shikane(1) General Commands Manual shikane(1) NAME shikane - deterministic dynamic output configuration SYNOPSIS shikane shikane [-hV] [-o] [-c file] shikane [--oneshot] [--config file] DESCRIPTION shikane (/ikan/) is a dynamic output configuration tool focusing on accuracy and determinism. It automatically detects and configures connected displays based on a set of profiles. Each profile specifies a set of outputs with additional parameters (e.g., mode, position, scale). A profile will be applied automatically if all specified outputs and modes can be perfectly matched to the currently connected displays and their capabilities. (See shikane(5) for details.) This is a Wayland equivalent for tools like autorandr. It aims to fully replace kanshi, surpass its inaccuracies and add new features. shikane works with Wayland compositors supporting versions >=3 of the wlr-output-management protocol (e.g., compositors using wlroots v0.16). OPTIONS -h, --help Print help information -c, --config file Path to a config file -o, --oneshot Enable oneshot mode Exit after a profile has been applied or if no profile was matched -s, --socket path Override the default path of the IPC socket -T, --timeout timeout Wait for timeout milliseconds before processing changes [default: 0] -V, --version Print version information ENVIRONMENT SHIKANE_LOG Controls at what log level shikane and its modules print messages to stderr. Available log levels are error, warn, info, debug and trace; sorted from highest to lowest priority. A lower log level includes messages from higher ones. Setting SHIKANE_LOG to trace will let you see everything. Setting it to off disables all logging. This variable allows filtering by modules and accepts a comma-separated list: SHIKANE_LOG=shikane=warn,shikane::matching=debug will only show warnings and errors from shikane except for the matching module where log message of level debug and above are shown. Note: The logging output and filtering is not a stable interface and may be subject to change at any time. SHIKANE_LOG_STYLE Controls if colors and styles with ANSI characters are used for log output. Possible values are auto, always and never. Defaults to auto. SHIKANE_LOG_TIME Enables logging of prefixed timestamps if set to 1. FILES shikane reads its configuration from $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/shikane/config.toml by default. The program exits with an error if no config file is found. The config file format is documented in shikane(5). BUGS Hopefully less than 4. AUTHORS Hendrik Wolff SEE ALSO shikane(5), shikanectl(1) shikane 1.0.1 2025-03-04 shikane(1)