SRC/slaein.f(3) Library Functions Manual SRC/slaein.f(3) NAME SRC/slaein.f SYNOPSIS Functions/Subroutines subroutine slaein (rightv, noinit, n, h, ldh, wr, wi, vr, vi, b, ldb, work, eps3, smlnum, bignum, info) SLAEIN computes a specified right or left eigenvector of an upper Hessenberg matrix by inverse iteration. Function/Subroutine Documentation subroutine slaein (logical rightv, logical noinit, integer n, real, dimension( ldh, * ) h, integer ldh, real wr, real wi, real, dimension( * ) vr, real, dimension( * ) vi, real, dimension( ldb, * ) b, integer ldb, real, dimension( * ) work, real eps3, real smlnum, real bignum, integer info) SLAEIN computes a specified right or left eigenvector of an upper Hessenberg matrix by inverse iteration. Purpose: SLAEIN uses inverse iteration to find a right or left eigenvector corresponding to the eigenvalue (WR,WI) of a real upper Hessenberg matrix H. Parameters RIGHTV RIGHTV is LOGICAL = .TRUE. : compute right eigenvector; = .FALSE.: compute left eigenvector. NOINIT NOINIT is LOGICAL = .TRUE. : no initial vector supplied in (VR,VI). = .FALSE.: initial vector supplied in (VR,VI). N N is INTEGER The order of the matrix H. N >= 0. H H is REAL array, dimension (LDH,N) The upper Hessenberg matrix H. LDH LDH is INTEGER The leading dimension of the array H. LDH >= max(1,N). WR WR is REAL WI WI is REAL The real and imaginary parts of the eigenvalue of H whose corresponding right or left eigenvector is to be computed. VR VR is REAL array, dimension (N) VI VI is REAL array, dimension (N) On entry, if NOINIT = .FALSE. and WI = 0.0, VR must contain a real starting vector for inverse iteration using the real eigenvalue WR; if NOINIT = .FALSE. and, VR and VI must contain the real and imaginary parts of a complex starting vector for inverse iteration using the complex eigenvalue (WR,WI); otherwise VR and VI need not be set. On exit, if WI = 0.0 (real eigenvalue), VR contains the computed real eigenvector; if (complex eigenvalue), VR and VI contain the real and imaginary parts of the computed complex eigenvector. The eigenvector is normalized so that the component of largest magnitude has magnitude 1; here the magnitude of a complex number (x,y) is taken to be |x| + |y|. VI is not referenced if WI = 0.0. B B is REAL array, dimension (LDB,N) LDB LDB is INTEGER The leading dimension of the array B. LDB >= N+1. WORK WORK is REAL array, dimension (N) EPS3 EPS3 is REAL A small machine-dependent value which is used to perturb close eigenvalues, and to replace zero pivots. SMLNUM SMLNUM is REAL A machine-dependent value close to the underflow threshold. BIGNUM BIGNUM is REAL A machine-dependent value close to the overflow threshold. INFO INFO is INTEGER = 0: successful exit = 1: inverse iteration did not converge; VR is set to the last iterate, and so is VI if Author Univ. of Tennessee Univ. of California Berkeley Univ. of Colorado Denver NAG Ltd. Definition at line 170 of file slaein.f. Author Generated automatically by Doxygen for LAPACK from the source code. LAPACK Version 3.12.0 SRC/slaein.f(3)