udplite(7) Miscellaneous Information Manual udplite(7) udplite - #include sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDPLITE); (UDP-Lite), RFC 3828. UDP-Lite UDP (RFC 768), . , , . (coverage) setsockopt(2). , UDP IP ( IANA -- 136). The UDP-Lite implementation is a full extension of udp(7)--that is, it shares the same API and API behavior, and in addition offers two socket options to control the checksum coverage. UDP-Litev4 sockaddr_in, ip(7). UDP-Litev6 sockaddr_in6, ipv6(7). UDP-Lite, getsockopt(2) setsockopt(2), . IPPROTO_UDPLITE. , UDP-Lite IPPROTO_UDP. udp(7). UDP-Lite. UDPLITE_SEND_CSCOV This option sets the sender checksum coverage and takes an int as argument, with a checksum coverage value in the range 0..2^16-1. 0 , . 1-7 (RFC 3828, 3.1) -- 8. With regard to IPv6 jumbograms (RFC 2675), the UDP-Litev6 checksum coverage is limited to the first 2^16-1 octets, as per RFC 3828, 3.5. Higher values are therefore silently truncated to 2^16-1. If in doubt, the current coverage value can always be queried using getsockopt(2). UDPLITE_RECV_CSCOV , , UDPLITE_SEND_CSCOV. . : , , . UDPLITE_RECV_CSCOV , , . , udp(7). UDP-Lite . /proc/net/snmp UDP-Litev4. /proc/net/snmp6 UDP-Litev6. UDP-Litev4/v6 Linux 2.6.20. glibc , : #define IPPROTO_UDPLITE 136 #define UDPLITE_SEND_CSCOV 10 #define UDPLITE_RECV_CSCOV 11 . ip(7), ipv6(7), socket(7), udp(7) RFC 3828 (Lightweight User Datagram Protocol -- UDP-Lite). Documentation/networking/udplite.txt Linux Azamat Hackimov , Dmitriy Ovchinnikov , Dmitry Bolkhovskikh , Katrin Kutepova , Yuri Kozlov ; GNU 3 , . . , , . Linux man-pages 6.06 31 2023 . udplite(7)