SQ(1) User Commands SQ(1) NAME sq encrypt - Encrypt a message SYNOPSIS sq encrypt [OPTIONS] FILE DESCRIPTION Encrypt a message. Encrypt a message for any number of recipients and with any number of passwords, optionally signing the message in the process. The converse operation is `sq decrypt`. `sq encrypt` respects the reference time set by the top-level `--time` argument. It uses the reference time when selecting encryption keys, and it sets the signature's creation time to the reference time. OPTIONS Subcommand options -B, --binary Emit binary data --compression=KIND Select compression scheme to use [default: none] [possible values: none, zip, zlib, bzip2] --encrypt-for=PURPOSE Select what kind of keys are considered for encryption. 'transport' selects subkeys marked as suitable for transport encryption, 'storage' selects those for encrypting data at rest, and 'universal' selects all encryption-capable subkeys. [default: universal] [possible values: transport, storage, universal] -o, --output=FILE Write to FILE or stdout if omitted [default: -] --private-key-store=KEY_STORE Provide parameters for private key store --recipient-cert=FINGERPRINT|KEYID Encrypt to the named certificates --recipient-email=EMAIL Encrypt to all certificates that can be authenticated for the specified email address --recipient-file=CERT_RING_FILE Encrypt to all certificates in CERT_RING_FILE --recipient-userid=USERID Encrypt to all certificates that can be authenticated for the specified User ID -s, --symmetric Prompt to add a password to encrypt with. When using this option, the user is asked to provide a password, which is used to encrypt the message. This option can be provided more than once to provide more than one password. The encrypted data can afterwards be decrypted with either one of the recipient's keys, or one of the provided passwords. --set-metadata-filename Set the filename of the encrypted file as metadata. Do note, that this metadata is not signed and as such relying on it - on sender or receiver side - is generally considered dangerous. --set-metadata-time=TIME Set time for encrypted file as metadata. Allows setting TIME either as ISO 8601 formatted string or by providing custom keywords. With `none`, the metadata is not set. With `file-creation`, the metadata is set to the file's creation timestamp. With `file-modification`, the metadata is set to the file's last modification timestamp. With `message-creation`, the metadata is set to the creation timestamp of the message for which the metadata is added. Do note, that this metadata is not signed and as such relying on it - on sender or receiver side - is generally considered dangerous. [default: none] --signer-file=KEY_FILE Sign the message using the key in KEY_FILE --signer-key=KEYID|FINGERPRINT Sign the message using the specified key on the key store --use-expired-subkey If a certificate has only expired encryption-capable subkeys, fall back to using the one that expired last FILE Read from FILE or stdin if omitted [default: -] Global options See sq(1) for a description of the global options. EXAMPLES Encrypt a file using a certificate sq encrypt --recipient-file romeo.pgp message.txt Encrypt a file creating a signature in the process sq encrypt --recipient-file romeo.pgp --signer-file juliet.pgp \ message.txt Encrypt a file using a password sq encrypt --symmetric message.txt SEE ALSO sq(1). For the full documentation see . VERSION 0.36.0 (sequoia-openpgp 1.20.0) Sequoia PGP 0.36.0 SQ(1)