WESNOTHD(6) wesnothd - Wesnoth wesnothd [-dv] [-c path] [-p port] [-t number] [-T number] wesnothd -V . https://www.wesnoth.org/wiki/ServerAdministration , (/query ...) . -c path, --config path wesnothd, , . . , SIGHUP . -d, --daemon runs wesnothd as a daemon. -h, --help . --log-level=domain1,domain2,... . all . : error, warning, info, debug. error, info server . -p port, --port port . , 15000. -t number, --threads number / n ( : 5, max: 30). -T number, --max-threads number , . 0, ( : 0). -V, --version . -v, --verbose - . : [tag] key="value" key="value,value,..." [/tag] : allow_remote_shutdown If set to no (default), shut_down and restart requests are ignored unless they come from the fifo. Set it to yes to allow remote shutdown via a /query by an administrator. ban_save_file (gzip ) , . , . compress_stored_rooms . yes. connections_allowed IP . 0 . ( : 5) deny_unregistered_login , user_handler, . ( : false) disallow_names / . * and ? . glob(7) . (, ) : *admin*,*admln*,*server*,ai,ai?,computer,human,network,player. fifo_path The path to the fifo you can echo server commands into (same as /query ... from wesnoth). If not specified defaults to the compile-time path (default: /var/run/wesnothd/socket). max_messages messages_time_period. ( : 4) messages_time_period ( ), . ( 10 ) motd . new_room_policy . everyone, registered, admin and nobody, , , . everyone. passwd , ( /query admin password). replay_save_path , . ( /!) `', , wesnothd . restart_command , , restart. ( fifo. allow_remote_shutdown setting.) room_save_file , . . , , . save_replays . (default: false) tls_enabled Enable use of TLS. If true, requires 3 following options to be set too. tls_fullchain TLS full certificate chain in .pem format tls_private_key private key for TLS in .pem format tls_dh TLS DH parameters, as .pem file. Generate with openssl dhparam -out filename.pem 4096 versions_accepted , . * and ? . ( ) : versions_accepted="*" . id The ID of the server when using the database functionality to store game information. Generally is the major.minor version of accepted clients, such as 1.16 or 1.17. : [redirect] A tag to specify a server to redirect certain client versions to. Is not used if versions_accepted is not set. host , . port . version . , versions_accepted . [ban_time] . name , . time : %d[%s[%d%s[...]]], %s s (), m (), h (), D (), M () Y (, %d . , (m). : time="1D12h30m" 1 , 12 30 . [proxy] , . B[redirect]. [user_handler] Configures the user handler. If no [user_handler] section is present in the configuration the server will run without any nick registration service. All additional tables that are needed for the forum_user_handler to function can be found in table_definitions.sql in the Wesnoth source repository. Requires mysql support enabled. For cmake this is ENABLE_MYSQL and for scons this is forum_user_handler. db_host db_name db_user db_password db_users_table The name of the table in which your phpbb forum saves its user data. Most likely this will be _users (e.g. phpbb3_users). db_extra_table , wesnothd . db_game_info_table , wesnothd . db_game_player_info_table , wesnothd . db_game_modification_info_table , wesnothd . db_user_group_table The name of the table in which your phpbb forum saves its user group data. Most likely this will be _user_group (e.g. phpbb3_user_group). db_connection_history_table The name of the table in which to store login/logout times. Also used for matching IPs to users and vice versa. db_topics_table The name of the table in which your phpbb forum saves its topic (thread) information. Most likely this will be _topics (e.g. phpbb3_topics). db_banlist_table The name of the table in which your phpbb forum saves its user bans data. Most likely this will be _banlist (e.g. phpbb3_banlist). mp_mod_group ID , , . 0, . 2 . . , ott , Soliton and . . : https://www.wesnoth.org/ Copyright (C) 2003-2024 David White ; GPL 2, Free Software Foundation. , . wesnoth(6) wesnothd 2022 WESNOTHD(6)