TESTING/EIG/sget39.f(3) Library Functions Manual TESTING/EIG/sget39.f(3) NAME TESTING/EIG/sget39.f SYNOPSIS Functions/Subroutines subroutine sget39 (rmax, lmax, ninfo, knt) SGET39 Function/Subroutine Documentation subroutine sget39 (real rmax, integer lmax, integer ninfo, integer knt) SGET39 Purpose: SGET39 tests SLAQTR, a routine for solving the real or special complex quasi upper triangular system op(T)*p = scale*c, or op(T + iB)*(p+iq) = scale*(c+id), in real arithmetic. T is upper quasi-triangular. If it is complex, then the first diagonal block of T must be 1 by 1, B has the special structure B = [ b(1) b(2) ... b(n) ] [ w ] [ w ] [ . ] [ w ] op(A) = A or A', where A' denotes the conjugate transpose of the matrix A. On input, X = [ c ]. On output, X = [ p ]. [ d ] [ q ] Scale is an output less than or equal to 1, chosen to avoid overflow in X. This subroutine is specially designed for the condition number estimation in the eigenproblem routine STRSNA. The test code verifies that the following residual is order 1: ||(T+i*B)*(x1+i*x2) - scale*(d1+i*d2)|| ----------------------------------------- max(ulp*(||T||+||B||)*(||x1||+||x2||), (||T||+||B||)*smlnum/ulp, smlnum) (The (||T||+||B||)*smlnum/ulp term accounts for possible (gradual or nongradual) underflow in x1 and x2.) Parameters RMAX RMAX is REAL Value of the largest test ratio. LMAX LMAX is INTEGER Example number where largest test ratio achieved. NINFO NINFO is INTEGER Number of examples where INFO is nonzero. KNT KNT is INTEGER Total number of examples tested. Author Univ. of Tennessee Univ. of California Berkeley Univ. of Colorado Denver NAG Ltd. Definition at line 102 of file sget39.f. Author Generated automatically by Doxygen for LAPACK from the source code. LAPACK Version 3.12.0 TESTING/EIG/sget39.f(3)