tune.exfat(8) System Manager's Manual tune.exfat(8) NAME tune.exfat - adjust tunable filesystem parameters on an exFAT filesystem SYNOPSIS tune.exfat [ -l print-label ] [ -L set-label ] [ -u print-guid ] [ -U set-guid ] [ -i print-serial ] [ -I set-serial ] [ -v ] device tune.exfat -V DESCRIPTION tune.exfat adjust tunable ondisk parameters of an existing exFAT filesystem. OPTIONS -l print-label Print the volume label of the exFAT filesystem. -L set-label Set the volume label of the filesystem to the provided argument. -u print-guid Print the volume GUID of the exFAT filesystem. -U set-guid Set the volume GUID of the filesystem to the provided argument. -i print-serial Print the volume serial of the exFAT filesystem. -I set-serial Set the volume serial of the filesystem to the provided argument. -v Prints verbose debugging information while extracting or tuning parameters of the exFAT filesystem. -V Prints the version number and exits. tune.exfat(8)