valabind(1) 1 (valabind manual page) valabind(1) NAME valabind - vala to swig interface conversor SYNOPSIS valabind [-h] [-x] [-v] [-V vapidir] [-o ofile] [-m modname] [-p profile] [-N namespace] [-D SYMBOL] [--swig] [--node-ffi] [--ctypes] [--gir] [--cxx] vapifile DESCRIPTION Valabind is a program written in Vala that aims to generate nodejs, c++ or SWIG interfaces (.i) from a vala-generated or hand-made vapi files. SWIG opens the door to create bindings for Python, Perl, ruby, lua, and many other scripting languages. -h show help message -o OUTPUT specify output file name -m NAME specify module name -N NS include given namespace for processing -D SYMBOL define a preprocessor symbol inside Vala code -p PROFILE select Vala profile (posix, gobject, dova) -x generate c++ code for SWIG bindings -v show version information -V PATH specify an alternative vapidir path ENVIRONMENT XDG_DATA_DIRS Standard freedesktop environment variable to point to the share prefix directory where vala looks for vapi files. HYPER-REFERENCES Vala SWIG SEE ALSO valabind-cc(1) AUTHORS pancake Eduard Burtescu radare November 15, 2012 radare