.TH "SharedREADME" "7bobcat" "2005\-2022" "libbobcat\-dev_6\&.02\&.02" "Bobcat Shared Memory README" .PP .SH "NAME" SharedREADME \- Description of Bobcat\(cq\&s shared memory classes .PP .SH "DESCRIPTION" .PP The following shared memory classes are available: .PP .IP o \fBSharedBlock\fP(3bobcat) .IP The class \fBSharedBlock\fP(3bobcat) defines a small object consisting of a \fBSharedMutex\fP and a (shared segment) id\&. If offers functionality to set and retrieve the id, and to lock and unlock the \fBSharedMutex\fP\&. \fBSharedBlock\fP objects are used by \fBSharedSegment\fP(3bobcat) objects to keep track of which segments actually contain the shared memory data\&. It\(cq\&s a bookkeeping helper class\&. .IP .IP o \fBSharedSegment\fP(3bobcat) .IP The class \fBSharedSegment\fP (cf\&. figure \fIimages/sharedsegment1\&.jpg\fP) interfaces to actual shared memory\&. Its main member function is the static member \fIcreate\fP, returning a pointer to a newly allocated \fISharedMemory\fP object\&. .IP The member \fIcreate\fP receives as its input parameters the number of blocks, the size of the segments allocated by \fBSharedSegment\fP, and the segment\(cq\&s access mode (as used by, e\&.g\&., \fBchmod\fP(1))\&. It returns a pointer to the allocated \fISharedSegment\fP, and its ID (set using a pointer to an \fIint\fP, passed as its first parameter)\&. .IP Although the \fBSharedSegment\fP class defines an array of a single \fBSharedBlock\fP(3bobcat) object, in fact it will contain \fId_nBlocks\fP \fBSharedBlock\fP objects\&. The member \fIcreate\fP first allocates a block of raw memory of the required total size\&. Next it initializes the first part of this raw, shared memory, using the \fISharedSegment\fP constructor and placement new\&. Next, the remaining amount of raw shared memory is initialized with \fId_nBlocks \- 1\fP \fBSharedBlock\fP objects, again using placement new (cf\&. figure \fIimages/sharedsegment2\&.jpg\fP)\&. .IP o \fBSharedPos\fP(3bobcat) .IP The class \fBSharedPos\fP(3bobcat) monitors position information in the shared memory segments managed by \fBSharedSegment\fP objects\&. \fBSharedPos\fP only has a default constructor, but offers a \fBreset\fP member receiving at construction time a pointer to a \fBSharedSegment\fP object\&. .IP .IP o \fBSharedMemory\fP(3bobcat) .IP The class \fBSharedMemory\fP(3bobcat) offers the standard interface to shared memory, defining members like \fIread, get, write\fP and \fIput\fP\&. It interfaces to a \fISharedSegment\fP object, and uses a \fISharedPos\fP object to keep track of the \fISharedMemory\(cq\&s\fP offsets\&. .IP A \fBSharedMemory\fP object itself resides in a program\(cq\&s working memory, and not in the computer\(cq\&s shared memory area\&. At any time the \fBSharedMemory\fP object only loads at most one actual block of the shared memory block managed by \fBSharedSegment\fP\&. The current position in the shared memory managed by \fBSharedSegment\fP is monitored by the \fBSharedMemory\fP\(cq\&s \fISharedBlock d_pos\fP member\&. .IP Following read/write operations the offset is updated accordingly\&. There\(cq\&s only one offset, which is used by \fI[IO]?SharedStream\fP objects when requesting or updating offsets\&. a \fBSharedMemory\fP object offers safeguards against inappropriate use\&. E\&.g\&., if no memory has been allocated yet it may thow exceptions\&. Also, offsets can never exceed the \fISharedMemory\(cq\&s\fP maximum possible offset\&. .IP .IP o \fBSharedMutex\fP(3bobcat) .IP The class \fBSharedMutex\fP implements a non\-recursive mutex that can be stored in shared memory\&. It merely offers \fIlock\fP and \fIunlock\fP members\&. Within one thread \fIlock\fP should never be called repeatedly unless \fIunlock\fP is called first\&. The \fIunlock\fP member may safely repeatedly be called; once the mutex has been unlocked, repeated requests to unlock the mutex are simply ignored\&. When a \fBSharedMutex\fP is destroyed it calls \fIunlock\fP\&. Use \fISharedMemory\(cq\&s install\fP member to define a \fBSharedMutex\fP object in shared memory, and use \fIptr\->~SharedMutex()\fP (with \fISharedMutex *ptr\fP pointing at the \fISharedMutex\fP object) to destroy it again\&. .IP .IP o \fBSharedCondition\fP(3bobcat) .IP The class \fBSharedCondition\fP implements a condition variable and an associated mutex, both created in shared memory controlled by a \fBSharedMemory\fP object\&. It offers all the functionality of \fIstd::condition_variable\fP\&. A \fBSharedCondition\fP object itself is defined in a thread\(cq\&s working memory, but interfaces to a \fI`Condition\(cq\&\fP object containing a condition variable and a mutex which are installed in shared memory\&. The size of this \fI`Condition\(cq\&\fP object is returned by the static member \fISharedCondition::size\fP\&. \fBSharedCondition\fP members ensure that the thread has access to the \fI`Condition\(cq\&\fP object, and that the shared memory\(cq\&s offset has not changed when returning from the \fBSharedCondition\(cq\&s\fP members\&. .IP .IP o \fBSharedBuf\fP(3bobcat) .IP The class \fBSharedBuf\fP implements a \fIstd::streambuf\fP specialization interfacing to a \fISharedMemory\fP object\&. In addition to a default constructor which is an empty stub the class offers constructors which immediately interface to a \fISharedMemory\fP object, as well as a member to (re)associate a \fBSharedBuf\fP object with a \fISharedMemory\fP object\&. .IP .IP o \fBSharedStream, ISharedStream, OSharedStream\fP(3bobcat) .IP These stream classes offer stream\-facilities operating on shared memory maintained by a \fISharedMemory\fP object\&. The \fBSharedStream\fP class uses the \fISharedMemory\(cq\&s seek\fP member for both \fIseekp\fP and \fIseekg\fP, and uses \fISharedMemory\(cq\&s offset\fP member for both \fItellp\fP and \fItellg\fP\&. All shared stream objects, including \fBISharedStream\fP, offer a member to initialize a \fISharedCondition\fP .IP An overview of currently defined shared memory segments is shown by the command \fIipcs \-ma\fP\&. To remove a defined shared memory segment the command \fIipcrm \-m \fP can be used, where \fI\fP is the shared memory segment\(cq\&s ID\&. .PP .SH "EXAMPLE" See the \fBsharedstream\fP(3bobcat) man page\&. .PP .SH "FILES" .PP Images referred to in this man\-page are located in the source distribution in \fIbobcat/documents/images\fP, or they can be found in the standard location of documentation files in your distribution (e\&.g\&., they are located in \fI/usr/share/doc/libbobcat5/images\fP)\&. .PP .SH "SEE ALSO" \fBbobcat\fP(7), \fBipcs\fP(1), \fBipcrm\fP(1), \fBisharedstream\fP(3bobcat), \fBosharedstream\fP(3bobcat), \fBsharedblock\fP(3bobcat), \fBsharedcondition\fP(3bobcat), \fBsharedmemory\fP(3bobcat), \fBsharedmutex\fP(3bobcat), \fBsharedpos\fP(3bobcat), \fBsharedsegment\fP(3bobcat), \fBsharedstream\fP(3bobcat), \fBsharedbuf\fP(3bobcat) .PP .SH "BUGS" None Reported\&. .PP .SH "BOBCAT PROJECT FILES" .PP .IP o \fIhttps://fbb\-git\&.gitlab\&.io/bobcat/\fP: gitlab project page; .IP o \fIbobcat_6\&.02\&.02\-x\&.dsc\fP: detached signature; .IP o \fIbobcat_6\&.02\&.02\-x\&.tar\&.gz\fP: source archive; .IP o \fIbobcat_6\&.02\&.02\-x_i386\&.changes\fP: change log; .IP o \fIlibbobcat1_6\&.02\&.02\-x_*\&.deb\fP: debian package containing the libraries; .IP o \fIlibbobcat1\-dev_6\&.02\&.02\-x_*\&.deb\fP: debian package containing the libraries, headers and manual pages; .PP .SH "BOBCAT" Bobcat is an acronym of `Brokken\(cq\&s Own Base Classes And Templates\(cq\&\&. .PP .SH "COPYRIGHT" This is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)\&. .PP .SH "AUTHOR" Frank B\&. Brokken (\fBf\&.b\&.brokken@rug\&.nl\fP)\&. .PP