TANH(3G) [FIXME: manual] TANH(3G)

.SH "NAME" tanh - return the hyperbolic tangent of the parameter


.HP 312u genType tanh(genType x);


.PP x

Specify the value whose hyperbolic tangent to return.



.PP tanh returns the hyperbolic tangent of x. The hyperbolic tangent of x is computed as sinh ⁡ x cosh ⁡ x.


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.PP sin(), cos(), sinh(), cosh()


.PP Copyright © 2011-2014 Khronos Group. This material may be distributed subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Open Publication License, v 1.0, 8 June 1999. https://opencontent.org/openpub/.

Copyright © 2011-2014 Khronos Group

07/04/2024 [FIXME: source]