.TH thcping6 8 2022-11-01 THC IPv6 ATTACK TOOLKIT .SH NAME .B thcping6 .SH SYNOPSIS thcping6 [-EafqxO] [-e ethertype] [-H t:l:v] [-D t:l:v] [-F dst] [-e ethertype] [-L length] [-N nextheader] [-V version] [-t ttl] [-c class] [-l label] [-d size] [-S port|-U port|-T type -C code] interface src6 dst6 [srcmac [dstmac [data]]] .SH OPTIONS .nf -T number ICMPv6 type to send (default: 128 = ping) -C number ICMPv6 code to send (default: 0) -S port use a TCP SYN packet on the defined port instead of ping -U port use a UDP packet on the defined port instead of ping -n count how often to send the packet (default: 1) -h show more command line options (help!) You can put an "x" into src6, srcmac and dstmac for an automatic value. Craft a ICMPv6/TCP/UDP packet with special IPv6 or EH header options. Returns -1 on error or no reply, 0 on normal reply or 1 on error reply. .SH AUTHOR thc-ipv6 was written by van Hauser / THC The homepage for this toolkit is: https://github.com/vanhauser-thc/thc-ipv6 .SH COPYRIGHT thcping6 3.8 (c) 2020 by van Hauser / THC www.github.com/vanhauser-thc/thc-ipv6