.\" Automatically generated by Pandoc .\" .\" Define V font for inline verbatim, using C font in formats .\" that render this, and otherwise B font. .ie "\f[CB]x\f[]"x" \{\ . ftr V B . ftr VI BI . ftr VB B . ftr VBI BI .\} .el \{\ . ftr V CR . ftr VI CI . ftr VB CB . ftr VBI CBI .\} .ad l .TH "shikanectl" "1" "2025\-03\-04" "shikane 1.0.1" .nh .SH NAME shikanectl \- control the shikane daemon .SH SYNOPSIS \f[B]shikanectl\f[R] [options] .SH OPTIONS .TP \f[B]\-h\f[R], \f[B]\-\-help\f[R] Print help information .TP \f[B]\-s\f[R], \f[B]\-\-socket\f[R] \f[I]socket\f[R] Connect to the specified \f[I]socket\f[R] .TP \f[B]\-V\f[R], \f[B]\-\-version\f[R] Print version information .SH COMMANDS .TP \f[B]reload\f[R] [\f[I]file\f[R]] Reload the daemon configuration file, optionally by providing a different \f[I]file\f[R]. .TP \f[B]switch\f[R] \f[I]name\f[R] Use the given profile temporarily. .TP \f[B]export\f[R] [options] \f[I]name\f[R] Export the current display setup as shikane config. Include vendor, model and serial number in the searches by default. It is recommended to use a meaningful and unique \f[I]name\f[R] for the new profile. .SS EXPORT OPTIONS .TP \f[B]\-d\f[R], \f[B]\-\-description\f[R] Include the description in the searches .TP \f[B]\-n\f[R], \f[B]\-\-name\f[R] Include the name in the searches .TP \f[B]\-m\f[R], \f[B]\-\-model\f[R] Include the model in the searches .TP \f[B]\-s\f[R], \f[B]\-\-serial\f[R] Include the serial number in the searches .TP \f[B]\-v\f[R], \f[B]\-\-vendor\f[R] Include the vendor in the searches .SH EXAMPLES Using \f[CR]shikanectl export\f[R] to append the current output setup as a new profile to your existing configuration. Just replace the profile name with something meaningful and unique. .IP .EX shikanectl export \[dq]NEW_PROFILE_NAME\[dq] >> $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/shikane/config.toml .EE .SH BUGS Hopefully less than 4. .SH AUTHORS Hendrik Wolff \c .MT hendrik.wolff@agdsn.me .ME \c .SH SEE ALSO \f[B]shikane\f[R](1)