SRC/slabad.f(3) Library Functions Manual SRC/slabad.f(3) NAME SRC/slabad.f SYNOPSIS Functions/Subroutines subroutine slabad (small, large) SLABAD Function/Subroutine Documentation subroutine slabad (real small, real large) SLABAD Purpose: SLABAD is a no-op and kept for compatibility reasons. It used to correct the overflow/underflow behavior of machines that are not IEEE-754 compliant. Parameters SMALL SMALL is REAL On entry, the underflow threshold as computed by SLAMCH. On exit, the unchanged value SMALL. LARGE LARGE is REAL On entry, the overflow threshold as computed by SLAMCH. On exit, the unchanged value LARGE. Author Univ. of Tennessee Univ. of California Berkeley Univ. of Colorado Denver NAG Ltd. Definition at line 66 of file slabad.f. Author Generated automatically by Doxygen for LAPACK from the source code. LAPACK Version 3.12.0 SRC/slabad.f(3)