vychozim chovanim je ukonceni komentaru pri prvnim vyskytu -->. [priblizne] Podle specifikaci jsou HTML komentare vyjadreny jako SGML deklarace. Deklarace je zvlastni znaceni, ktere zacina s , jako napr. , muze obsahovat komentare mezi parem oddelovacu --. HTML komentare jsou "prazdne deklarace", SGML deklarace bez jakehokoliv textu mimo komentar. Tudiz je platny komentar, stejne jako , ale uz nikoliv. [priblizne] Na druhou stranu vetsina lidi, kteri pisi HTML, povazuji cokoliv vymezeneho za komentar, coz neni uplne to same. Napriklad zapis typu je platnym komentarem jen pokud je pocet pomlcek nasobkem ctyr(!). Pokud neni, saha komentar technicky az po dalsi --, coz muze byt az na druhem konci dokumentu. Proto mnoho popularnich prohlizecu uplne ignoruje specifikaci a implementuje to, co uzivatele ocekavaji: komentare oddelene . Do verze 1.9 interpretoval Wget komentare striktne, coz melo za dusledek chybejici odkazy v mnoha www strankach, ktere se v prohlizecich zobrazovaly korektne, ale bohuzel neobsahovaly vyhovujici komentare. Od verze 1.9 vcetne se Wget pripojil ke klientum implementujicim "naivni" komentare, koncici pri prvnim vyskytu -->. Pokud chcete z jakehokoliv duvodu pouzit striktni zpracovani komentaru, pouzijte tuto volbu. Volby pro rekurzivni Accept/Reject -A acclist --accept acclist -R rejlist --reject rejlist Specify comma-separated lists of file name suffixes or patterns to accept or reject. Note that if any of the wildcard characters, *, ?, [ or ], appear in an element of acclist or rejlist, it will be treated as a pattern, rather than a suffix. In this case, you have to enclose the pattern into quotes to prevent your shell from expanding it, like in -A "*.mp3" or -A '*.mp3'. --accept-regex urlregex --reject-regex urlregex Specify a regular expression to accept or reject the complete URL. --regex-type regextype Specify the regular expression type. Possible types are posix or pcre. Note that to be able to use pcre type, wget has to be compiled with libpcre support. -D seznam-domen --domains=seznam-domen Urci domeny, ktere maji byt nasledovany. seznam-domen je seznam domen oddelovanych carkou. Vsimnete si, ze volba -H se tim nezapne. --exclude-domains seznam-domen Urci domeny, ktere nemaji byt nasledovany. --follow-ftp Nasledovat FTP odkazy z HTML dokumentu. Bez teto volby bude Wget vsechny FTP odkazy ignorovat. --follow-tags=seznam Wget ma interni tabulku paru HTML tagu / atributu, ktere bere v uvahu pri hledani odkazovanych dokumentu behem rekurzivniho stahovani. Pokud chce uzivatel brat v uvahu pouze podmnozinu techto tagu, mel by je urcit touto volbou v seznamu s hodnotami oddelenymi carkou. --ignore-tags=seznam Opak k volbe --follow-tags. Pro preskoceni nekterych HTML tagu pri rekurzivnim vyhledavani dokumentu ke stazeni je zadejte v seznamu s hodnotami oddelovanymi carkou. Kdysi byla tato volba nejlepsi moznosti pro stazeni jedine stranky a jejich soucasti - v prikazu jako: wget --ignore-tags=a,area -H -k -K -r http:/// Nicmene autor teto volby narazil na stranku s tagy typu "" a doslo mu, ze urceni ignorovanych tagu nestaci. Clovek proste nemuze rict Wgetu, aby ignoroval "", protoze potom se nestahnou stylesheets. Nyni je nejlepsi moznosti pro stazeni jedine stranky a jejich soucasti zvlastni volba --page-requisites. --ignore-case Ignore case when matching files and directories. This influences the behavior of -R, -A, -I, and -X options, as well as globbing implemented when downloading from FTP sites. For example, with this option, -A "*.txt" will match file1.txt, but also file2.TXT, file3.TxT, and so on. The quotes in the example are to prevent the shell from expanding the pattern. -H --span-hosts Pri rekurzivnim stahovani povoli spanning across hosts. -L --relative Bude nasledovat pouze relativni odkazy. Hodi se pro stazeni urcite homepage bez nerelevantnich veci, i kdyby byly u stejneho hostitele. -I seznam --include-directories=seznam Urci carkou oddelovany seznam adresaru, ktere maji byt pri stahovani nasledovany. Jednotlive polozky seznamu mohou obsahovat zastupne znaky (zoliky). -X seznam --exclude-directories=seznam Urci carkou oddelovany seznam adresaru, ktere nemaji byt pri stahovani nasledovany. Jednotlive polozky seznamu mohou obsahovat zastupne znaky (zoliky). -np --no-parent Pri rekurzivnim stahovani nikdy nevstoupi do rodicovskeho adresare. To je uzitecne, nebot garantuje, ze budou stazeny pouze soubory pod urcitou urovni. PROSTREDI Wget supports proxies for both HTTP and FTP retrievals. The standard way to specify proxy location, which Wget recognizes, is using the following environment variables: http_proxy https_proxy If set, the http_proxy and https_proxy variables should contain the URLs of the proxies for HTTP and HTTPS connections respectively. ftp_proxy This variable should contain the URL of the proxy for FTP connections. It is quite common that http_proxy and ftp_proxy are set to the same URL. no_proxy This variable should contain a comma-separated list of domain extensions proxy should not be used for. For instance, if the value of no_proxy is .mit.edu, proxy will not be used to retrieve documents from MIT. NAVRATOVA HODNOTA Wget may return one of several error codes if it encounters problems. 0 No problems occurred. 1 Generic error code. 2 Parse error---for instance, when parsing command-line options, the .wgetrc or .netrc... 3 File I/O error. 4 Network failure. 5 SSL verification failure. 6 Username/password authentication failure. 7 Protocol errors. 8 Server issued an error response. With the exceptions of 0 and 1, the lower-numbered exit codes take precedence over higher-numbered ones, when multiple types of errors are encountered. In versions of Wget prior to 1.12, Wget's exit status tended to be unhelpful and inconsistent. Recursive downloads would virtually always return 0 (success), regardless of any issues encountered, and non-recursive fetches only returned the status corresponding to the most recently-attempted download. SOUBORY /usr/local/etc/wgetrc Vychozi umisteni globalniho startovaciho souboru. .wgetrc Startovaci soubor uzivatele. CHYBY You are welcome to submit bug reports via the GNU Wget bug tracker (see ) or to our mailing list . Visit to get more info (how to subscribe, list archives, ...). Pred zaslanim hlaseni prosim postupujte podle nasledujicich pravidel. 1. Please try to ascertain that the behavior you see really is a bug. If Wget crashes, it's a bug. If Wget does not behave as documented, it's a bug. If things work strange, but you are not sure about the way they are supposed to work, it might well be a bug, but you might want to double-check the documentation and the mailing lists. 2. Zkuste chybu zopakovat za co mozna nejjednodussich okolnosti. Napr. pokud Wget spadne pri stahovani wget -rl0 -kKE -t5 --no-proxy http://example.com -o /tmp/log, zkuste, jestli lze pad reprodukovat a pokud ano, zda k nemu dojde pri pouziti mensiho poctu voleb. Muzete take spustit stahovani na strance, kde spadl, pro pripad, ze by pad zpusobovala urcita stranka. Take, ackoliv mne bude obsah vaseho souboru .wgetrc urcite zajimat, pred tim, nez mi jej prilozite k hlaseni, vyzkousejte, jestli se chyba objevi i kdyz jej odstranite z dosahu. Relevantni casti .wgetrc prilozte pouze pokud se ukaze, ze nastaveni .wgetrc maji na chybu vliv. 3. Prosim spustte Wget s volbou -d a poslete vysledny vystup (nebo jeho relevantni casti). Pokud byl Wget zkompilovan bez podpory ladiciho vystupu, prekompilujte jej---hledani chyb je tak daleko jednodussi. Pozn.: Pred odeslanim se prosim ujistete, ze jsou z ladiciho vystupu odstraneny veskere potencialne citlive informace. Volba "-d" je nijak nevyhledava, ale zaznam bude obsahovat temer uplny prepis komunikace Wgetu se serverem, coz muze zahrnovat hesla a casti stahovanych dat. Protoze chyby jsou verejne archivovany, muzete predpokladat, ze vsechna chybova hlaseni jsou verejna. 4. Pokud Wget spadl, zkuste ho spustit v debuggeru, napr. "gdb `which wget` core" a pro ziskani backtrace napiste "where". To nemusi fungovat v pripade, ze administrator zakazal soubory core, ale neskodi to zkusit. DALSI INFORMACE This is not the complete manual for GNU Wget. For more complete information, including more detailed explanations of some of the options, and a number of commands available for use with .wgetrc files and the -e option, see the GNU Info entry for wget. Also see wget2(1), the updated version of GNU Wget with even better support for recursive downloading and modern protocols like HTTP/2. AUTOR Originally written by Hrvoje Niksic . Currently maintained by Darshit Shah and Tim Ruhsen . COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 1996--2011, 2015, 2018--2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, with no Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License". PREKLAD Preklad teto prirucky do spanelstiny vytvorili Martin Kacena Tento preklad je bezplatna dokumentace; Prectete si GNU General Public License Version 3 nebo novejsi ohledne podminek autorskych prav. Neexistuje ZADNA ODPOVEDNOST. Pokud narazite na nejake chyby v prekladu teto prirucky, poslete e-mail na adresu . GNU Wget 1.21.4 20. kvetna 2023 WGET(1)