UPTERM(1) Upterm Manual UPTERM(1)

upterm-session-current - Display the current terminal session

upterm session current [flags]

Display the current terminal session. By default, this command retrieves the current session from the admin socket path specified in the UPTERM_ADMIN_SOCKET environment variable. This environment variable is set upon sharing a session with 'upterm host'.

--admin-socket="" admin unix domain socket (required)

-h, --help[=false] help for current

  # Display the active session as defined in $UPTERM_ADMIN_SOCKET:
  upterm session current
  # Display the session with a custom admin socket path:
  upterm session current --admin-socket ADMIN_SOCKET_PATH


16-Nov-2023 Auto generated by spf13/cobra

Nov 2023 Upterm 0.13.0