.TH SQ 1 1.2.0 "Sequoia PGP" "User Commands" .SH NAME sq config get \- Get configuration options .SH SYNOPSIS .br \fBsq config get\fR [\fIOPTIONS\fR] \fINAME\fR .SH DESCRIPTION Get configuration options. .PP Retrieves the configuration with the given key. Use `sq config get` to see all available options and their values. .PP .SH OPTIONS .SS "Subcommand options" .TP \fINAME\fR Get the value of the configuration NAME .SS "Global options" See \fBsq\fR(1) for a description of the global options. .SH EXAMPLES .PP .PP List all configuration options. .PP .nf .RS sq config get .RE .PP .fi .PP Get the default cipher suite for key generation. .PP .nf .RS sq config get key.generate.cipher\-suite .RE .fi .SH "SEE ALSO" .nh \fBsq\fR(1), \fBsq\-config\fR(1). .hy .PP For the full documentation see . .SH VERSION 1.2.0 (sequoia\-openpgp 1.22.0)