SYD-AUX(1) General Commands Manual SYD-AUX(1) NAME syd-aux - print auxiliary vector information SYNOPSIS syd-aux [-hrs] DESCRIPTION Print auxiliary vector information. If -r is given print hexadecimal-encoded AT_RANDOM cookie. If -s is given exit with success if AT_SECURE is set. OPTIONS -h Display help and exit. -r Print hexadecimal-encoded AT_RANDOM cookie. -s Exit with success if AT_SECURE is set. SEE ALSO syd(1), syd(2), syd(5), syd-elf(1), syd-ldd(1), getauxval(3) syd homepage: AUTHORS Maintained by Ali Polatel. Up-to-date sources can be found at and bugs/patches can be submitted to Discuss in #sydbox on Libera Chat. 2025-02-22 SYD-AUX(1)