SRC/slaqz1.f(3) Library Functions Manual SRC/slaqz1.f(3) NAME SRC/slaqz1.f SYNOPSIS Functions/Subroutines subroutine slaqz1 (a, lda, b, ldb, sr1, sr2, si, beta1, beta2, v) SLAQZ1 Function/Subroutine Documentation subroutine slaqz1 (real, dimension( lda, * ), intent(in) a, integer, intent(in) lda, real, dimension( ldb, * ), intent(in) b, integer, intent(in) ldb, real, intent(in) sr1, real, intent(in) sr2, real, intent(in) si, real, intent(in) beta1, real, intent(in) beta2, real, dimension( * ), intent(out) v) SLAQZ1 Purpose: Given a 3-by-3 matrix pencil (A,B), SLAQZ1 sets v to a scalar multiple of the first column of the product (*) K = (A - (beta2*sr2 - i*si)*B)*B^(-1)*(beta1*A - (sr2 + i*si2)*B)*B^(-1). It is assumed that either 1) sr1 = sr2 or 2) si = 0. This is useful for starting double implicit shift bulges in the QZ algorithm. Parameters A A is REAL array, dimension (LDA,N) The 3-by-3 matrix A in (*). LDA LDA is INTEGER The leading dimension of A as declared in the calling procedure. B B is REAL array, dimension (LDB,N) The 3-by-3 matrix B in (*). LDB LDB is INTEGER The leading dimension of B as declared in the calling procedure. SR1 SR1 is REAL SR2 SR2 is REAL SI SI is REAL BETA1 BETA1 is REAL BETA2 BETA2 is REAL V V is REAL array, dimension (N) A scalar multiple of the first column of the matrix K in (*). Author Thijs Steel, KU Leuven Date May 2020 Definition at line 125 of file slaqz1.f. Author Generated automatically by Doxygen for LAPACK from the source code. LAPACK Version 3.12.0 SRC/slaqz1.f(3)