.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText. . . .nr rst2man-indent-level 0 . .de1 rstReportMargin \\$1 \\n[an-margin] level \\n[rst2man-indent-level] level margin: \\n[rst2man-indent\\n[rst2man-indent-level]] - \\n[rst2man-indent0] \\n[rst2man-indent1] \\n[rst2man-indent2] .. .de1 INDENT .\" .rstReportMargin pre: . RS \\$1 . nr rst2man-indent\\n[rst2man-indent-level] \\n[an-margin] . nr rst2man-indent-level +1 .\" .rstReportMargin post: .. .de UNINDENT . RE .\" indent \\n[an-margin] .\" old: \\n[rst2man-indent\\n[rst2man-indent-level]] .nr rst2man-indent-level -1 .\" new: \\n[rst2man-indent\\n[rst2man-indent-level]] .in \\n[rst2man-indent\\n[rst2man-indent-level]]u .. .TH "VIRKEYCODE-ATSET2" "7" "" "" "Virtualization Support" .SH NAME virkeycode-atset2 \- Key code values for atset2 .\" This file is auto-generated from keymaps.csv .\" Database checksum sha256(900a7de50a691fe005bd3abac06fc471b00d16adf373e7ca0ee908fbf00fa7d0) .\" To re-generate, run: .\" keymap-gen code-docs --lang=rst --title=virkeycode-atset2 --subtitle=Key code values for atset2 keymaps.csv atset2 . .SH DESCRIPTION .sp List of atset2 key code values, with corresponding linux key code names .INDENT 0.0 .IP \(bu 2 1 (0x1) .sp Key name KEY_F9 .IP \(bu 2 3 (0x3) .sp Key name KEY_F5 .IP \(bu 2 4 (0x4) .sp Key name KEY_F3 .IP \(bu 2 5 (0x5) .sp Key name KEY_F1 .IP \(bu 2 6 (0x6) .sp Key name KEY_F2 .IP \(bu 2 7 (0x7) .sp Key name KEY_F12 .IP \(bu 2 9 (0x9) .sp Key name KEY_F10 .IP \(bu 2 10 (0xa) .sp Key name KEY_F8 .IP \(bu 2 11 (0xb) .sp Key name KEY_F6 .IP \(bu 2 12 (0xc) .sp Key name KEY_F4 .IP \(bu 2 13 (0xd) .sp Key name KEY_TAB .IP \(bu 2 14 (0xe) .sp Key name KEY_GRAVE .IP \(bu 2 15 (0xf) .sp Key name KEY_KPEQUAL .IP \(bu 2 17 (0x11) .sp Key name KEY_LEFTALT .IP \(bu 2 18 (0x12) .sp Key name KEY_LEFTSHIFT .IP \(bu 2 19 (0x13) .sp Key name KEY_KATAKANAHIRAGANA .IP \(bu 2 20 (0x14) .sp Key name KEY_LEFTCTRL .IP \(bu 2 21 (0x15) .sp Key name KEY_Q .IP \(bu 2 22 (0x16) .sp Key name KEY_1 .IP \(bu 2 26 (0x1a) .sp Key name KEY_Z .IP \(bu 2 27 (0x1b) .sp Key name KEY_S .IP \(bu 2 28 (0x1c) .sp Key name KEY_A .IP \(bu 2 29 (0x1d) .sp Key name KEY_W .IP \(bu 2 30 (0x1e) .sp Key name KEY_2 .IP \(bu 2 33 (0x21) .sp Key name KEY_C .IP \(bu 2 34 (0x22) .sp Key name KEY_X .IP \(bu 2 35 (0x23) .sp Key name KEY_D .IP \(bu 2 36 (0x24) .sp Key name KEY_E .IP \(bu 2 37 (0x25) .sp Key name KEY_4 .IP \(bu 2 38 (0x26) .sp Key name KEY_3 .IP \(bu 2 39 (0x27) .sp Key name KEY_KPJPCOMMA .IP \(bu 2 41 (0x29) .sp Key name KEY_SPACE .IP \(bu 2 42 (0x2a) .sp Key name KEY_V .IP \(bu 2 43 (0x2b) .sp Key name KEY_F .IP \(bu 2 44 (0x2c) .sp Key name KEY_T .IP \(bu 2 45 (0x2d) .sp Key name KEY_R .IP \(bu 2 46 (0x2e) .sp Key name KEY_5 .IP \(bu 2 47 (0x2f) .sp Key name KEY_F13 .IP \(bu 2 49 (0x31) .sp Key name KEY_N .IP \(bu 2 50 (0x32) .sp Key name KEY_B .IP \(bu 2 51 (0x33) .sp Key name KEY_H .IP \(bu 2 52 (0x34) .sp Key name KEY_G .IP \(bu 2 53 (0x35) .sp Key name KEY_Y .IP \(bu 2 54 (0x36) .sp Key name KEY_6 .IP \(bu 2 55 (0x37) .sp Key name KEY_F14 .IP \(bu 2 58 (0x3a) .sp Key name KEY_M .IP \(bu 2 59 (0x3b) .sp Key name KEY_J .IP \(bu 2 60 (0x3c) .sp Key name KEY_U .IP \(bu 2 61 (0x3d) .sp Key name KEY_7 .IP \(bu 2 62 (0x3e) .sp Key name KEY_8 .IP \(bu 2 63 (0x3f) .sp Key name KEY_F15 .IP \(bu 2 65 (0x41) .sp Key name KEY_COMMA .IP \(bu 2 66 (0x42) .sp Key name KEY_K .IP \(bu 2 67 (0x43) .sp Key name KEY_I .IP \(bu 2 68 (0x44) .sp Key name KEY_O .IP \(bu 2 69 (0x45) .sp Key name KEY_0 .IP \(bu 2 70 (0x46) .sp Key name KEY_9 .IP \(bu 2 73 (0x49) .sp Key name KEY_DOT .IP \(bu 2 74 (0x4a) .sp Key name KEY_SLASH .IP \(bu 2 75 (0x4b) .sp Key name KEY_L .IP \(bu 2 76 (0x4c) .sp Key name KEY_SEMICOLON .IP \(bu 2 77 (0x4d) .sp Key name KEY_P .IP \(bu 2 78 (0x4e) .sp Key name KEY_MINUS .IP \(bu 2 81 (0x51) .sp Key name KEY_RO .IP \(bu 2 82 (0x52) .sp Key name KEY_APOSTROPHE .IP \(bu 2 84 (0x54) .sp Key name KEY_LEFTBRACE .IP \(bu 2 85 (0x55) .sp Key name KEY_EQUAL .IP \(bu 2 88 (0x58) .sp Key name KEY_CAPSLOCK .IP \(bu 2 89 (0x59) .sp Key name KEY_RIGHTSHIFT .IP \(bu 2 90 (0x5a) .sp Key name KEY_ENTER .IP \(bu 2 91 (0x5b) .sp Key name KEY_RIGHTBRACE .IP \(bu 2 93 (0x5d) .sp Key name KEY_BACKSLASH .IP \(bu 2 95 (0x5f) .sp Key name KEY_ZENKAKUHANKAKU .IP \(bu 2 97 (0x61) .sp Key name KEY_102ND .IP \(bu 2 98 (0x62) .sp Key name KEY_HIRAGANA .IP \(bu 2 99 (0x63) .sp Key name KEY_KATAKANA .IP \(bu 2 100 (0x64) .sp Key name KEY_HENKAN .IP \(bu 2 102 (0x66) .sp Key name KEY_BACKSPACE .IP \(bu 2 103 (0x67) .sp Key name KEY_MUHENKAN .IP \(bu 2 105 (0x69) .sp Key name KEY_KP1 .IP \(bu 2 106 (0x6a) .sp Key name KEY_YEN .IP \(bu 2 107 (0x6b) .sp Key name KEY_KP4 .IP \(bu 2 108 (0x6c) .sp Key name KEY_KP7 .IP \(bu 2 109 (0x6d) .sp Key name KEY_KPCOMMA .IP \(bu 2 112 (0x70) .sp Key name KEY_KP0 .IP \(bu 2 113 (0x71) .sp Key name KEY_KPDOT .IP \(bu 2 114 (0x72) .sp Key name KEY_KP2 .IP \(bu 2 115 (0x73) .sp Key name KEY_KP5 .IP \(bu 2 116 (0x74) .sp Key name KEY_KP6 .IP \(bu 2 117 (0x75) .sp Key name KEY_KP8 .IP \(bu 2 118 (0x76) .sp Key name KEY_ESC .IP \(bu 2 119 (0x77) .sp Key name KEY_NUMLOCK .IP \(bu 2 120 (0x78) .sp Key name KEY_F11 .IP \(bu 2 121 (0x79) .sp Key name KEY_KPPLUS .IP \(bu 2 122 (0x7a) .sp Key name KEY_KP3 .IP \(bu 2 123 (0x7b) .sp Key name KEY_KPMINUS .IP \(bu 2 124 (0x7c) .sp Key name KEY_KPASTERISK .IP \(bu 2 125 (0x7d) .sp Key name KEY_KP9 .IP \(bu 2 126 (0x7e) .sp Key name KEY_SCROLLLOCK .IP \(bu 2 127 (0x7f) .sp Key name KEY_SYSRQ .IP \(bu 2 131 (0x83) .sp Key name KEY_F7 .IP \(bu 2 241 (0xf1) .sp Key name KEY_HANJA .IP \(bu 2 242 (0xf2) .sp Key name KEY_HANGEUL .IP \(bu 2 57360 (0xe010) .sp Key name KEY_SEARCH .IP \(bu 2 57361 (0xe011) .sp Key name KEY_RIGHTALT .IP \(bu 2 57362 (0xe012) .sp Key name unnamed .IP \(bu 2 57364 (0xe014) .sp Key name KEY_RIGHTCTRL .IP \(bu 2 57365 (0xe015) .sp Key name KEY_PREVIOUSSONG .IP \(bu 2 57368 (0xe018) .sp Key name KEY_BOOKMARKS .IP \(bu 2 57375 (0xe01f) .sp Key name KEY_LEFTMETA .IP \(bu 2 57376 (0xe020) .sp Key name KEY_REFRESH .IP \(bu 2 57377 (0xe021) .sp Key name KEY_VOLUMEDOWN .IP \(bu 2 57379 (0xe023) .sp Key name KEY_MUTE .IP \(bu 2 57383 (0xe027) .sp Key name KEY_RIGHTMETA .IP \(bu 2 57384 (0xe028) .sp Key name KEY_STOP .IP \(bu 2 57387 (0xe02b) .sp Key name KEY_CALC .IP \(bu 2 57391 (0xe02f) .sp Key name KEY_COMPOSE .IP \(bu 2 57392 (0xe030) .sp Key name KEY_FORWARD .IP \(bu 2 57394 (0xe032) .sp Key name KEY_VOLUMEUP .IP \(bu 2 57396 (0xe034) .sp Key name KEY_PLAYPAUSE .IP \(bu 2 57399 (0xe037) .sp Key name KEY_POWER .IP \(bu 2 57400 (0xe038) .sp Key name KEY_BACK .IP \(bu 2 57402 (0xe03a) .sp Key name KEY_HOMEPAGE .IP \(bu 2 57403 (0xe03b) .sp Key name KEY_STOPCD .IP \(bu 2 57407 (0xe03f) .sp Key name KEY_SLEEP .IP \(bu 2 57408 (0xe040) .sp Key name KEY_COMPUTER .IP \(bu 2 57416 (0xe048) .sp Key name KEY_MAIL .IP \(bu 2 57418 (0xe04a) .sp Key name KEY_KPSLASH .IP \(bu 2 57421 (0xe04d) .sp Key name KEY_NEXTSONG .IP \(bu 2 57424 (0xe050) .sp Key name KEY_MEDIA .IP \(bu 2 57434 (0xe05a) .sp Key name KEY_KPENTER .IP \(bu 2 57438 (0xe05e) .sp Key name KEY_WAKEUP .IP \(bu 2 57449 (0xe069) .sp Key name KEY_END .IP \(bu 2 57451 (0xe06b) .sp Key name KEY_LEFT .IP \(bu 2 57452 (0xe06c) .sp Key name KEY_HOME .IP \(bu 2 57455 (0xe06f) .sp Key name KEY_MACRO .IP \(bu 2 57456 (0xe070) .sp Key name KEY_INSERT .IP \(bu 2 57457 (0xe071) .sp Key name KEY_DELETE .IP \(bu 2 57458 (0xe072) .sp Key name KEY_DOWN .IP \(bu 2 57460 (0xe074) .sp Key name KEY_RIGHT .IP \(bu 2 57461 (0xe075) .sp Key name KEY_UP .IP \(bu 2 57463 (0xe077) .sp Key name KEY_PAUSE .IP \(bu 2 57465 (0xe079) .sp Key name KEY_KPPLUSMINUS .IP \(bu 2 57466 (0xe07a) .sp Key name KEY_PAGEDOWN .IP \(bu 2 57469 (0xe07d) .sp Key name KEY_PAGEUP .UNINDENT .\" Generated by docutils manpage writer. .