SYD-CAT(1) General Commands Manual SYD-CAT(1) NAME syd-cat - tool to parse, validate and display Syd configuration SYNOPSIS syd-cat [-hjJmM] [-p name] ... DESCRIPTION Given a list of paths, parses and validates configuration. Prints configuration to standard output on success. Supported configuration file extensions are ".ipset", ".netset", and ".syd-3". OPTIONS -h Display help. -j Display Syd configuration as JSON. -J Display Syd configuration as compact JSON. -m magic Run a magic command at init, may be repeated. -M magic Run a magic command at exit, may be repeated. -p name Display rules of the profile with the given name. Use list as name to display the list of profiles. SEE ALSO syd(1), syd(2), syd(5), syd(7) syd homepage: AUTHORS Maintained by Ali Polatel. Up-to-date sources can be found at and bugs/patches can be submitted to Discuss in #sydbox on Libera Chat. 2025-02-14 SYD-CAT(1)