SYD-PATH(1) General Commands Manual SYD-PATH(1) NAME syd-path - Write Integrity Force rules for binaries and list executables under PATH SYNOPSIS syd-path [-h1235cCeklmpsw] DESCRIPTION Write Integrity Force rules for binaries under PATH. If at least one of the various -e options is specified, list executables with specified information under PATH. OPTIONS -h Display help. -c Calculate CRC64 checksum (insecure). -C Calculate CRC32 checksum (insecure). -m Calculate MD5 checksum (insecure, portage/paludis vdb compat). -1 Calculate SHA1 checksum (insecure). -2 Calculate SHA3-256 checksum. -3 Calculate SHA3-384 checksum. -5 Calculate SHA3-512 checksum (default). -k Use action kill (default). -w Use action warn. -l num Limit by number of entries. -p path Specify alternative PATH. -s Prefix rules with "/dev/syd/". -e32 List 32-bit ELF executables under PATH (conflicts with -e64). -e64 List 64-bit ELF executables under PATH (conflicts with -e32). -ed List dynamically linked ELF executables under PATH (conflicts with -es). -es List statically linked ELF executables under PATH (conflicts with -ed). -ep List PIE executables under PATH (conflicts with -eP). -eP List non-PIE executables under PATH (conflicts with -ep). -ex List scripts under PATH. -eX List binaries with executable stack under PATH. BUGS This tool will skip any failure silently. SEE ALSO syd(1), syd(2), syd(5) syd homepage: AUTHORS Maintained by Ali Polatel. Up-to-date sources can be found at and bugs/patches can be submitted to Discuss in #sydbox on Libera Chat. 2025-02-14 SYD-PATH(1)