STARTFLUXBOX(1) Fluxbox Manual STARTFLUXBOX(1) NAME startfluxbox - start a fluxbox session SYNOPSIS startfluxbox DESCRIPTION startfluxbox is a script which runs the file ~/.fluxbox/startup If it doesn't exist it will be generated. startfluxbox should be started from your ~/.xinitrc if you use startx, or ~/.xsession if you run a display manager, like xdm. FILES ~/.fluxbox/startup This file contains all commands that should be executed before fluxbox is started. The initial file contains helpful comments for beginners. It also starts fluxbox. EXAMPLES The default ~/.fluxbox/startup is as follows: #!/bin/sh # # fluxbox startup-script: # # Lines starting with a '#' are ignored. # Change your keymap: xmodmap "$HOME/.Xmodmap" # Applications you want to run with fluxbox. # MAKE SURE THAT APPS THAT KEEP RUNNING HAVE AN ''&'' AT THE END. # # unclutter -idle 2 & # wmnd & # wmsmixer -w & # idesk & # And last but not least we start fluxbox. # Because it is the last app you have to run it with ''exec'' before it. exec fluxbox # or if you want to keep a log: # exec fluxbox -log "$fluxdir/log" If you need to start applications after fluxbox, you can change the exec fluxbox line above to something like this: exec fluxbox & fbpid=$! sleep 1 { xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr -fg white -bg black & ipager & gkrellm2 & } & wait $fbpid So xsetroot, ipager, and gkrellm2 will all be started after fluxbox, after giving fluxbox 1 second to startup. For more details on what else you can do in this script, see sh(1), or the documentation for your shell. AUTHORS The author of startfluxbox(1) is Han Boetes This manpage was converted to asciidoc format by Jim Ramsay for fluxbox-1.1.2 SEE ALSO fluxbox(1) AUTHOR Jim Ramsay Author. startfluxbox.txt 08 February 2015 STARTFLUXBOX(1)