UPTERM(1) Upterm Manual UPTERM(1)

upterm-host - Host a terminal session

upterm host [flags]

Host a terminal session via a reverse SSH tunnel to the Upterm server, linking the IO of the host and client to a command's IO. Authentication against the Upterm server defaults to using private key files located at ~/.ssh/id_dsa, ~/.ssh/id_ecdsa, ~/.ssh/id_ed25519, and ~/.ssh/id_rsa. If no private key file is found, it resorts to reading private keys from the SSH Agent. Absence of private keys in files or SSH Agent generates an on-the-fly private key. To authorize client connections, specify a authorized_key file with public keys using --authorized-keys.

--accept[=false] Automatically accept client connections without prompts.

--authorized-keys="" Specify a authorize_keys file listing authorized public keys for connection.

-f, --force-command="" Enforce a specified command for clients to join, and link the command's input/output to the client's terminal.

--github-user=[] Authorize specified GitHub users by allowing their public keys to connect. Configure GitHub CLI environment variables as needed; see https://cli.github.com/manual/gh_help_environment for details.

--gitlab-user=[] Authorize specified GitLab users by allowing their public keys to connect.

-h, --help[=false] help for host

--known-hosts="/build/.ssh/known_hosts" Specify a file containing known keys for remote hosts (required).

-i, --private-key=[] Specify private key files for public key authentication with the upterm server (required).

-r, --read-only[=false] Host a read-only session, preventing client interaction.

--server="ssh://uptermd.upterm.dev:22" Specify the upterm server address (required). Supported protocols: ssh, ws, wss.

--srht-user=[] Authorize specified SourceHut users by allowing their public keys to connect.

  # Host a terminal session running $SHELL, attaching client's IO to the host's:
  upterm host
  # Accept client connections automatically without prompts:
  upterm host --accept
  # Host a terminal session allowing only specified public key(s) to connect:
  upterm host --authorized-keys PATH_TO_AUTHORIZED_KEY_FILE
  # Host a session executing a custom command:
  upterm host -- docker run --rm -ti ubuntu bash
  # Host a 'tmux new -t pair-programming' session, forcing clients to join with 'tmux attach -t pair-programming':
  upterm host --force-command 'tmux attach -t pair-programming' -- tmux new -t pair-programming
  # Use a different Uptermd server, hosting a session via WebSocket:
  upterm host --server wss://YOUR_UPTERMD_SERVER -- YOUR_COMMAND


16-Nov-2023 Auto generated by spf13/cobra

Nov 2023 Upterm 0.13.0