.\" $OpenBSD$ .\" .\" Copyright (c) 2011-2020 Alexandre Ratchov .\" .\" Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any .\" purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above .\" copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. .\" .\" THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES .\" WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF .\" MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR .\" ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES .\" WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN .\" ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF .\" OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. .\" .Dd $Mdocdate$ .Dt SIOCTL_OPEN 3 .Os .Sh NAME .Nm sioctl_open , .Nm sioctl_close , .Nm sioctl_ondesc , .Nm sioctl_onval , .Nm sioctl_setval , .Nm sioctl_nfds , .Nm sioctl_pollfd , .Nm sioctl_eof .Nd interface to audio parameters .Sh SYNOPSIS .Fd #include .Ft struct sioctl_hdl * .Fo sioctl_open .Fa "const char *name" .Fa "unsigned int mode" .Fa "int nbio_flag" .Fc .Ft void .Fo sioctl_close .Fa "struct sioctl_hdl *hdl" .Fc .Ft int .Fo sioctl_ondesc .Fa "struct sioctl_hdl *hdl" .Fa "void (*cb)(void *arg, struct sioctl_desc *desc, int val)" .Fa "void *arg" .Fc .Ft int .Fo sioctl_onval .Fa "struct sioctl_hdl *hdl" .Fa "void (*cb)(void *arg, unsigned int addr, unsigned int val)" .Fa "void *arg" .Fc .Ft int .Fo sioctl_setval .Fa "struct sioctl_hdl *hdl" .Fa "unsigned int addr" .Fa "unsigned int val" .Fc .Ft int .Fo sioctl_nfds .Fa "struct sioctl_hdl *hdl" .Fc .Ft int .Fo sioctl_pollfd .Fa "struct sioctl_hdl *hdl" .Fa "struct pollfd *pfd" .Fa "int events" .Fc .Ft int .Fo sioctl_revents .Fa "struct sioctl_hdl *hdl" .Fa "struct pollfd *pfd" .Fc .Ft int .Fo sioctl_eof .Fa "struct sioctl_hdl *hdl" .Fc .Sh DESCRIPTION Audio devices may expose a number of controls, like the playback volume control. Each control has an integer .Em address and an integer .Em value . Some values are boolean and can only be switched to either 0 (off) or 1 (on). Any control may be changed by submitting a new value to its address. When values change, asynchronous notifications are sent. .Pp Control descriptions are available, allowing them to be grouped and represented in a human readable form. .Ss Opening and closing the control device First the application must call the .Fn sioctl_open function to obtain a handle that will be passed as the .Fa hdl argument to other functions. .Pp The .Fa name parameter gives the device string discussed in .Xr sndio 7 . In most cases it should be set to SIO_DEVANY to allow the user to select it using the .Ev AUDIODEVICE environment variable. The .Fa mode parameter is a bitmap of the .Dv SIOCTL_READ and .Dv SIOCTL_WRITE constants indicating whether control values can be read and modified respectively. .Pp If the .Fa nbio_flag argument is 1, then the .Fn sioctl_setval function (see below) may fail instead of blocking and the .Fn sioctl_ondesc function doesn't block. .Pp The .Fn sioctl_close function closes the control device and frees any allocated resources associated with the handle. .Ss Control descriptions The .Fn sioctl_ondesc function can be used to obtain the description of all available controls and their initial values. It registers a callback function that is immediately invoked for all controls. It is called once with a .Dv NULL argument to indicate that the full description was sent and that the caller has a consistent representation of the control set. .Pp Then, whenever a control description changes, the callback is invoked with the updated information followed by a call with a .Dv NULL argument. .Pp Controls are described by the .Vt sioctl_desc structure as follows: .Bd -literal struct sioctl_node { char name[SIOCTL_NAMEMAX]; /* ex. "spkr" */ int unit; /* optional number or -1 */ }; struct sioctl_desc { unsigned int addr; /* control address */ #define SIOCTL_NONE 0 /* deleted */ #define SIOCTL_NUM 2 /* integer in the maxval range */ #define SIOCTL_SW 3 /* on/off switch (1 or 0) */ #define SIOCTL_VEC 4 /* number, element of vector */ #define SIOCTL_LIST 5 /* switch, element of a list */ #define SIOCTL_SEL 6 /* element of a selector */ unsigned int type; /* one of above */ char func[SIOCTL_NAMEMAX]; /* function name, ex. "level" */ char group[SIOCTL_NAMEMAX]; /* group this control belongs to */ struct sioctl_node node0; /* affected node */ struct sioctl_node node1; /* dito for SIOCTL_{VEC,LIST,SEL} */ unsigned int maxval; /* max value */ char display[SIOCTL_DISPLAYMAX]; /* free-format hint */ }; .Ed .Pp The .Fa addr attribute is the control address, usable with .Fn sioctl_setval to set its value. .Pp The .Fa type attribute indicates what the structure describes. Possible types are: .Bl -tag -width "SIOCTL_LIST" .It Dv SIOCTL_NONE A previously valid control was deleted. .It Dv SIOCTL_NUM An integer control in the range from 0 to .Fa maxval , inclusive. For instance the volume of the speaker. .It Dv SIOCTL_SW A boolean control. For instance the switch to mute the speaker. .It Dv SIOCTL_VEC Element of an array of integer controls. For instance the knob to control the amount of signal flowing from the line input to the speaker. .It Dv SIOCTL_LIST An element of an array of boolean switches. For instance the line-in position of the speaker source selector. .It Dv SIOCTL_SEL Same as .Dv SIOCTL_LIST but exactly one element is selected at a time. .El .Pp The .Fa func attribute is the name of the parameter being controlled. There may be no parameters of different types with the same name. .Pp The .Fa node0 and .Fa node1 attributes indicate the names of the controlled nodes, typically channels of audio streams. .Fa node1 is meaningful for .Dv SIOCTL_VEC , .Dv SIOCTL_LIST , and .Dv SIOCTL_SEL only. .Pp Names in the .Fa node0 and .Fa node1 attributes and .Fa func are strings usable as unique identifiers within the given .Fa group . .Pp The .Fa maxval attribute indicates the maximum value of this control. For boolean control types it is set to 1. .Pp The .Fa display attribute contains an optional free-format string providing additional hints about the control, like the hardware model, or the units. .Ss Changing and reading control values Controls are changed with the .Fn sioctl_setval function, by giving the index of the control and the new value. The .Fn sioctl_onval function can be used to register a callback which will be invoked whenever a control changes. Integer values are in the range from 0 to .Fa maxval . .Ss Interface to poll(2) The .Fn sioctl_pollfd function fills the array .Fa pfd of .Vt pollfd structures, used by .Xr poll 2 , with .Fa events ; the latter is a bit-mask of .Dv POLLIN and .Dv POLLOUT constants. .Fn sioctl_pollfd returns the number of .Vt pollfd structures filled. The .Fn sioctl_revents function returns the bit-mask set by .Xr poll 2 in the .Fa pfd array of .Vt pollfd structures. If .Dv POLLOUT is set, .Fn sioctl_setval can be called without blocking. .Dv POLLHUP may be set if an error occurs, even if it is not selected with .Fn sioctl_pollfd . .Dv POLLIN is not used yet. .Pp The .Fn sioctl_nfds function returns the number of .Vt pollfd structures the caller must preallocate in order to be sure that .Fn sioctl_pollfd will never overrun. .Sh ENVIRONMENT .Bl -tag -width AUDIODEVICE .It Ev AUDIODEVICE The default .Xr sndio 7 device used by .Fn sioctl_open . .El .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr sndioctl 1 , .Xr poll 2 , .Xr sio_open 3 , .Xr sndio 7 .Sh HISTORY These functions first appeared in .Ox 6.7 . .Sh AUTHORS .An Alexandre Ratchov Aq Mt ratchov@openbsd.org