SQ(1) User Commands SQ(1) NAME sq packet decrypt - Unwrap an encryption container SYNOPSIS sq packet decrypt [OPTIONS] FILE DESCRIPTION Unwrap an encryption container. Decrypts a message, dumping the content of the encryption container without further processing. The result is a valid OpenPGP message that can, among other things, be inspected using `sq packet dump`. OPTIONS Subcommand options --binary Emit binary data --dump-session-key Print the session key to stderr --output=FILE Write to FILE or stdout if omitted [default: -] --recipient-file=KEY_FILE Decrypt the message using the key in KEY_FILE --session-key=SESSION-KEY Decrypt an encrypted message using SESSION-KEY FILE Read from FILE or stdin if FILE is '-' [default: -] Global options See sq(1) for a description of the global options. EXAMPLES Unwrap the encryption revealing the signed message. sq packet decrypt --recipient-file bob-secret.pgp message.pgp SEE ALSO sq(1), sq-packet(1). For the full documentation see . VERSION 1.2.0 (sequoia-openpgp 1.22.0) Sequoia PGP 1.2.0 SQ(1)