BLAS/SRC/srotg.f90(3) Library Functions Manual BLAS/SRC/srotg.f90(3) NAME BLAS/SRC/srotg.f90 SYNOPSIS Functions/Subroutines subroutine srotg (a, b, c, s) SROTG Function/Subroutine Documentation subroutine srotg (real(wp) a, real(wp) b, real(wp) c, real(wp) s) SROTG Purpose: SROTG constructs a plane rotation [ c s ] [ a ] = [ r ] [ -s c ] [ b ] [ 0 ] satisfying c**2 + s**2 = 1. The computation uses the formulas sigma = sgn(a) if |a| > |b| = sgn(b) if |b| >= |a| r = sigma*sqrt( a**2 + b**2 ) c = 1; s = 0 if r = 0 c = a/r; s = b/r if r != 0 The subroutine also computes z = s if |a| > |b|, = 1/c if |b| >= |a| and c != 0 = 1 if c = 0 This allows c and s to be reconstructed from z as follows: If z = 1, set c = 0, s = 1. If |z| < 1, set c = sqrt(1 - z**2) and s = z. If |z| > 1, set c = 1/z and s = sqrt( 1 - c**2). See also lartg: generate plane rotation, more accurate than BLAS rot, lartgp: generate plane rotation, more accurate than BLAS rot Parameters A A is REAL On entry, the scalar a. On exit, the scalar r. B B is REAL On entry, the scalar b. On exit, the scalar z. C C is REAL The scalar c. S S is REAL The scalar s. Author Edward Anderson, Lockheed Martin Contributors: Weslley Pereira, University of Colorado Denver, USA Further Details: Anderson E. (2017) Algorithm 978: Safe Scaling in the Level 1 BLAS ACM Trans Math Softw 44:1--28 Definition at line 91 of file srotg.f90. Author Generated automatically by Doxygen for LAPACK from the source code. LAPACK Version 3.12.0 BLAS/SRC/srotg.f90(3)