UCSIM(1) General Commands Manual UCSIM(1)

uCsim - Micro-controller simulator


-t cpu_type -X freq[k|M] -R seed -C cfg_file -e command -c file -z portnum -Z portnum -k portnum -s file -S options -I options -p prompt -P -o colors -l -b -B -g -G -E -a nr -w -V -v -H -h

uCsim is a microcontroller, microprocessor simulator for several processor families. It can be started as ucsim_XXXX command, where XXXX specifies the simulated processor type. Eg. ucsim_51 starts Intel MCS51 microcontroller simulator, ucsim_z80 starts Zilog Z80 microprocessor simulator, etc.

Options of the command

Specifies type of the controller. Use -H to list possible values.
XTAL frequency in Hz, Use k or M suffix to specify frequency in kHz or MHz.
Set the random number generator seed.
Read initial commands from file and execute them.
Execute command at program startup (before config file).
Open command console on file (use - for std in/out).
Listen portnum for command console.
Listen portnum for command console (no console on stdio).
Use localhost:portnum for serial I/O. This option is obsolete, use -S instead.
Connect serial interface uart0 to file This option is obsolete, use -S instead.
options is a comma separated list of options according to serial interface. Know options are:
uart=nr number of uart (default=0)
in=file serial input will be read from file named `file'.
out=file serial output will be written to `file'.
port=nr use localhost:nr as server for serial line.
iport=nr use localhost:nr as server for serial input.
oport=nr use localhost:nr as server for serial onput.
raw perform non-interactive communication even on tty.
options is a comma separated list of options according to simulator interface. Known options are:
if=memory[address] turn on interface on given memory location.
in=file specify input file for IO.
out=file specify output file for IO.
Specify string for prompt.
Prompt is a null ('\0') character.
List of color specification: what=colspec,... where colspec is : separated list of color options e.g.: prompt=b:white:black (bold white on black).
Use colors of the light theme (default is dark).
Black & white (non-color) theme.
Beep on breakpoints.
Go, start simulation.
Go, start simulation, quit on stop.
Go, start simulation in emulation mode.
Specify size of variable space (default=256).
Writable flash.
Verbose mode.
Quiet mode (implies -b).
Print out version number and quit.
Print out types of known CPUs and quit.
Print out this help and quit.

None yet.

sdcc(1), sdcdb(1), serialview(1).

Probably many.

Daniel Drotos, Gunar Holm, Sandeep Dutta, Salvador Eduardo Tropea, Josef Wolf, Stephane Meyer, Larry Doolittle, Timothy Hurman, Karl-Max Wagner, Edmar Wienskoski Jr, Alexandre Frey, Kaido Karner, Kalr Bongers, Alexis Pavlov, Davine Zanni, Anton Persson, Nicolas Lesser, Mike Jagdis, Jiri Simek, Zbynek Krivka, Vaclav Peroutka, Valentin Dudouyt, Erik Petrich, Leland Morrison, Johan Knol.