shikanectl(1) General Commands Manual shikanectl(1) NAME shikanectl - control the shikane daemon SYNOPSIS shikanectl [options] OPTIONS -h, --help Print help information -s, --socket socket Connect to the specified socket -V, --version Print version information COMMANDS reload [file] Reload the daemon configuration file, optionally by providing a different file. switch name Use the given profile temporarily. export [options] name Export the current display setup as shikane config. Include vendor, model and serial number in the searches by default. It is recommended to use a meaningful and unique name for the new profile. EXPORT OPTIONS -d, --description Include the description in the searches -n, --name Include the name in the searches -m, --model Include the model in the searches -s, --serial Include the serial number in the searches -v, --vendor Include the vendor in the searches EXAMPLES Using shikanectl export to append the current output setup as a new profile to your existing configuration. Just replace the profile name with something meaningful and unique. shikanectl export "NEW_PROFILE_NAME" >> $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/shikane/config.toml BUGS Hopefully less than 4. AUTHORS Hendrik Wolff SEE ALSO shikane(1) shikane 1.0.1 2025-03-04 shikanectl(1)