SQ(1) User Commands SQ(1) NAME sq packet dump - List packets SYNOPSIS sq packet dump [OPTIONS] FILE DESCRIPTION List packets. Creates a human-readable description of the packet sequence. Additionally, it can print cryptographic artifacts, and print the raw octet stream similar to hexdump(1), annotating specifically which bytes are parsed into OpenPGP values. If the packet stream includes an encryption container, `sq` will attempt to decrypt it. OPTIONS Subcommand options --cert=FINGERPRINT|KEYID Dump the packets of the certificate with the specified fingerprint or key ID --cert-email=EMAIL Dump the packets of the certificate where a user ID includes the specified email address --cert-file=PATH Dump the packets of the cert read from PATH --cert-userid=USERID Dump the packets of the certificate with the specified user ID --hex Print a hexdump --mpis Print cryptographic artifacts --output=FILE Write to FILE or stdout if omitted [default: -] --recipient-file=KEY_FILE Decrypt the message using the key in KEY_FILE --session-key=SESSION-KEY Decrypt an encrypted message using SESSION-KEY FILE Read from FILE or stdin if FILE is '-' [default: -] Global options See sq(1) for a description of the global options. EXAMPLES Print the packets of a certificate. sq packet dump juliet.pgp Print the packets including cryptographic artifacts of a certificate. sq packet dump --mpis juliet.pgp Print the packets including a dump of every byte of a certificate. sq packet dump --hex juliet.pgp Prints the packets of an encrypted message, decrypting it using a secret key file. sq packet dump --recipient-file bob-secret.pgp message.pgp SEE ALSO sq(1), sq-packet(1). For the full documentation see . VERSION 1.2.0 (sequoia-openpgp 1.22.0) Sequoia PGP 1.2.0 SQ(1)