swaync(1) General Commands Manual swaync(1) NAME swaync - A simple notification daemon with a GTK gui for notifications and the control center USAGE swaync [option] OPTIONS -h, --help Show help options -v, --version Prints version -s, --style Use a custom Stylesheet file -c, --config Use a custom config file Control Center Keyboard Shortcuts Up/Down: Navigate notifications Home: Navigate to the latest notification End: Navigate to the oldest notification Escape/Caps_Lock: Close notification panel Return: Execute default action or close notification if none Delete/BackSpace: Close notification Shift+C: Close all notifications Shift+D: Toggle Do Not Disturb Buttons 1-9: Execute alternative actions Left click button / actions: Activate notification action Right click notification: Close notification CONFIGURATION The main config file is located in /etc/xdg/swaync/config.json. Copy it over to your ~/.config/swaync/ folder to customize without needing root access. To reload the config, you'll need to run swaync-client --reload-config For information on the config file format, see swaync(5) Scripting Scripting rules and logic: 1. Only one script can be fired per notification 2. Each script requires `exec` and at least one of the other properties 3. All listed properties must match the notification for the script to be ran 4. If any of the properties doesn't match, the script will be skipped 5. If a notification doesn't include one of the properties, that property will be skipped Notification information can be printed into a terminal by running G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=all swaync (when a notification appears). Config properties: { "scripts": { "example-script": { "exec": "Your shell command or script here...", "app-name": "Notification app-name Regex", "summary": "Notification summary Regex", "body": "Notification body Regex", "urgency": "Low or Normal or Critical", "category": "Notification category Regex" } } other non scripting properties... } config.json example: { "scripts": { // This script will only run when Spotify sends a notification containing // that exact summary and body "example-script": { "exec": "~/.config/swaync/myRickRollScript.sh", "app-name": "Spotify" "summary": "Never Gonna Give You Up", "body": "Rick Astley - Whenever You Need Somebody" } } other non scripting properties... } Disable scripting To completely disable scripting, the project needs to be built like so: meson build -Dscripting=false ninja -C build meson install -C build Waybar Example This example requires NotoSansMono Nerd Font to get the icons looking right Waybar config "custom/notification": { "tooltip": false, "format": "{icon}", "format-icons": { "notification": "", "none": "", "dnd-notification": "", "dnd-none": "", "inhibited-notification": "", "inhibited-none": "", "dnd-inhibited-notification": "", "dnd-inhibited-none": "" }, "return-type": "json", "exec-if": "which swaync-client", "exec": "swaync-client -swb", "on-click": "swaync-client -t -sw", "on-click-right": "swaync-client -d -sw", "escape": true }, Waybar css file #custom-notification { font-family: "NotoSansMono Nerd Font"; } 2024-08-04 swaync(1)